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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. It is only violence if done wrong. For me it was noted before I did anything it was called here is the crime and here is the punishment you get. Violence is someone walking up and hitting you out of the blue, It was also never the first punishment, It was used as a last resort. unless the crime warranted it ie fighting in school. Yes I used corporal punishement along with removing rights and privileges. I found that a tap on the but with out and daughter was throwing a tantrum usually got the necessary result, NOT I SAID TAP ON THE BUT not hit,
  2. I take it none of the people that complain that violence solves nothing ever got a spanking or a smack from their dad. OP what would be your suggestion realizing that a. parents don't care b. school will pass somchai even if he causes trouble every day c. Giving extra homework is a joke as they don't do their normal homework d. you can not give them detention as that means a Thai teacher has to work late and their parents or minibus will not wait for them What I can tell you is that for decades if not centuries, parents giving their kids love taps on the backside was very effective. Teachers having the strap, ruler or yardstick and judiciously using it when necessary was quite effective. Up until the 90's when all hell broke lose and now look at the snowflakes that we have. You can not punish a student, you can not fail a student, you can not give out first second and third prizes, and you are not allowed to keep score in games ( i can tell you that the kids still do in their heads). If you are a guy and can not make it as a guy in sports, you can say hey I am going to become a girl and enter the girls meets. Teachers are getting beat up in classrooms. Yeah pacifism is really working.
  3. ??????
  4. I thought that the high speed was supposed to hook up withe the bts at DMK and that was why they had the extry areas built.
  5. The problem is that it is the non Thai Asians that 3and 4star hotels need to hire.
  6. Restaurant owners complain about other restaurants all the time. Dated a girl in Pat's that went ballistic if I even picked up a bottle that was on a table. She was doing well and all one of the other shops had to do was call customs and report a farang picking up dishes and she would tto go through all the customs bs
  7. 2 things that they never say in these reports are what the student did to warrant the smack and yes why there are phones in class. Teachers do nt just go around slapping students there is usually a reason for it. There is no means of punishing or getting the student's attention. Again all those that say she should be charged and thrown in jail after being quartered. What is your solution when a child continually wants to be the class idiot.
  8. I feel sorry for the bank staff. I am willing to be that the daughter gave them a song and dance about needing access so that she could help her aging sick mom and the staff were naive enough to fall for it. There is a reason tht athere are rules and procedures in business. This is what happens when they are not followed. Sorry can not help but see the manager if you want should have been the answer. Then let the manager swing.
  9. Wheree are the ones parked on the side of soi recharging and how is that done.
  10. When I came here in 2010 i was not sure of the process for retirement extension so went to SIAM Legal. Talked to people ther and got advice they told me what needed to be done and that as I lived in PT they could not help me unless i wanted to pay extra. paid for their verbal assistance and did it al myself. Have since found Thaivisa and Ubonjoe and Jack and still do it myself quick easy and usually done in less than an hour.
  11. But do they vote or did they miss it. Knew a few stoners in Canada who never voted too high to come down lol
  12. You knew pprp was not going to let him go quietly. This could be the end even before the elections as he will not have a party so can not be PM
  13. First clue he tried to get a female pretty drunk to have sex besides that I am pretty sure consensual sex and prison sex are a little different.
  14. You have been in Thailand too long. So you are saying that a girl working at the big car show wants to get wasted and that she is a prostitute. Many if these girls both in Canada and here do it to pay for their university. A bar girl is a completely different girl than a hostess or model.. One is a prostitute and us in the business of selling her body for sex. Hostesses are at professional business functions Models are there to sell a dress it a product not themselves. Pretties are in an area that I admit confused me but no one should be caused to get drunk so that horny men can take advantage of them.
  15. The Dr told me You know the famous Dr Hook
  16. The problem is that until they set up real training with real to instructor it will be difficult. Thailand is at the same level as Canada was in the 50's and the U.S. was with conscription in the 60's The only people they are going to get are kids that have no education other than mandatory pass. If they have the right training it is a great idea. Then again if the conscription was at 17 years if age to get the kids that drop out after m3 it would be y great way to get them skills.
  17. Enforce stricter rules. Like I said instead of fining impound the bikes. Make people have to make other arrangements. Imagine somchai doing home and tell mom police have bike until you and dad go to get it and show receipt for new helmet. License and insurance.
  18. Option 1. Do what ubonjoe said Option 2 action option 1 or xry
  19. They also set up the road checks in Rangsit and we are north of BKK.
  20. OP did you have kids? Yes we can teach them and yes when we see them we can stop them BUT they all like to play with what they can see. Remember toy soldiers and such. While education is great the best method is not to buy this <deleted> and not leave things that are small where little hands can reach them.
  21. There is a big difference between Hostesses models and prostitutes. Models and hosts have been around for centuries. The difference is that these girls are well trained and are hired not to drink and more to act as eye candy and get the customers involved in the products. If a model or hostess imbibes too much they are fired and never work again. The challenge is the Pretty girls and the way that ladies operate here. thitma (her Instagram page is still open) sold herself as a sexual thing. She played with fire in that most Thai men do not know the difference and have very little respect for women who parade around or publish pictures of themselves in lingerie. As to getting drunk yes, normally it is difficult, but we all know that there are liquors that are relatively tasteless especially mixed with coke or orange juice. Also some of them taste pretty good. If your plan is to get a person that does not drink a lot drunk it is not hard to do.
  22. I take you never went to a bachelor party in Canada or the U.S. The girls that I know were hired from the club and sent to entertain at the parties. Their driver always accompanied them. Usually 6'6 250 all muscles who would attend and watch. The usual girls especially in Thailand is not big enough to fend off 2 men let alone 6. Also, most Thai girls do not drink more than a little. yes usually people will pass out from too much alcohol but you never know the medical situation. Many people have consumed more than they should and their body finally shuts down after they pass out. Pretties lead a dangerous life and to be honest if they are not working for a good agency then they are asking for trouble.
  23. Yeah, there are also a couple of stores open in NANA between the BTS and the EZ. The problem is that most people that are in government see it as a second gig and a chance to be IMPOTENT. They do not see the responsibility. The solution is simple to pay the same pay but pay it based on a daily per diem for each day they are in the house for at least 6 hours. They do not vote the don't get any pay for that day. Anutin is definitely going to feel the pain of rushing Marijuana legalization through. Remember, most of the people enjoying it probably do not vote and or are Foreigners
  24. No that is his brother Somchai Bill has the building outside NANA entertainment zone. He said it was better scenery
  25. Sure also that many save their password so that they don't have to keep enternng it
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