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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. That there is no need to be so painfully shy and you are actually more appealing to the opposite sex than you think you are.
  2. Meanwhile in other news, the jilted, sleepy big old American has been spotted sipping champagne and punching to air in ecstatic celebration ????
  3. Have you thought that the big old American might have been the real winner here? He may have woken up thinking "yes! I've finally got shot of her!"
  4. I'd be more shocked if the headline read "person finds something edible in their airline meal"!
  5. Our 7 year old grandson (who lives with us) speaks English with an American accent which I can only assume he picked up from watching TV because as far as I'm aware he has never met an American. I hail from the south coast of England (where we speak proper like.....) so he definitely didn't pick it up from me! His Thai is actually quite poor which in many ways I have been blamed for but the real reason is he lives in an environment where nobody apart from me speaks English and yet the locals and extended family insist on trying to speak English to him when non of them are actually capable of it. Very bizarre....
  6. Actually the Mainland Vintage cheese is matured for 24 months and has that crumbly texture that you only get with a well matured cheddar. I'm originally from the UK and I would thoroughly recommend it. It is good value too at about 259 baht for a 470 gram block.
  7. Loan sharks - Some of the nastiest and most heartless people you are ever likely to meet.
  8. This is a photo of the vault where the original recipe for Coca Cola is kept. If they really are that serious about it, 55 baht seems like a steal...
  9. That bleary eyed look suggests that he has already had one too many!
  10. Just another empty threat. Not having a valid license is unlikely to stop many Thai people from driving.
  11. I wonder if the child was safely secured in a car seat? My guess is that she wasn't and was allowed run amok in the back seat thus distracting the mother from driving.
  12. Warorot market used to be a good place to buy whole spices particularly if you want to buy in bulk. I will confess though that I haven't been for a while.
  13. Are you sure? They may have had small tattoos in places that are only viewable once the appropriate amount of cash has changed hands...
  14. A lost wallet story that didn't turn out to be a scam? Things are looking up!
  15. Yes, it says it all when a Thai tourist responds quicker than the trained lifeguards on duty. Or perhaps the lifeguards are instructed to not enter the water when the red flags are flying?
  16. Lazada need to be made aware of this ASAP so they can investigate and potential shut down this seller so others don't fall into the same trap. The same watch is available on Lazada from the official Fitbit LazMall seller for 7,690 baht. That would suggest that a price of 4,990 baht is a bit too good to be true. Good luck for a full refund from Lazada.
  17. Surely the only people who thought this wouldn't be a shambles were the people actually organizing it!
  18. Oh no! If the locals spot it then the whole province will be put on monkey pox alert! Lockdowns coming your way soon!
  19. The sad reality of this sort of scam is it will stop honest people from handing in genuinely lost wallets.
  20. You can book an appointment online now. It would be worth looking if any are available when you plan to go.
  21. Fuel prices heading in the right direction at last. Let's hope there are more cuts to come.... although I won't hold my breath!
  22. It was only a matter of time after Partygate...
  23. Perhaps the Thai woman is working a scam in tandem with her brothers? Seduce an unsuspecting drunk then beat and rob?
  24. Walk-ins available here....
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