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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Argh! What have I done? I do recall (could be an urban myth) someone actually registering in a UK by-election as "None Of The Above" I suspect they were actually disqualified on a technicality.
  2. @george can we have a "None of the above - Please clarify in comments" please? Coz, that would be me
  3. "How to Dispose of Your Used Motor Oil. Popular Mechanics Magazine, January 1963."
  4. My youngest in the UK is building his new PC, no expense spared (he's heavily in to flight-sim and other gaming). He sent me some photos. My first impression? Where does it dispense the coffee?? His reaction was unprintable!
  5. Seriously, many of these types of pot are hand thrown and decorated, no two are exactly the same. I'm sure there's an artisan ceramics maker in CM who will make you as many copies of your pot as you like. This kind of chap bloke person: -
  6. I say, I say, I say. "What's a Greek urn?" "About 40 drachmas a week!" Boom, boom! Coat being fetched!
  7. Nah, I don't teach, although I did, long ago, provide user and maintenance training for these people https://www.spea.com/en/ My English is a product of the 1970's UK Grammar School system which also attempted to train-out my Bolton (north-west England - have a look at Fred Dibnah on YouTube for an example) accent and left me with an indeterminate speaking style.
  8. OK "computer appurtenances". Let's try and keep this on-topic.
  9. Can you give us an idea of scale (just how big is your pot)?
  10. As I noted, computer kit is zero duty so you just pay 7% VAT on the CIF value. You can do your own calculations here https://www.simplyduty.com/import-calculator/ The Amazon "deposit" ensures that you pay no extra on arrival, in fact you "should" get a small refund. There were certainly issues in the past with couriers (notably DHL) asking for extra payments but those reports seem to have dried up in the last few years (I can guarantee someone will post an instance as soon as I post this).
  11. Not exactly "in" Thailand but probably going to be the only way to get it in your price range. https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-TUF-Intel®12th-Motherboard-Thunderbolt/dp/B0BQD58D96/?th=1 $229.99 + $24.81 duty deposit (should just be VAT on CIF, computer kit is zero rated for duty). Free shipping to Thailand.
  12. OK I think this one has run its course.
  13. If a politician, any politician, "enjoyed" an interview with the media, there was something very seriously wrong with the interview technique. Or there had been, er, "suggestions" about what to ask (in a plain brown envelope) ...
  14. Off-topic, slightly. Conversation with Bangkok taxi driver: - "This is not the Finnish embassy!" "Yes it is sir. See embassy, embassy, embassy. Now finish embassy". Fetching my coat
  15. Definitely do NOT try to fix the plates yourself! Personally, I'd wait until a cop tells you to get them sorted, after all, if the camera can't read the plate...
  16. Yeah, you need some of the "earth at the top" oriented outlets to use two of these, but they are a good option if you need vertically hanging leads.
  17. Start here: - https://www.localfoodheroes.com/sausage/fresh-sausage/ Same site to make your own bacon and ham etc. Most of the ingredients (and the machines) are available on Lazada if not in makro.
  18. How about 10 Merlins? OK not 6 feet from your ear but still...
  19. A potentially defamatory post has been removed per forum rules. If you wish to "warn" another member please use the PM system.
  20. I've fettled the topic title for a bit more clarity. It's worth noting that used cars tend to hold their value here. So, if you intend keeping it a long time, it may actually pay to buy new.
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