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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. What makes you think things would be different as a republic? Not sure the UK having another form of government would be any better than what we already have. Look at Putin, Musharraf, Erdogan, Chavez for a start. All made themselves President for life.. Even Trump has shown the weaknesses in the American system.
  2. Not sure the cauliflower ears, broken noses and lost teeth will be a great look for women in their future. But why not? Women want equality. If they want to fight, let them.
  3. All the hospitals that I have used here in Thailand usually have a website, and a 'Find a Doctor' option. Here one can usually see the different departments, doctor's education, speciality etc. So it is possible to find several specialists in a chosen field, choose one and make an appointment to see them.
  4. The scourge of having a keyless system. It has happened to me so many times on my PCX, I have lost count. It's not that I don't turn off the ignition. The switch seems to go so far, then won't go any further unless you wait a second or two. Really annoying. If you don't turn the switch off properly, the battery will drain and yes, the ignition switch will lock. I sold my previous PCX because the battery kept going flat every time I left the bike for three or four days. I thought there must have been a short. The person I sold it to has never had any problems. I even used to turn off the remote, but always the same. As blackcab posted. If similar to the PCX, look for a small removable panel near the ignition key. Remove that, and you can use the plastic emergency thingy to open the seat to access the battery. It might be worth keeping some jump leads for such occasions. Or buy a battery charger. Saves a lot of time and hassle.
  5. There seems to be a severe shortage of Canon printer ink cartridges. Probably due to global conditions. it took ages ordering my last lot several months ago, and now cannot find them anywhere. Found some non OEM ones on Lazada, but wary of buying them as the original ones have a chip in them to detect they are original. The printer won't even accept another same shape, same size Canon black ink cartridge from another printer. Anyone know where I might try to get some? Already tried Invadeit. TIA
  6. Is it like a large tray? There to protect an oil cooler? Similar to the car radiator. It is probable OK to drive, but if there is an oil cooler, the fins could get damaged by stones or get clogged with dirt, leaves etc.
  7. That must be how some of those old guys feel when walking down the street and some hottie shouts, "Hello hansum man! I go with you tonight!" ????
  8. Maybe they took too much blood.
  9. The only thing that I can think of is that I had a motorbike accident about three years ago. We clashed heads (helmets). It could have been the impact that caused it. Never had any symptoms. Then about nine months ago I started to see 'floaters' in my eye. Put it down to old age, but when I mentioned it to the doctor, she started looking at my retinas.
  10. Was going to be in Bangkok anyway, so booked an appointment at Rutnin to get my eyes tested. Finding it difficult lately to read on both phone and computer screen. All went pretty smoothly from registration, through vision accuity tests. Told I needed reading glasses and they will give me a prescription. Then sent to see the doctor. Quite a long wait. About two hours. All the time I was checking my watch as I had a return flight to Samui booked for 17:45. Given drops in eyes, then in to see the doctor. Picked up an abnormality in one optic nerve so sent for Glaucoma test (Negative). Then inspected my retinas and told me that I had two tears that needed to be fixed urgently to prevent detachment. Was sent to laser clinic, given more eye drops and a retina specialist came and did the laser repairs straight away. After paying the bill, vision still slightly blurred from the drops, I walked to Makkasan and took the airport train. Rushed through the airport and still managed to catch my flight home. Got to return next month to check results. Was impressed with how quickly I was treated. From diagnosis to start of treatment must have been under twenty minutes.
  11. I haven't done one for several years now. The last time I went there, they stapled a piece of paper in my passport saying that I have registered my place of address with them. That seems to be good enough. No more questions ever asked as I must be 'in their system' now.
  12. Maybe the parents should all send their children to other schools. No money coming in and possible loss of face and he might change his tune.
  13. if they want to catch this criminal so called monk, why have they blurred out his face in the picture from the CCTV footage? Crazy!
  14. I woke this morning to this very sad news. Queen before I was born. A great lady, a great Monarch. We can see by the outpouring of grief and the messages of condolence from around the world, how much she was respected and loved. Rest In Peace Your Majesty.
  15. There are app s for the iphone for that. Not sure how accurate they are though.
  16. If you don't mind me asking, What do you mean by UK exit status? What did he file? I just upped and left. Didn't tell anyone.
  17. My bank did a recent check on me and asked me if I was UK tax resident. I lied and said yes. Hope it doesn't come beck to bite me on the a***. Have not lived there for almost seven years now. I do use a UK address for the account though. I think you will find it very difficult to open a UK account nowadays without several documents proving you live there. e.g. Utility Bills, Council Tax bill, UK driving licence.
  18. I don't know what equipment they use, but it might be an idea to check out Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok. I have an appointment there myself next week. Never been before.
  19. How does the Sun rise and set on a flat Earth? How far do I have to dig to come out the other side? Are miners in any danger of falling into space? Why doesn't this so called Antarctic ice barrier melt and run off the edge? Where does the Arctic fit into all this? Have Aussies always been wrong about being Down Under? What type of cheese is the Moon made of?
  20. Why would I want to get close to you? You posted a question in the Pub Community forum and I answered. At the same time trying to prove a point. After lots of posts, it's often easy to guess someone's origin. So I was wrong with your's, but by your own admission you do your best to give a wrong impression.
  21. I am pretty sure that in the last 500,000 words that I have written on AseanNow / Thaivisa, if they indeed amount to anywhere near that number. I must have revealed where I am from several times. One would have to make a conscious effort not to do so, and avoid giving opinions or posting on threads covering many subjects. If you wish to hide your origins and level of level of education, and try to feign being functionally illiterate, that is your choice. But it seems like a lot of work on public forums over something that would not be of interest to .most people. I can understand if you wish to hide your country of origin. But the rest? what is the point? Here on this website, it is easy to guess many member's nationality without even reading any posts. Just look at their usernames. As for you. I would guess over 60. Well educated, well travelled with time on their hands. Nationality English first. Either American or Canadian second. Am I close?
  22. Eveb BitKub periodically redoes KYC. I know as am currently prevented from trading while waiting approval once again. They have even asked me to do a "Suitability Test".
  23. While not meaning to denigrate ladyboys, if its stimulating conversation you want, you might need to widen your target demoographic. If not, don't leave any gold chains lying around.
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