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Everything posted by dddave

  1. #37.5mg Tramadol (Ultracet) seems to be the most effective OTC painkiller for my arthritic knees. For about a month, I've been taking 1 tablet per day, around noon, before I go out. It is far more effective than any of the NSAIDs (paracetamol, enteric aspirin, ibuprofin) I've used. Is that low a dose still potentially addictive or capable of causing undesirable side-effects? Will the effectiveness of that dose likely diminish over time, requiring a larger dose for the same effect?
  2. Rented. No real defined packages. just got a list headed: "Non-Thai Identification" (Re-Foreigner.) I don't remember exactly which one. Never got a detailed receipt.
  3. Top of TOT pricelist: "Prices, Non-Thailand Identification Card" (Clear code for foreigner.)
  4. Toss-up as to put this in Audio/Visual or Mobile Device section. Mod feel free to move. I'm residing in Jomtien and have used TOT for internet since I moved here a year ago. My account is about to expire and I really would like to avoid renewing with TOT (no other provider allowed in my building). TOT's service is poor with terrible customer service and the 6 month contract I need way overpriced including a farang surcharge: about B1500/Mo. I want to see if I can meet my needs using a hotspot instead of internet wifi. I run both my bedroom and living room TV's off Intel NUCs/Win10 mini-computers. Most of my usage is about 3 hours a day on the internet: Email, news sites, several forums & YouTube for an hour or so. I may watch Netflix 5 to 6 hours a week, HD only, no 4K. I see many SIM deals: Lazada has 1 year prepaid SIMs but I don't know if enough data a month for my needs. Both AIS and True have SIMs that can be toped up daily, weekly or monthly with various unlimited data deals. I don't mind spending up to B1000/mo for excellent service though cheaper would be very nice if possible. My locale gets an excellent signal from both True & AIS. Comments and suggestions appreciated.
  5. Not sure if this is what OP is asking but I just replaced the HD in a 5 year old Asus laptop with a Western Digital 490GB SSD. I used the free version of MACRIUM-8 to clone the HD onto the SSD which included the existing Win-10. Booted-up without issues.
  6. dddave

    Makro Bread

    I like Pita bread and the Pita I buy at Makro is fresh and excellent.. It freezes very well.
  7. Sometime this past year, there was a long thread centering on living in Thailand Vs. Philippines. I have been trying to locate it but neither this forums search function nor Google have been able to find it. I'm not even sure which sub-forum it was originally posted on. I hope somebody can provide a link for this past topic. Thanks.
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