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Everything posted by dddave

  1. #37.5mg Tramadol (Ultracet) seems to be the most effective OTC painkiller for my arthritic knees. For about a month, I've been taking 1 tablet per day, around noon, before I go out. It is far more effective than any of the NSAIDs (paracetamol, enteric aspirin, ibuprofin) I've used. Is that low a dose still potentially addictive or capable of causing undesirable side-effects? Will the effectiveness of that dose likely diminish over time, requiring a larger dose for the same effect?
  2. Rented. No real defined packages. just got a list headed: "Non-Thai Identification" (Re-Foreigner.) I don't remember exactly which one. Never got a detailed receipt.
  3. Top of TOT pricelist: "Prices, Non-Thailand Identification Card" (Clear code for foreigner.)
  4. Toss-up as to put this in Audio/Visual or Mobile Device section. Mod feel free to move. I'm residing in Jomtien and have used TOT for internet since I moved here a year ago. My account is about to expire and I really would like to avoid renewing with TOT (no other provider allowed in my building). TOT's service is poor with terrible customer service and the 6 month contract I need way overpriced including a farang surcharge: about B1500/Mo. I want to see if I can meet my needs using a hotspot instead of internet wifi. I run both my bedroom and living room TV's off Intel NUCs/Win10 mini-computers. Most of my usage is about 3 hours a day on the internet: Email, news sites, several forums & YouTube for an hour or so. I may watch Netflix 5 to 6 hours a week, HD only, no 4K. I see many SIM deals: Lazada has 1 year prepaid SIMs but I don't know if enough data a month for my needs. Both AIS and True have SIMs that can be toped up daily, weekly or monthly with various unlimited data deals. I don't mind spending up to B1000/mo for excellent service though cheaper would be very nice if possible. My locale gets an excellent signal from both True & AIS. Comments and suggestions appreciated.
  5. Not sure if this is what OP is asking but I just replaced the HD in a 5 year old Asus laptop with a Western Digital 490GB SSD. I used the free version of MACRIUM-8 to clone the HD onto the SSD which included the existing Win-10. Booted-up without issues.
  6. dddave

    Makro Bread

    I like Pita bread and the Pita I buy at Makro is fresh and excellent.. It freezes very well.
  7. Sometime this past year, there was a long thread centering on living in Thailand Vs. Philippines. I have been trying to locate it but neither this forums search function nor Google have been able to find it. I'm not even sure which sub-forum it was originally posted on. I hope somebody can provide a link for this past topic. Thanks.
  8. This same question always gets a lot of response in the "Bangkok Expats" FB group. Have you checked with the juristic office of the condo you are currently in? They often will have a list of trucks and movers.
  9. My old eyes get tired quickly when using my laptop's 14" display for anything beyond thirty minutes. I've been using an older 17.5" flat display monitor and it helps but I've decided to go larger: 24" to 28" for increased readability and for enhancing video content. There are many models on Lazada for reasonable prices with both flat displays and curved. When curved TV's hit the market some years ago, I wasn't impressed as it appeared viewing angles were critical and one had to sit close to center. With a monitor, one is viewing from much closer (about 32" in my case) and centered anyway so perhaps not so much an issue. I am not a gamer. Mostly email, forums, news sites, YouTube and Netflx. Flat screen Vs. Curved?? Opinions?? Experiences??
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