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Everything posted by ABCDBKK



    If you were smart you’d get a tattoo of a $100 bill on your bait and tackle. Chicks love to blow money innit.


    It's literally that small?


    Don't be so hard on them. These are women with bad memories and they are making "notes to self".
  4. Chances are he would get kicked out for speaking 2 words in poorly pronounced Thai. 😂
  5. Intended sarcasm. But whatever it is or isn't, even at 8%, if you took 100 grams of that and boiled it up in a cup of oil for 4 hours then you should get some pretty strong oil that would kick pretty hard. Fun facts about KD: KD Koh Tao is a sativa-dominant strain that originated from the island of Koh Tao in Thailand. It is a landrace strain, meaning that it is a pure, unaltered strain that has been cultivated for generations in its natural environment. Landrace strains are known for their unique genetic makeup, which is a result of adapting to their specific environmental conditions over time. In fairness to both camps, there is evidence to suggest that KD Koh Tao may actually be one of the earliest hybrids developed in Thailand. At this point with many centuries of its cultivation on the small island, hybridisation is quite likely, even if only with other Southeast Asian landrace strains. The strain is believed to have been smuggled out of Thailand in the 1970s by a group of cannabis enthusiasts who wanted to preserve its genetics. It is believed that the strain was then propagated in the United States and Europe, where it gained popularity among cannabis enthusiasts. Source: https://ganjagoats.com/kd-koh-tao-a-comprehensive-guide/
  6. With 30% THC, one hit of this kryptonite should have you crippled for days. Better have a medic on standby just in case!
  7. Once a month we get a rehash of this same, boring, scare-mongering type article from the local media over and over again. Never any new information because nothing has changed nor will it for at least another 6-7 months, if ever at all. By then there could be a political reshuffle and the issue get back-burnered for even longer. If it was such a real concern for the government then they would have changed something already by now. You’ve also got a situation where personal debt in the country is spiraling out of control and so nobody is going to flush a flourishing billion dollar cannabis industry right down the toilet.
  8. I normally don’t waste time responding to boring posts wining about the smell, but this will be my one and only outing on this silly subject. So, if the cannabis debate was really about where you can and can’t consume it then nobody who uses cannabis would really care if it became prohibited to consume it in certain public places. I never use it in a way that causes anyone any annoyance anyway. The real debate is whether they start fining people at least 60,000 Baht, and/or possibly putting them in jail for simply consuming it without the right paperwork, thus causing the whole industry to go back underground. That’s what really on the table. The smell of it isn’t the topic of concern du jour and those who do smoke it and live in Thailand are surely happy to comply with any limitations on where it can be consumed.
  9. 10 More Missing Categories: No money for plane ticket home Great place to meet foreign fugitives Studying Muay Thai Addicted to street noodles and M-150 Abundance of tropical diseases The Nana/Cowboy/Patpong trifecta Learning Thai language The Monkhood TM.47 Lover Foot massage freak
  10. ฉันล่อกระเทย Well done mate. Hey, don't worry, 2 a year don't make you queer innit.
  11. 10 Missing Categories: Too lazy to move Nowhere else to go The least path of resistance Low hassle factor Cheap weed Convenient Affordable cost-of-living Addicted to toilet hoses Don't need to own a car Hub of everything
  12. What they are doing is called called "know your customer" procedures, also known as KYC. All KYC are just simply anti-money laundering procedures. Also, Wise is a financial services company registered in Belgium. So they operate under European banking law. Because of that, they can ask you anything they want about your personal finances, and, if you question their invasive means and methods, they will say that they're just complying with European banking rules. Your other option is to just close your account and stop doing business with them.
  13. The guy was suffering from "are you in yet syndrome" and was trying to "stiffen up" his game. 🤣
  14. I love Tinder. Best thing ever for Bangkok. I posted pictures of me next to a Mercedes wearing a chefs hat in a wheelchair with a British flag draped over me and a cute little Shih Tzu sitting on my lap and with a big smile so she can see my pearly white veneers. My profile says: "68, rich, retired, single, generous, and lonely looking for a wife who doesn't want to work and likes to be treated like a princess". When they contact me I tell them it isn't so easy for me to get around so it's best to meet at my condo on Thonglor (a cheap daily rental from AirBnb) and I will cook them the best Thai dinner they ever had. When they arrive they tell me I look so much younger than 68, well, because I am for FFS! I tell them I am also recovered now from my fall on the golf course so I no longer need the wheelchair. Then I tell them my stove just broke so I order in some cheap noodles via LINE Man. Then I pop a bottle of cheap red wine and ask if they can massage my legs, and, before you know it, rover takes over. If they are good at doing the tube steak boogie then I at least give them cab money to get home when I toss them out. Then I block them on LINE and rinse and repeat a few days later. Not sure what your issue is, but for me it works like the bees knees mate. Best thing is me missus and the kids never find out. If you need any tips on how to hump and dump them hooligan style then just let me know bruv!
  15. Who would want to be in the safest country during WW3? Not me. I want to be in whatever country the nukes drop first. I want to go out with the first wave. I don't want to possibly survive and live in some post apocalyptic dystopian sh*thole of a planet.
  16. I think they only sell via message using the LINE App. Here is their LINE: https://line.me/R/ti/p/@ca08
  17. Give the guy a break. He read all the posts and learned that his wife is unhappy, that she has a Thai boyfriend, that she is thinking about leaving him, that she may only get heavier as time goes on, that she may develop a chronic disease related to obesity, and that she doesn't like his cooking. He's got a lot to digest bro.
  18. 10 Grams of Mimosa or Cookies Gelato Cannabis - 300 Baht 1 Mason Jar - 80 Baht 210ML of MCT Oil - 175 Baht 1 Stainless Steel Boiling Pot - 300 Baht 1,000ML of Bottled Water - 15 Baht 4 Hours of Electricity - 25 Baht 1 Pl0nker banging on about something he knows nothing about - PRICELESS! 😂🤣😝
  19. All kidding aside, the increased weight is a result of a sedentary lifestyle, slowing of metabolism with age, and bad dietary choices. Going to the gym will probably change very little if anything. 80% of weight loss results from making the right food choices and creating a caloric deficit. There are also serious health risks associated with her current lifestyle if her weight continues to increase. Type 2 Diabetes is the number one threat from high sugar diets that plagues a huge percentage of the Thai population already. Followed by possible coronary related issues. The best thing you can do is hire a maid to cook the kind of things she likes to eat, but in a healthier way with less calories and less sugar. Or order multiple meals every 3-4 days from one of those healthy-meal online meal delivery services. That is probably your only chance in getting her to lose a noticeable amount of weight. If you can get her to start doing some exercise, that would be a good thing though. It probably won't change her appearance much, but it will help prevent other issues in the future such as heart disease.
  20. It's always better to rent than to own to avoid situations like these. But now you got two Thai women for the price of one. So just p0rnhub it and chill bro.
  21. Two bald, middle aged, single, lonely working class knobs from the UK coming over to Thailand to get a leg over. WOW, what an amazing coincidence. Who would have thunked there could be such a thing??? They might have even shared some of the same women by now. The real question though is how many houses have they built in the northeast with their own money that neither of them own? If turns out they have both paid to build houses in the same village in Bootyram, now that would be a true foonkin coincidence innit matey.
  22. Why not buy some high quality weed and make your own cannabis oil from it? You'll also know exactly what is in it that way as opposed to some mystery gummy.
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