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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. Thailand has in recent, and not so recent, years been, and still is, run entirely by AIs. Maybe Machine Intelligence would be an improvement, better still, Educated Human Intelligence.
  2. I wonder if Donald is clever enough to avoid being done for contempt of court during the proceedings.....
  3. A novel method of political assassination!
  4. Better to have thrown himself.
  5. Written by an artificial idiot, on April idiots day, and caught out all you real? intelligences! Rooster, you should be ashamed of yourself, if your post was a genuine reaction!
  6. As we are living in a country already overpopulated with "AI"s, why do we need another?
  7. Try Daeng Lohakit, they do stainless, next door or so is a guy who welds aluminium. Daeng can certainly do the cutting and folding, probably they can weld Al also. It's about here, on Northbound side of Sukhumvit :- Dropped pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/cGR2U9qhuN17dyeM6 and clearly signed in English. Boss is very helpful.
  8. Why not turn a boat/yacht into a bar, and offer beach transfers by dinghy? Then you can stay ahead of the various mafiosi!
  9. My pet hate is Harleys. Noisy, irritating and bad attitude riders. They look terrible and extremely uncomfortable, to the point of being unsafe when great long extended forks. The bikes are probably ok in their place, wherever that is....? but the owners tend to be beyond the pale.
  10. Quite right. Most Muslim owned franchises do not sell alcohol.
  11. Is the industrial infrastructure not a resource? Is the city infrastructure not a resource? Is the working population not a resource? Where do you think the majority of Russian military spare parts was manufactured? No wonder only 10% of battle tanks are serviceable...they have destroyed their own suppliers!
  12. If you have skin, your are racist. All of you. No exceptions. It's just a matter of degree.
  13. Does anyone know exactly WHY Putin, personally, hates Ukraine SO much?
  14. Which one?
  15. I'm sorry Rooster, I liked your weekly written piece, but of the four, so far, "reports" I have partially watched one and hated it. Quite frankly the opening picture is enough to put me off forever, however sexy you may think you look or sound. Better to leave some things to the imagination.
  16. My late fathers favourite quotation. Haven't heard it for years.
  17. Really? I doubt it was ever within the law.
  18. It doesn't appear at all on duck-duck go browser.
  19. Sitrep. Used the online appoint system. I booked three days ago, a Saturday. Wanted an appointment today (tuesday) afternoon: offered and took 2:55 appoinment. I received a confirmation email in minutes....on a Saturday!.....with all details confirmed. I received a reminder email yesterday, again with all details correct. Went to the bank 10:30 am for the usual letter: kept waiting 45 minutes, and 20 inutes + 200baht to process! Arrived immigration 11:30....they stop issuing Que-matics at 11:00 until 13:00....and asked if the appointment was good? Told no, come back at 12:00. So, had a coffee, as soon as the (seated, outside,) queue started to form joined it and fought to keep my place! Once inside, Quematic not working, but seen very quickly and processed with no issues in less than 7 minutes! Meanwhile the queue outside exceeded 20! Takeaways:- the online appointment system works perfectly, and is of no value whatsoever! Don't waste your time. Join the queue an hour before opening, or be prepared to wait forever Make sure your paperwork is in perfect and unimpeachable order!
  20. Tne people committing the crimes are low hanging fruit, ripe for the plucking....no matter which side. The people ordering/financing/condoning the crimes are much more culpable, and generally untouchable. Where is 007 when you need him?
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