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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Wot?
  2. Outpatient April policy. Do you think they would pay as a day surgery for a thyroid FNA if presented as you describe?
  3. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087LX7TJN?pd_rd_i=B087LX7TJN&pf_rd_p=447af2c7-8480-46d8-b207-a023bae272a2&pf_rd_r=ZJFV7ZW1DNRPZX73P94F&pd_rd_wg=42Rrf&pd_rd_w=VdW3R&pd_rd_r=3786b124-5dcf-4086-9b57-fbb14c4342dd
  4. Butchers participating in this cosplaying exercise take tissue from the woman's arm and create a totally non-functional "penis".
  5. For USA citizens - I'm assuming that once one opens an account "as an expat" - i.e., using one's Thai address as the Home address - that such info goes to the 3 major Credit agencies, and if one tries to open a Credit Card or Bank Account after that, the banks will take that into consideration and the vast majority will not accept one as a new client (with brokerages most likely to still accept if they have International accounts). Have any of you who use your Thai address as your home address had any such experience? Or were you accepted for other accounts after opening an International account? I can imagine possible problems also for renewing a US Driver's License (but perhaps not).
  6. So far have not taken medication for my BPH - I'm putting off taking Tamsulosin HCL - 0.4 mg - Once daily. For a few months have been taking Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Berry Extract (standardized for 160 mg Fatty Acids) 640 mg; Saw Palmetto (berry) - 50 mg 690 total; and after about 2 months also started taking: Pygeum (bark extract) (Guaranteed to contain 6.5 mg {13%] total Plant Sterols) 50 mg Both of the above once per day. More recently taking 2 per day of each. Also ordered Stinging Nettles, waiting for it to arrive. Have you tried Herbal remedies such as these for BPH/Prostate/Urination issues? If so, would be very interested to know what results you have had. If possible also, could you include what you took, the dosages, how often and for how long, and any other helpful info you recall. I have had no changes positive or negative that I am aware of but will continue for awhile more and see if including the Nettles makes a difference. Thank you.
  7. @Pumpuynarak "...the meds i'm taking are not really doing anything positive." What meds were you taking?
  8. @IAMHERE - Thank you for your OP sharing your situation. I find several aspects of it a bit alarming: "I kept an address in Florida at my BIL but I'm guessing that's not good enough." I'm assuming BIL= Brother In Law, and it was an actual Residential address. Is that correct? If so, like yourself I'm also wondering what made them single you out. "I expect they 'caught' me because they looked at my withdrawals over the last 20 months or so and all of them were from Thailand. Maybe just bad luck, a new program analytic, or noticed I'd also sent two wires to a Thai bank in the last year." If you wouldn't mind sharing a little more info: Were the 2 wires you mention the only times you did an international wire to Thailand from your Schwab account? For the last 20 months which you mention, did you do ATM withdrawals in Thailand at least monthly? Several times a month? I tend to use the same ATM when I do my withdrawals in Thailand. Were you using (at least mostly) the same ATM?
  9. @IAMHERE - "Please confirm your primary residence within 60 days in one of the following ways:" Could you please post that section of the letter detailing the ways to confirm?
  10. Interesting thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1281937-brokerage-firm-for-stocks-and-iras-american-schwab-wants-to-disown-me-for-being-expat/page/2/
  11. CM badly needs a grafitti cleanup. Start fining property owners. Check back in.30 days, if not repainted have the city do it and charge the property owner all expenses, a healthy service fee, plus a large fine. Grafitti turns any property into a slum.
  12. I've been using Wittawat at Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai. I'm going to look for another CM Urologist to get a 2nd opinion on some questions I have but have had no issues with Wittawat. Also see the pinned Dr. recommendations at top of the CM subforum.
  13. Agree re: Asking Imm. to help you contact her. Excellent suggestion.
  14. Sociologists and psychologists would have a field day analyzing the fruit flies this and similar threads draw - people with no skin in the game yet truly obsessed with those who do. Do these mooks write their own traffic tickets?
  15. I am always waiting outside for them. (Same with cars arriving for rides). If it's an app that doesn't accept cc, I always have exact change. I don't know how much time they spend a day waiting for people but I feel I'm making the delivery easy as possible for them.
  16. PE charges no State Tax if you ship to their OR warehouse. But some negatives also if one chooses that.
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