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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Especially when the pole is planted in the middle of a narrow road. Will those that planted it there be taken to task? Extremely unlikely.
  2. Only a narcissist would insist on a his name on everything. Maybe on his toilet paper?
  3. As an outside observer. What was the United States of America is now deemed The DisUnited States of America by other countries. Trying to extract itself from a narcissistic sycophantic ex President accused of corruption. But it seems most Americans are jollied along and love the raxxa matazz by flamboyance. The will follow him. It must be the fake tan and bouffant hair style. So very sad.
  4. I got wheel clamped on Walking Street around 1am, way back in 1987. I must have been the first one in Thailand. It cost me Bt300, reduced from Bt500 because I told the desk sergeant that my brother inlaw was a top policeman. Or I thought I did. I called him a sopolot (pineapple) and not a saluwat (policeman) He is retired now and I met him a week ago and he said to my son "Me sopalot. Bt500." The family joke.
  5. Another lot of hot air. Until the police get out on the roads doing the job they are paid to do and not sitting in their huts and tents, nothing will change. The Thai driving test is laughable. Most holders of Thai driving licenses would fail a test miserably in a developed country. Nothing will change in my lifetime.
  6. Thanks for that. Just as I was about to eat my two boiled eggs and soldiers.
  7. The perils of reporting. In depth or otherwise. I hope he recovers quickly. and the perpetrator's brought to justice.
  8. Perhaps he would do better by committing to ensure the top operatore are brought to book and not the small fry as is the usual. The big purchasers of the pork must have realised where it came from and why it was so cheap.
  9. What is a Deputy Prime Minister doing going pub crawling? I thought that was the responsibility of the police.
  10. A still tongue keeps a wise head. But in this case, it doesn't drop you in it.
  11. How many times are we going to read of foreign workers being killed or injured while being transported to, or from work? Are they just expendable
  12. Win 11 Chrome. Why does my spell check work on all sites except a particular English newspaper?
  13. Makhampom. Made by Abhibhubehr Herbal hospital. My wife buys it at the local chemist.
  14. Vodka with cobra venom, or blood, or what.
  15. I learnt many years ago. 'Discretion is the better part of valour.' Walk away.
  16. Then why do Thai practitioners of their version of Buddhism seem to have inflated egos and to lose face is something unbearable?
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