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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. The great music part and good food I would agree on. But when I got off I-35 from San Antonio the first thing I saw was a large homeless encampment. Then I saw more homeless encampments and then more and more homeless. I thought I was back in downtown Los Angeles. The first time i was in Austin was back in 1985 and it was great. Every time I go back it is more and more disappointing.
  2. Austin Mayor Kirk Watson and Chiang Mai Provincial Governor Nirat Phongsittithaworn will sign a Memorandum of Understanding to launch the Austin-Chiang Mai Sister Cities initiative at Austin City Hall on November 12, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. The Thai Ambassador to the United States, Tanee Sangrat, U.S. Consul General in Chiang Mai, Lisa Buzenas, a newly-established Sister Cities initiative volunteer Board of Directors in Austin, and a visiting Thai delegation of local officials, business leaders, and entrepreneurs will participate in the signing ceremony. The group, along with Thai and American communities from Austin and Chiang Mai, will celebrate the new Sister Cities relationship at a kick-off event at Wat Buddhananachat in Austin. I have been to Austin several times. Last time I was there the homeless encampments were overwhelming. The suburbs of Austin are nice. Round Rock TX is great. I have a friend who retired from Austin Police Department and Austin was commonly known as “San Francisco TX”.
  3. That sounds great if you trust your partner unconditionally. On the other hand I would never want to in his this guy's shoes:
  4. That has always been my understanding: I am nothing more or less than long term Tourist. I cannot expect to receive benefits of residency while I am a long term tourist in LOS. So what other country imposes income tax or other types of residency taxes on tourists? Just this announcement is putting doubt on some who are contemplating major purchases in LOS. Once confidence is lot it is difficult to get back. A precise and timely clarification might be a good idea but TIT.
  5. Not just massage shops. In Itaewon there is a hill with bars. It is commonly known as “hooker hill”. There are still bars that operate there to this day. More and more of the ladies in these bars are from SE Asia. I recall a few years ago a friendly Pinay inviting me in. Wasn’t in the mood and kept walking. Ironically, “hooker hill” is just a short walk from the largest mosque in S. Korea.
  6. Most long term foreigners are on “Non-Immigrant Visas” (O,OA or marriage) so we are not immigrants to LOS? Therefore, we do not have legalresident status? At least in other countries some foreigners are classified as residents. Residents should have a tax burden to the host country. So if a foreigner pays taxes to the Thai Government then does he or she get residency status? I doubt it? As usual doing before thinking. As a Non Immigrant OA Visa holder what benefits can.I obtain by paying taxes in LOS?
  7. I knew two Thai girls who have experience with Korean immigration: 1) One paid over 50,000 Baht to an agent for a Korean Tourist Visa. When she landed in Incheon she was denied entry. Her plan was to work at a massage shop. 2) The second one worked on a farm for 3 years but overstayed her visa. She was ultimately deported but wanted to go back to Korea. Some of the actions of Korean immigration seem arbitrary but in a way it is understandable I just got back from Seoul and there are many foreign workers there and some of are illegal.
  8. 1) The security of a lifetime visa with only an annual renewal fee 2) Mult entry and exit. No need for a clearance certificate to leave the PI 3) For the last 7 years in Chiang Mai it has always been on a year to year basis. I have never done anything from a long term perspective during my time in Thailand. If I am granted an SRRV I would start looking at things from a long term viewpoint (like buying a condo etc, etc).
  9. SRRV EXPANDED COURTESY For foreign nationals, 50 years old & above, who are retired Armed Force officers of foreign countries with existing military ties and/or agreement with the Philippine Government. A monthly pension of at least US$1,000.00 and an SRR Visa deposit of US$1,500.00 are required. The SRR Visa deposit includes the principal applicant and 2 dependents. Additional dependent, entails additional SRR Visa deposit of US$15,000 each (except for former Filipinos). CHILDREN must be legitimate or legally adopted by the Principal Retiree, unmarried and below 21 years old upon joining the program.
  10. The SRRV process is long and yes complicated. I have all the documents ready to pursue the military veteran option. The challenge for me is getting the documents apostilled. I will have two federal government issued documents (DD-214 and an FBI background check) and one California government issued document. The apostille process might take a while. But the greatest aspect of the SRRV is that it is a lifetime visa. Once it is granted one can renew it forever. The SRRV renewal process seems like it is really simple. This process sounds nothing like the Thai visa extension process. I have been in contact with two agents in Cebu who can assist in the SRRV application process. I have also been told the SRRV agents do not charge the applicant. Instead they are paid by the government.
