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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. There's an old movie called Threads from 1984 about a nuclear holocaust devastating the UK. Considering it was a low budget "made for TV" movie, it's one of the best portrayals I've ever seen depicting the aftermath of a nuclear attack. Horrific. Available on TG now.
  2. Great movie. I also like Power of the Dog (not about dogs).
  3. OK thanks, worth a try.
  4. Like I said, laxatives are fine short term, but it's not good to use them too often. I'd rather try and get regular by using natural products daily.
  5. I've just ordered a kilo of dried prunes from Lazada. I do eat high fibre cereals like oat bran, Special K, porridge etc, all with a heap of mixed fresh fruit.
  6. I eat plenty of fruit and vegetables but at 82 I'm finding my bowels just aren't regular any more. Sometimes it's 3 or 4 days between poops. If I take some of the powdered "Posh Medica" brand of high fibre for constipation it really cleans me out, but not sure if regular use of that kind of product is a good idea. Appreciate any sensible suggestions to help with the problem.
  7. Getting it for free is pretty cost effective.
  8. Imagine how tired they would have been if the fight had been real.
  9. There's actually 9 episodes, available on PB.
  10. AFAIK there is only one series of 10 episodes. There's also another "Monsters" about Jeffrey Darmer.
  11. Can only find 3 episodes of "Monsters. The Lyle and Eric Mendendez Story", but there's supposed to be 10. Anyone know where I can find the complete series?
  12. I asked for recommendations for a good foot massage shop, simple as that. Find another post to troll.
  13. And are all massage shops providing exactly the same services or are some giving real massages only and some just a front for prostitution?
  14. Google is your friend.
  15. It has actors and it's already up to Season 6. You do know the difference between a documentary and a drama?
  16. I thought The Good Fight was a drama series, not a documentary.
  17. Not just Iraq. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/sep/11/yemen-child-bride-dies-wedding
  18. Very much different. The same employment opportunities may not exist in another country, there's also language barriers, visas etc.
  19. There's also the "complication" of supporting oneself after said move. What percentage of Americans of working age can afford to do it?
  20. Just ticking all the boxes.
  21. Had the Triton for 8 years and never had the engine cleaned. My local car wash offers this service and I assume they pressure wash it with water. Is this likely to cause any electrical problems?
  22. Having a bit of trouble with my feet so I'm after a genuine foot massage. I live on the dark side and don't know of any in this area but will go to wherever there is a good one.
  23. I found the 5 on Eztv.
  24. Thinking isn't their strong suit.
  25. He's 88, and still performing. Credit where it's due.
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