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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. ,24 hours in detention with the bucket and 30 cellmate the blacklist
  2. They did this at Khu Kot BTS and man, has it made a difference. The street getting to the stairs used to be a jungle of bikes. BTS signed it and told them the rules and now it is a clear area that is really well maintained. Not even many people allowed to sell anything there as well
  3. Different rules and monitor. How many taxi drivers have you heard of or have you reported for doing that, Most of us just get out of the cab.
  4. You need remember that the teachers of today were the bullies and pretty people of thepast. iN THIS COUNTRY IT IS EVEN MORE OBVIOUS THAT THOSE THAT CAN DO AND THOSE THAT COULDNOT GET A GOOD JOB TEACH
  5. They have been on that kick longer than most of us have been here LOL The trouble is the corruption in the contracts. Also, and I am sure people will correct me, but are not some of the buses sort of contracted or private ownership so that if they replace the bus, the driver of the old bus loses his job?
  6. Just wondering if we will see the strings or if she is like Kermit and miss piggy a muppet.
  7. The more he talks the more people are seeing how ineffective his daughter is. He sad thing is that even if she survives to go to the next election she is not going ot be PM. It also means that she is going to be treated worse than if she was Biden because she has no power or brain. Can you imagine a conversation with any of the other AEAN leaders. Laos: we wouldike to make a deal on rice can. PM one minute I need to get my line app and get Dad on the line, sorry.
  8. Is it kidnapping and crime. Sorry, they have that in China. I have to think that it has more to do with a crapy economy
  9. If you owe nothing, then why not just submit the paperwork and get it done? Honestly, if they can figure out how to use the tax form for the immigration funds, it might be a good thing, LOL. Then again TIT DON'T YOU NEED TO HAVE TAX SUBMISSIONS FOR PERM RES
  10. But there is no name or so to prove that the person is here more than 180 would be impossible without a lot of international work and your home bank giving your info.
  11. It has verylittle to do with where a person lives GypsyT i hear you but what I am talking but is the desire to put all fairs at 20 baht not where they are now. The present rate reduces the number of people. However, this free BTS this week is giving people a chance to see what it will be like if the fee is lowered to 20 baht. It is not pretty LOL. For a lot of people it depends on where you get on the train. Presently If I am at Siam and going to Khu Kot, I take the train to NANA get on there, and by the time it gets back to Siam, I might have a seat. Last night, I was at Terminal 21 and people were lined up almost to Terminal 21 waiting to get a ticket and board. The platform was jammed. If this is the way of the future I think that they are going to find that people will go back to the minivans.
  12. BTS does not go anywhere near chinatown but it is interesting to note that Sat and Sunday were the 2 highes pm2.5 days last week. No matter what though the 20 baht fair is not going to work for people because there are other options. Also add in that many of the stops that have parking donot have enough for all the cars that presently go there. That is another pain for people.
  13. The present DNC will never allow Witner and especially Shapiro to lead them. They are mainstream and not liberal enough for the presentr DNC. That is why we had Walz as VP conender. The DNC has only one possible chance, and that is if TRUMP TANKS, which he did not do last time and will probably do this time. As to the next contender from the GOP, it is going to be someone who will continue all the good things Trump is going to do. Also, do not expect TRUMP to do what Obama did and sit on the sidelines. He will still hold rallies and campaign for whoever is chosen. As long as OAC and her crew are around and the left keeps pushing abortion rights and LGBTQ rights and protecting the smelt over providing water to farmers. They are in trouble. Also, do not forget the Biden effect. Joe is going to hurt them for a while. Too many people said that Joe was great and sane and strong. Then there is the corruption that happened, along with the great DNC leader saying he would not pardon his family. While the DNC really does not have a leader the GOP has many that could step in and take the reins from trump and do what he is doing.
  14. Consideer this GTA in ontario canada has a pm2-5 problem and they do not burn any crops in Canada 1'3 times what is safe https://www.iqair.com/th-en/canada/ontario/toronto?srsltid=AfmBOoo4UVwtYKTbfYs1eKKz9WxvmdNUV3OuqLUkf1ymONkltVF56tIm London england 1.2 times what is supposedly safe NYC https://www.iqair.com/th-en/usa/new-york/new-york-city https://www.iqair.com/th-en/uk/england/london These are all countries that currently have lots of precipitation that can absorb the particles but is still over. What is the common denominator ? Too many people, too many cars, too many vehicles. Yes, Thailand has a problem with burning fields, and they do get some of the crop from other countries, but would that solve the problem? NO,, they have to find a way to get more vehicles out of the city. Easier said than done. More trains and lower fees is not going to solve it. Most people are still going to drive their kids to school; they are going to drive to work because it is convenient in their minds, and they do not want to be a sardine crammed into the BTS can. Is there a solution I am not sure. I think that the main thing is to educate people. Start with the farmers in Issaan or some area. Show them a method that does not cost them money that can do the same thing as burning their crops. Remember, most of these people do not have the money to buy any chemicals and have been taught that burning fields is the best thing. BANGKOK https://www.iqair.com/th-en/thailand/bangkok
  15. There is always a problem it is just ath this time of year it gets worse and yes part of it is farmers but you are never going to get a Laos farmer to stop setting fire because it upsets thai's But normally we have wind I agree that there are times it gets worse but the main problem all year round is teh traffic. If you go to NANA BTS and sit under the station, you will see what I mean. It is the sme at any stationthat has high buildings on either side.
  16. Bangkok is pollution caused by the number of vehicles the poor quality of vehicles and the lack of enforcement LOL can you imgine ASEAN trying to set a policy and enforce it BUDDY HOLLY'S SONG COMES TO MIND THAT'LL BE THE DAY
  17. The challenge is that the people would complain that they can not get to where they work and sell their products. The main areas in BKK for the problem are factories and along the BTS line because there is no where for fumes to go it is like being in a bottle.
  18. I take it you did not use it this weekend. how are you finding it today and as the week goes on.
  19. LOL, I am not sure you have taken the BTS from a starting point at 6. The BTS starts, and in Khu Kot, to get a seat, you usually have to wait for one train, which is not a hassle. By the 3rd stop it is full, with the normal fee. The challenge is ot going to work but for people who are in the city wanting to go home or students after school. Starting points are easy. MorChit, when it was the first stop, was great, but as soon as they opened Lad Phrao it started to get crazy.
  20. no, I've actually been here long enough that my Thai brain kicks in. Also found it interesting the GF stated that she was going to go back to the minivans this week as they are cheaper and less crowded. Thais will accept the long wait only because, just as in NYC or any large city, they have no alternative unless they drive or take a minivan
  21. THAIS, everybody and their sister were out on Saturday from 1-4, which is usually busy but not that busy. The BTS at 7pm was also packed
  22. No need for the gofundme but that will mean 2 less San Miguel 😭 this week
  23. sounds like I am going to have to print out my bank statement every month going forward As to last year have to go to KK bank to get it as online will only give me 6 months
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