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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. The guy on the left seems very relaxed to me. Thinking "Do you know who my daddy is?"
  2. As far as I know, nobody cared when they locked up an old man and he died in jail for allegedly sending a lesse-majeste message with his phone, which he always denied. But his name was not Thaksin ...
  3. Nothing to do with glasses, but in a similar way I was refused access to my own bank accounts. I suffered a stroke in 1995, with Right Hemaplegy (paralysis of the right side). As I was right-handed and losed the ability to sign, I received an ID-Card with the mark "Free from signature". When I came to Thailand, I signed for my passport and all the subsequent forms (immigration, bank account, etc.). But when I got my last passport, 2 years ago, it was marked again "Free from Signature". When I went to the bank a few weeks later, they refused to give me access to my own bank account as the requirements if the bank were that the signature on the formular must be equal to the signature of the passport. I had to ask for a new passport again WITHOUT the mark "Free from Signature" in order to get anything done in Thailand.
  4. According to your writing, you haven't been in a Thai school neither. I can show pictures and movies from Thai schools that leave you jawdropping. Like kneeling on a sharp edged wood in the full sunshine during the morning ceremony. This 3rd world country will never evolve as long as Neanderthalers with the mindset of a chimpansee are allowed to teach in schools.
  5. Exactly my thoughts. I brought an expensive guitar with me when I came to Thailand, and nobody asked me anything.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/reel/230468769888699?mibextid=9drbnH This is BenzApache
  7. I reported a few times the "Diesel Brothers" for forging accounts and I received every time a message that their message was not against the facesh..I rules.
  8. I said very clear that my response was addressed to all social media, including emails. But you failed to read that too.
  9. The "billion" users can be reduced to a mere thousand users "Per country" and these can than easily be monitored by local Administrators. Facebook, and other big social media companies, are not going broke by appointing a few moderators in each country. Also, when someone file a report about an account, this should be taken seriously and not waved away by an AI reader. Facebook is fast enough to take down abuse when offending the Facebook rules. Best way to start this is by blocking Facebook if they don't want to follow the rules.
  10. Long ago, when a BPE was detected, a friend advised me to take daily Saw Palmetto. He was taking this already more that a year and he (his BPE) had good results. It helped me a few months, but then it showed no benefit.
  11. Assuming Thaksin would die sooner or later, will his daughter be allowed to assist the cremation?
  12. There is no such thing as a Facebook group admin. Facebook admins are AI processes running and acting like real humans, sending every complaint straight to the Recycle Bin. And for the users who are responding that there are no "Fake Users" on Facebook, there was a few weeks ago a Facebook seller acting as IKEA with the name and symbol of IKEA in his user name. IKEA was sending a complaint to the Thai authorities and not to the Facebook police. Europe is sending the same message to Facebook and I hope that Facebook will lose all his followers because of the lazyness. of the SEO.
  13. Why Cremation? Why burry your body in a cementary? Give your body to science/school and let science/medicine benefit of it. Nobody gives a f...g s..t about your dead body.
  14. This documents is used already for ages and it's a confirmation that you know the thai laws on Immigration and overstay and everything you presented for your application is TRUE. It is written in Thai language because: - according to the law, ONLY the THAI documents are valable. You (or your lawyer) can bring as many translations you want, only the THAI documents will be taking into consideration. - you are supposed to have enough knowledge about the Thai language and, if not, your lawyer or any person who can translate it for you (your walking dictionary from Pattaya or Phuket) will do. AFAIK, this document was introduced because many foreigners falsified the income figures on their affidavit with the Embassy and there was not enough time to check these numbers. At the same time, many embassies refused to give an affidavit of income for the same reason. So, thanks to the fellow citizens who did that. HTH
  15. The German Police should call the Thai RTP to solve the murder. 200% guaranteed that the Thai RTP would find within 24 hours a Palestininan who confessed the murder.
  16. Too many Thai underaged girls/boys going into the wrong direction as they know very well that the law does not apply to children. Thailand should adapt a law, similar to most countries, where children who do something wrong will be brought to justice and condemned for their actions.
  17. I prefer Shopee a 100 times above the crappy Lazada. Shopee offer the possibility to get your order at the nearest 7/11 at you own pace instead waiting 2 days at home for the delivery to show up.
  18. Internet became already a scam many years ago and it is the task of the governments and the Internet access providers to protect people for scammers. Making the Internet safer would cost nothing to the Governments and Internet access providers, but for an unknown reason they don't want to take their responsability. People do stupid things every day. But that's no reason to take advantage of them and steal from them. The only good thing that comes out of this is that people are becoming wiser and big IT companies are losing money now.
  19. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct3lzguL0nT/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Today at 16:37 in Lotus bangkapi
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