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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Imagine if this forum would have a good search function... And imagine it would have a summary of 10-page threads. But maybe, now that AN publishes AI generated news, maybe they could have AI generated summaries. So instead of reading 10 pages with at least half the posts irrelevant maybe there could be a short summary. Now that would be nice.
  2. If you put the bank account numbers in the document, then I understand that you want to encrypt it. But the bank account number is not really necessary. If "you" have documents that you inherited everything from one person, then it's good enough to know the name of the bank. Then contact the bank with the necessary documents and they will find out the details.
  3. It is normal for governments to make laws, and something changes and later they make other laws, and it changes again. The problem in Thailand, and not only in Thailand, is the fact that it seems just someone has this idea "let's make a law" and then it is done without much or any research. Why was it legalized? The easy answer is maybe to get more tourists. Why do they think about making it illegal again: Because they didn't think clearly when they legalized it. There is a reason why many laws in many countries take a long time from the first idea to actually becoming a law. But with Thai politicians the way they are, there is not much hope that they do something which makes sense for Thais and Thailand.
  4. This seems to be a common question. How about: What do you want to talk about? I.e. I don't talk with my gf about politics, mathematics, rocket science and all those things. And I am not looking for a gf to talk about things like that. If I want to do that, I have friends. I talk with my gf about things in our daily life. Those are things everybody of any age can/does talk about.
  5. I think in general it helps in any country to have details about the assets. I.e. it is good to know someone has bank accounts with bank X and bank Y. Because otherwise maybe nobody knows that a person had a bank account with bank Z. In some countries there is no easy way to find out - I have no idea about this issue in Thailand.
  6. I saw a post I didn't agree with. I didn't get offended. Why should I get offended if someone has another opinion? I posted on that thread that I disagree for this or that reason. And others posted their opinion. A discussion started about the subject. People exchanged ideas and opinions. Isn't that the whole idea about a forum? And isn't that the business of forums to have many people discuss issues? Or do you want something like: I saw a post I agreed with. I posted right away that I agree. And then 3 more agreed. We all agree. Nobody disagreed. Is that what you want?
  7. Maybe Thais will learn that in 50 or 100 years, maybe never. Do you want to wait until they learned to drive properly? Or accept reality that they don't do this here and now.
  8. Why do some foreigners in Thailand still pretend the traffic rules from "home" apply? What he did was just stupid. As a rider of a bicycle or motorcycle it is a bad idea to try with a bus who is stronger. Don't do it! It doesn't matter who is wrong or who is right. Just don't do it!
  9. I guess it was mentioned already. It might be difficult to sell for a reasonable price in a reasonable time frame. I.e. in the building where I live are the same units for sale since many years, some of them for reasonable prices. It seems only few people are interested at all to buy. Probably there are just so many condominiums for sale and there are not enough buyers for all of them (maybe in general or maybe only in specific areas). I have not enough experience, but I would guess if you want to sell for a decent price, don't assume this will be done within a couple of months.
  10. It's always amazing how some people "think" a "model" is a good idea for investment advice.
  11. I think this and maybe other websites can give you a good idea about the prices. https://www.fazwaz.com/
  12. I guess part of the question is how oversized the AC is. In one apartment I had an AC which was just a little warmer than usual when it was time to clean it. In another apartment the AC was just not able to cool down the room anymore. It needed cleaning every couple of months.
  13. I recently bought a condominium in Bangkok in a 30 year old well enough maintained building and I renovated it from scratch (down to concrete, all new). I bought it to live there for the rest of my life. I did not buy it to make money. I bought it so that I can change it exactly the way I want it. I.e. I have non-slip tiles everywhere and for that reason I will never slip. Most (all?) condominiums have slippery tiles, even in the bathroom. I wanted to make sure I won't slip, even when I will be old and grey one day. I wanted one big room, and not several small rooms. And that is what I have now. Good sound isolation, and many other details. I am pretty sure I would not have been able to rent what I really want. So, I created it myself. Will I be able to sell it for what it cost me? Probably not, because it is according to my taste and not what others want. I also have and still work on home automation in that condominium. And I do it myself, I like projects like that. Most of this would not have been possible if I rent. If I would just want somewhere to live, and if I could easily find what I want, then probably I would rent. But in my case, buying and doing it the way I want it, is at least for me the better choice. Renovating it, however, was more stressful than I anticipated. Most Thais think different - to describe it friendly.
  14. I wonder who they want to impress with announcements like that. Does anybody in Thailand really think this will happen? Do they want to impress tourists with headlines like this? What's the point? Nothing will change. Because if they would really want change then they would have to change everything, and no official would keep his job. That will obviously never happen.
  15. "Deputy PM sets sights on taking down influential figures in Phuket" All of them or only the competition?
  16. About 10 interesting bars in Nana, maybe 7 more in Cowboy, then a trip to the beach and Soi 6, I guess after a couple of days 72 is achievable.
  17. Another case like that... Did the Thai lawmakers ever talk about changing this crazy law? If the guy published incorrect information, then I understand that the restaurant would want compensation - in a private lawsuit. This shouldn't be a criminal case. And obviously if people publish the truth, then that shouldn't be an issue at all. Did any politician or political party in Thailand ever suggest changing this?
  18. Once when we arrived back in Bangkok and walked out of the bus, the police stopped a friend. They found a little bag with some powder in his bag and made a big issue out of it. My friend knew it wasn't anything illegal, just a bag where he had (legal) tablets which he took regularly. It took maybe 10min and lots of talking before they let him go, without charge. In future trips he always left the bus early to avoid such trouble. That was years ago.
  19. And count your change when you buy your ticket(s). Ok, this happened years ago, but years ago it happened regularly. Maybe this is still happening. When I bought tickets at the counter in Ekkamai, I paid maybe with a 500B note. Let's just say as an example that my change should have been 250B. It happened more than once that they gave me maybe 150B change only. And only when I pointed that out then they added the rest of the change, maybe a hundred baht note. And every time it was like: We had this note on the table, sure we would have given it to you. But in reality, if you don't pay attention, there is a good chance that they don't give you the correct change.
  20. Thanks, that is an interesting point. Is it likely that those witnesses will be contacted?
  21. Thanks Is there a city hall like that in Bangkok? Any contact details?
  22. Yesterday I was at one of those meetings where some people talk in Thai and others in English. Some of what they say is then translated by one of the participants. But often there are parts which are not translated. I saw one guy who had an app running on his phone which showed text. I guess that was a translation, but I don't know, I was too far from him and couldn't ask him later. Do you know about such an app? In my case for Android. I searched in the Android shop yesterday and I found something for individual translation. That would work if one person talks, then the other looks at the text, and so on. That wouldn't be good enough for what I want. In my case the app should permanently translate what is said. One way. A Thai person talks and it should write in English what the person is saying, right at that moment. Any suggestions? Thanks
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