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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Never a truer word said. I noticed that many are always demanding links, as if a link (western msm of course) is the gospel truth. They don’t seem to realise that a lot of links are nothing more than propaganda from western funded think tanks or reports by journalists citing unnamed sources. Any links that doesn’t fit with their narrative is of course discredited as Russian propaganda. Second only in demand for their western links are the flames and insults. Have you noticed that they almost never address any serious talking points, preferring only to insult and intimidate by sheer numbers?
  2. I didn’t realise that Bhutan was an ASEAN member. Forgive my ignorance…🙄
  3. You are free to interpret things any way you like. What I know is that Russia is in control of the 4 eastern oblasts and are advancing daily towards Kiev and Odessa.
  4. Practically every country in the world, America included, recognises Taiwan as a province of China. Japan had invaded Taiwan during the 2nd WW but returned it to China after their defeat. The KMT party, led by CKS, retreated to Taiwan as they were losing the civil war. Both sides maintain that there is only one China, not Teo Chinas or one China, one Taiwan. China would like to reunify with Taiwan; after all, over 90% of the Taiwanese are Han Chinese. There are some in Taiwan who wants the same. Even the members and leadership of the KMT wants closer relations leading to possible reunification in the future. There is almost never 100% consensus on national matters. The majority of the Taiwanese prefer the status quo which is also acceptable to China. There is a minority however that wishes to separate from China which is one of China’s red line. Knowing this, America’s actions in selling arms to the DPP, stationing troops a few kms from China’s borders and training the Taiwanese army are what’s actually threatening Taiwan’s security. Why is America interfering in another sovereign country’s internal affairs. Sorry, that was a rhetorical question. America is well known for sowing discontent around the world. Chaos is good for (arms sales) business and we all know the influence the MIC has in America. Agree or disagree, most of the world sees it this way.
  5. Ukraine, with the aid of the best military minds the west has to offer, an army trained by NATO, together with billions of dollars worth of equipment and weapons failed spectacularly in their counter offensive, losing more ground than they captured. Since the conflict began, Russia has advanced slowly but surely, capturing up to 18% of Ukraine’s pre-conflict territory. Sounds to me that they are rather competent.
  6. If you had a genuine question, I’m sure you will get no shortage of answers here. Some questions will have matter of fact answers for eg, how many kms Cana fully charges BYD Seal do in the real world? Others may be more subjective such as is the Neta V a better for value money vehicle compared to similarly priced ICEVs and why. Yet others could be more thought provoking like I can’t charge at home, can I live conveniently with an EV? All these questions will be answered truthfully without exaggerations as I believe the majority of EV owners are genuinely helpful and will share their real life experiences. So play proper and you will be treated with the respect you deserve.
  7. Plenty of folks who are interested in learning about EVs, myself included, have come on here and learned loads. Some however come on merely to troll Personally, I love a good troll but some posters are so incompetent as to try it with false information, making themselves look foolish and ridiculous in the process and then digging even deeper when called out. Sound familiar?
  8. There is the Power of Siberia and construction of Power of Siberia 2 is expected to commence sometime this year.
  9. I don’t know what Putin propagandists would love. Do you have a link? The longer the conflict goes on, the better for my personal circumstances.
  10. Everyone is free to post in any thread. But when you post wrong and false information, don’t be surprised when you get called out and your ignorance shines through. Commenting on a topic you know absolutely nothing about doesn’t raise your reputation or credibility.
  11. If you bought a Chinese made hearing aid, you might be able to hear them lol.
  12. I love public holidays, except for those that falls on a weekend. No off peak rates for those holidays.
  13. I see all ASEAN countries with the exception of that vassal state, PH, having excellent relationships with China and growing investments. There are some territorial disputes among all these countries, with China AND with each other. No one is going to war or preparing to go to war on this.
  14. Well, if the sanctions are working, then the west won’t have anything to worry about, right? Just sit back and let the Ruble be rubble, there won’t be any money to buy washing machines or shovels, there will be a colour revolution, Putin will be overthrown and there will be peace in Europe. Excuse me a minute while I go out to buy a lottery ticket.
  15. Still being investigated, yeah sure. No one knows who blew it up, yes, sure. In the immediate aftermath, the west predictably blamed Russia, with the possible exception of the current Polish FM, Radosław “Thank you America” Sikorski, without realising how ridiculous such a claim actually is. Since then of course, they have quietly walked back this claim to the point that even the UN cannot get consensus to investigate. How strange. Russia, the prime suspect, wants the UN to investigate but the collective west doesn’t. If you don’t smell a rat, did you catch Covid?
  16. Countries around the world have had enough of America’s bullying and are taking concrete actions. In spite of numerous requests by China for America to honour their words and agreements, America insists on meddling in China’s internal affairs and provoking China into taking military action. This is what’s causing the so called tensions.
  17. As I mentioned earlier, in my friend’s case, they were asking for Thb 100k, guaranteed water. I’m not sure if he would have to obtain permission from the amphur or just the land owner. Probably both. We were told that someone paid Thb 180k further up the hillside. This is in Phrao which is quite an elevated area so I guess they were having to dig really deep.
  18. Thanks a million. Very useful information and I have learnt a lot more.
  19. Hmm. You edited your post after I had replied to it so I did not address your other points. The US urged Ukraine to stop but did not directly instruct them to do so, so in that sense, you are correct. What’s the strategic objective behind destroying a piece of civilian structure like the Kerch Bridge? Do you think this will distress the Russian population to the point that they will overthrow Putin? The NS pipelines, which in my opinion is a far more important asset, was sabotaged and blown up. This in my opinion, garnered even more support for Putin as, at least in the case of my ex Russian girlfriend, made her angrier at the west. Blowing up the Kerch Bridge would, imo, increase support for Putin.
  20. Would love to but all my links are from independent and unapproved sources. I find approved sources like western msm only carries one side of the story. Even a judge won’t be able to get to the truth if he only listens to one party.
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