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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Tell that to the many who actually get news from YT videos. How many YT vidoes said "this will be a tight race and we won't know the results for days".
  2. Youtube vidoes. Can be true or can be false. It depends on the viewer.
  3. Collective responsibility? So every German is collectively responsible for Nazi atrocities? No they were not.
  4. So who is actually complicit fo MAGA 2.0? In my opinion the Democratic Party and it's leadership: 1) Spending almost a billiona dollars in a 107 day campaing and not win all swing states 2) Putting up a piss poor candidate who could not beat a convicted felon and facist. She checked the female and minority boxes but still failed. "hey dems how abou a little self reflection and taking responsibility for your failure".
  5. I did not. I simply asked why all Americans are complicit in MAGA? Your philosophical statement made a broad accusatioin.
  6. I will leave it. I share my philosophy when someone asks. No one has asked. The End.
  7. You said we are all complicit? That would be bizarre as well. So those who did not vote are complicit as well?
  8. Mrs Walz. is she going to be okay: If they dig deep enought they might hit China?
  9. That would be your opinion. We all have opinons but no one speaks for all Americans. Certainly not me and not you.
  10. Why would I be complicit in "MAGA happening? Do you know who I voted for? Of course not. Do not put all Americans in just two boxes. This is part of the Democratic failed campaign. There are more than two boxes and some do not fit in either box. "Be curious, not judgemental". Ted Lasso.
  11. The pool is ok and one can use it for 100 Baht if you are not a guest.
  12. Maybe this is why she lost. Just imagine what Rod Serling used to say during the Twilight Zone. This was way back in 2005 and look "the facist" on TV:
  13. Vance-Gabbard 2028. I could buy into that.
  14. Walz was a major drag on this ticket. I along with every combat veteran that I know said he was a clown that played weekend warrior for 20 years and pulled the rip cord when it came "game time". We have a impolite term that describe this kind of weekend warrior that collected a check and played soldier while many us of deployed. The impolite begins with "chickenxxxx". He can now go back to MN and fade away.
  15. Close to a billion dollars in campaign donations and still lost to a facist. Granted she only had 107 days to campaign but she won CA, OR, WA IL, NY and few other small states. Would this count as a running a poor campaign or a poor candidate? Could it have been a combination?
  16. Do you have money invested in the US stock market? I am an old man with fewer days left than the days I have left behind. If my pension fund and my investments remain viable and strong under this facist then so be it. If that makes me a facist then so be it. Yes, I do not have children so what happens after I kick the bucket is not something I think about. I say good luck to the yournger generation that will have to overcome the legacy of this facist. Next time put up a better candidate for starters. If I was 22 I would have a different perspective.
  17. IRS 1040 is used by TRD now?
  18. Those who saved "Not My President" signs can bring them out again. One of the first things Hilary said after losing was "the resistance". Who will lead the "resistance" now? My guess is Kamala will go back to Brentwood, have long lunches at restaurants on San Vicente Boulevard boulevard and go shopping at Whole Foods with Dougie.
  19. So a single lady in Manila is that much different than single lady in Bangkok?
  20. Post election analysis for the Dems should start with this question: Why did Harris pick Walz as VP Candidate? I along with actual combat veterans from my old unit had email exchanges about who we would vote for. Many have never been Trump or MAGA types. This includes myself. Many were leaning towards Harris but it changed when Harris picked Walz. One actually said I can't let this goofball one heartbeat away from the Presidency. We did not buy his reason or excuse for not deploying with his unit to Iraq in 2005. I get it because 2004 and 2005 were brutal years in Iraq for US Forces but if you call yourself a leader you go with your soldiers. My battalon got a 9 month warning order for Iraq and a 12 warning order for Afghanistan. Also, any soldier can delay or cancel a retirment appliction to deploy with his men. Walz choce to do neither. I guess Josh Shapiro is looking pretty good now. Who knows Shapiro in 2028 might be a possibility?
  21. Not falling. On average it has been low for a long time. We had a saying "living brain donors". I have encountered many "living brain donors" both on the job and in my personal time.
  22. Dodgers wear blue. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department wear tan and green. The California Highway Patrol Department wears tan. So what is the correlation again?
  23. With diversity comes division. With so many from many parts of the world in one nation conflict is a daily part of Americanf life. The American way has been to directly confront and solve the problem. "Saving Face" rarely exists in America. Sometimes it gets violent. I have seen two cops fight in the locker room becuse they had on going conflict. It was so bad the two could not wait until they got off work. The only time most Americans actually get along is at the work place. This is because one has to get along with coworkers. There was even diviision in the police department that I retired from. Most Black officers associated with other black officers, most white officers associated with other white officers and so on. But when it came time to work we put our divisions aside long enough to get the job done. Harmony with diversity with koom by yah is a myth. This is what I have seen as an old American.
  24. There were riots and a bus was set on fire in downtown LA because the Dodgers won the World Series. Civil disturbances have become a fact of American life. The locations of the civil disturbances will be based upon which candidate wins. If Kamala wins I think the west and east coasts will be quiet. Just about every medium and large police departments will be on some kind of tactical alert starting now. If I was still working this would mean one thing: Lots of overtime.
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