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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Never smoke in bed. The ashes that fall on the floor may be you.
  2. When you are young you think you are invincible. When I was in my 20's I hired scooters in Bali and Tahiti, never had a licence and never wore a helmet. I also bought a big bike in Spain that had been imported from the US, that I rode all over Spain and then the UK, still no licence or registration. I did buy a helmet in the UK though as they'd just become compulsory. Wonderful carefree, irresponsible days.
  3. Just how flexible is the question.
  4. I agree. It would be pointless on insisting you do the 2 years back in Oz to qualify for the OAP, only to spend months of that time back overseas (Thailand).
  5. How long can you be away during that 2 years without affecting the 2 year stay?
  6. Hey! I'm 80, I really don't give a rodents rectum who does what, but the money is where no govt. agency can get their hands on it. They can reduce my pension, who cares, I have more than enough to see me out, as will my partner when I'm gone. So scare tactics are wasted on me.
  7. Disregard. Restarted the PC and everything came back to normal.
  8. This is the message I'm getting on Torrent Galaxy now. Does this mean they are forcing me to get a VPN? I noticed on 1337X a similar thing, as soon as I try to download I get a message to buy a VPN.
  9. I said that I believed that C'link has no access to bank details anywhere in the world, the ATO may do in Australia but I doubt they do elsewhere.
  10. True or not, but I was told that C'link has no access to your bank accounts, they only know what you have if you tell them. The ATO may be different.
  11. My pension is paid into ANZ in Australia. Why would the Baht affect that payment? I understand that you get less Baht once the dollar is transferred.
  12. Nope, exactly 4 weeks since the previous payment.
  13. Why would my aged pension be $24 less this month than previous months? Nothing has changed re my income etc.
  14. Complete series available on TG.
  15. Good luck to them. I'm not hiding anything or asking for more money.
  16. I receive a part aged pension due to getting a pension from Comsuper, C'link also deem interest on money invested, which causes a further reduction in pension. I transferred all money from Australia to simplify my Thai partner getting access to the money when I die. It could take months or even years for her to get that money from Oz even though a will was in place. So now it's spread over several joint accounts here.
  17. Same assets, just different location.
  18. I have been transferring money regularly from Oz to Thailand for 14 years, am I supposed to notify C'link every time I do and what I spend my money on?
  19. I thought answering time was supposed to be a matter of seconds?
  20. No false declaration. I just showed that my ANZ account was now empty. There is nowhere to specify where the money has gone.
  21. There is no way to show online where the money has gone or why. Certainly never gave SCB details.
  22. I withdrew all my money from ANZ a few months back and transferred it to SCB Thailand. The bulk of that money had been in Term Deposits with ANZ, money that Centrelink was deeming and reducing my OAP accordingly. I went online to the Centrelink site and changed the details so it now read zero money with ANZ. However my pension payments have remained the same. Should they have increased?
  23. The new Panasonic android TV has both 2.0 and 3.0 USB ports.
  24. I've done the trip by train twice, and it's OK. You get a sleeper so at least half of the trip is spent sleeping, the rest is gazing out the window or reading a book. I've had a lot worse journeys, like a 12 hour trip in Vietnam by sleeper bus, that was a nightmare.
  25. Just 16-17 year old mentality.
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