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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. True that. I had to drive from Pattaya to Don Muang to find a real person, to upgrade my tickets to flatbed.
  2. That looks like my pals' ultralight........ .......after he crashed it!!
  3. wtf is "soft power"?
  4. https://www.angio.net/personal/climb/speed.html
  5. Does anyone remember my ex-next door neighbour? https://thepattayanews.com/2019/09/04/leopard-kept-as-pet-in-na-jomtien-alarms-local-residents/
  6. I am curious! How did you know he was a poster here, most handles are, supposedly, anonymous, unless one is foolish enough to use ones' own name.... and use ones' own photo as an avatar.
  7. I'm confused. Which one is the police chief?
  8. It's just another manifestation of the utterly selfish attitude that makes drivers over- and under-take in inappropriate lanes, to the front of the traffic jam then push in, or double park outside the bank/hairdresser/coffee shop for half an hour, 10m from the traffiic lights and in sight of an empty parking space.
  9. If+1 shows agreement, why not -1 to show disagreement and 0 to show boredom?
  10. As soon as you see the first signs of an aura, taste a little salt. If it tastes good, take a gram or so. Best if you have capsules, but impossible to get here...I make them for SWMBO, who suffers from migraine. She has to take a lot, and it controls the condition. No doctor will tell you this, but there is a lot of research out there to back it up. I have to make 200 - 300 capsules a month, 300mg each. I, like you, get occasional migraine aura, no headache. Salt works for me, but I only get them occasionally, less than one a month. I would not be at all surprised if your tinnitus were a manifestation of migraine without headache. Do let me know if it works or not!
  11. ..and that is exactly what it shows! The wind is carrying it around you.... to everyone else.
  12. This one is cheap and adequate for your purpose. I have two, one for the garden watering system, and one for a workshop water supply. Both very reliable, but do have low capacity pressure tanks so click in and out a lot with low flow demand. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.OzYdL
  13. I had root canal treatment, post crown ceramic front tooth, 30,000baht all in. 4 sessions over two weeks, no pain, good result. Clean well equipped clinic with parking. https://maps.app.goo.gl/KSTqwwC94zgEzorb8
  14. For once, it actually might be the neighbours at fault:-
  15. Gambling is illegal in Thailand.........
  16. 007½, licence to <deleted>. edit:- I was referring to "French Connection U K", honest, guv.
  17. I "own" at least 5 sims. My phone, my pad, my wifes phone, pad and kindle are all active. I also have old pads with sims, but they are expired.....do they count...?
  18. Some years before he finally expired, I took an elderly friend to Jomtien to renew his extension. His presence, with zimmer and appearance of general decrepitude, reduced the place to chaos. He was fast-tracked to the head of the queue, and I was told by a senior officer, in no uncertain terms, do not ever bring him back.....just bring a photo. For the next five years or so, that is what happened, no problems.
  19. Driving from Kanchanaburi Town to Sai Yok Noi last week, there was on the right a huge brightly painted tiger head, at what I take to be the site of the Tiger Temple. Is it still open, and does it still have tigers? If so......disgusting.
  20. To which I can only say ............yet!
  21. Pity about the potential jail term and/or deportation, not to mention fines and blacklisting.
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