  11. Did three at Dental4U located close to Tae Pae Gate. The Implant was 39,000 + Crown (Zirconia) 15,000. Additional cost could be a Bone graft if your jawbone is not strong to accept an implant. I have three Osteem Implants from S. Korea. So far no problems. The cost could be lower now because my last implant and crown were done in early 2022.
  12. I do not yell. The other thing I noticed at many retail stores back in Southern California was the increasing number of self-checkout payment stations at places like Wal Mart, Target and Costco. Even Home Depot had more self-checkout payment stations. This means fewer workers who get paid more. Every grocery store(wiht the exception of Trader Joes) had more self checkout payment stations. Low skiilled workers demanding higher pay has a cause and effect. Those who have jobs in low skill positions will get more money but some of their coworkers will not be needed. Companies will rarely do the right thing. They will always do what is in their best interest.
  13. In my experience most Thai people will not directly say how they feel about us foreigners. Instead I asked two young ladies from Myanmar who have been working in LOS for years. I can have a conversation with these Burmese ladies because they actually speak almost fluent English. In short this is what they said: 1. The Thai people they know feel they are superior to people from other ASEAN countries (Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar). 2. The Thai people they know either fear or feel intimidated by most western foreigners. Most Thai people these girls know would rather not deal with or have contact with western foreigners. These Burnese girls are curious about western foreigners and want to know more about where we foreigners come from. This is different from most of the Thai people I have been in contact with. The Burmese girls are pleasant and I really enjoy talking with them.
  14. At least he made it to the Land of Smiles. I know many who never will. On my last trip back to Los Angeles I was shocked because lunch at Chipotle was $17 dollars. Chipotle is one of the fast food outlets that start at $15 to $17 an hour. To pay workers at these rates means eating out might become a luxury. "Work Life Balance" is now the favorite expression of people in their 20's and 30'. This means less money but some still want the latest I phone 15. Seems contradictory to me?
  15. I also knew the son of a former coworker who got his degree from my alma mater. HIs diploma said "Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies". It took this young man 6 years of fulltime study and over $100,000 in student loans and $30,000 from old dad to get this degree. He has not bean able to find a decent job and I suggested he might try and enlist in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Air Force. The services sometimes payoff part of an enlistees student loan. He would not consider military service because he can't handle stress, does not want to be yelled at, does not want share living areas and bathroom. He also feels college should be free and fast food and other retail workers should make from $15 to $20 an hour. In short this young man is hopeless. More concerning is he is not alone amongst his age group.
  16. “ I know I borrowed $100,000 to get a degree in the Mating Habits of the Incas but can I get my student loan debt forgiven Also, my 4 hour shift at Starbucks is just too much for me?”.
  17. The only thing I found unusual about the prep the day before was the instructions were to start with the laxatives at 400PM. In the US the Gastro told me to start at noon the day before for an 800 AM colonoscopy. I was concerned my bowels would not completely empty before the procedure. in the end only one benign poly was removed. So my next one will in 2 or 3 years from now. If I am still in CNX I will go back to the Ram.
  18. It was like taking a nap. You will feel groggy when you wake up. The actual colonoscopy takes about 30 minutes. I think was under for about 40 minutes.
  19. Two years ago Chiang Mai Ram had a Endoscopy and Colonoscopy special. Total price was 39,000. Might be worth the time to ask private hospitals what they would charge.
  20. Appreciate the current information.
  21. True Wallet can be accessed on the True Move app? True Money is a separate app that one has to download. I just did that and the registration process is lengthy. It asked for a scan of my Non Imm visa. Problem is I have an OA E-Visa printout only. i do not have an actual visa stamped in my passport. I tried to register on the True Money app and was not successful. I'll try again. When I look at True Wallet it starts with putting in a Thai ID #. True Money and True wallet are two separate purchase/payment systems? Or am I wrong?
  22. Never had it and I don't miss it. Not a big of fan of linking my credit or debit cards to third parties. Also, had some bad experiences at the True Store at Maya Mall in CNX. I just pay cash at the True machine or pay with the Bangkok Bank debit card.
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