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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. In the last few days I have noticed a slight increase in Grab fares and the wait times have gotten a few minutes longer. The latest was a one way from Central Festival to Orchid Hotel. Last week it was 115 Baht in the early afternoon. Yesterday it was 129 Baht. Also, when I look at the available drivers in my area on the app it looks like fewer drivers waiting for fares. This is understandable because of the cost of gasoline. As usual the service was safe, dependable and the drivers were courteous.
  2. No it would not be ironic. I am an American and even I know the F-35 is not well suited for Thailand or any other less developed nation. It is simply too expensive to operate. It’s like a middle income guy buying a Ferrari. Would it be ironic if you were not American?
  3. OMG. The most advanced fight currently available and Thailand has a need for it? Why? F-35 are an offensive weapon and not ideal for Air Defense. But TIT. Even though the per unit cost is now under $100 Million it’s operating costs are still staggering: Latest estimate is over $30,000 per hour to operate the F-35.
  4. Same lead actor in this one "The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil". I liked it.
  5. Your case is the first I ever heard of. I know many people who have had colonoscopies in the USA and none have ever mentioned the need for a chest x-ray or blood tests. Yes I have not have the Versed and Demerol Drip and have never felt during or after the procedures.
  6. As an American this will be the first and only time I ever say this: Nancy Pelosi was right. She can visit anywhere she wants to. Too bad PRC. What are you gonna do? Either take back Taiwan(or as they refer to it as “the breakaway republic”) or be quiet. Last time I was in Taiwan it looked and sounded like an actual country. Taiwanese people actually have passports as well. I have taken several flights with EVA(a Taiwanese Airline) so am I escalating “tensions” as well?
  7. Never had an x-ray or blood test prior to a colonoscopy or endoscopy either in Thailand or the USA. Also, I have never had pain meds for these procedures so based upon my experience it is not “everywhere in the world”.
  8. This could happen at any airport. But if one lives in a city with an airport with a single runway(like in CNX where I am located) then one will not be able to fly out for at least two days. Day one is for the crash investigation and aircraft removal 2) Also, if the runway is not severely damaged then runway repairs can be made. On Day 3 normal operations can resume. This is why I never fly from CNX to BKK on the same day that I have an international departure from BKK.
  9. The F-35 is mostly an offensive weapon(strike deep into enemy territory without being detected by Radar). The F-16 or the Mirage are more suited for Homeland Air Defense and/or Air Space Defense mission. Bu the F-35 is the shiny, new and very expensive toy that many countries want. I can’t blame any Air Force for wanting the F-35 but at what cost.
  10. Could have been Wind Shear. In that kind of weather a headwind can turn into a tailwind quickly. I almost “bought the farm” many years ago trying land with a tailwind. Thankfully I was piloting a small airplane and the runway was long(7000 feet).
  11. 1. The Old Man. Starring Jeff Bridges as a retied CIA agent who is now battling new enemies. Very interesting show available on Disney Hotstar in Thailand and on FX elsewhere. it also stars John Lithgow. 2. The Orrville with Seth Macfarlane. This is also available on Disney Hotstar 3. Trigger Point from the producer of Line of Duty. It is about a British Police Explosive Ordinance Disposal unit. This is available on Peacock streaming and probably available on ITV(that is if you can it in LOS?).
  12. I'm in Chiang Mai and I do see more tourists. But lot of them appear to be the backpacker crowd that stay at hostels. Some of the hostels seem really full. Who knows maybe some of these backpackers are "big spenders". I have stayed at a couple of the higher end hotels in Chiang Mai in the last several months and these hotels are definitely not full and not crowded.
  13. Here is the problem when using USD for in this case. Presently 3.5 Million Baht is just over $96K, I have a 3.5 Million Baht health insurance policy with Pacific Cross. Technically my policy would not qualify for a new OA or renewal of an OA. It would be better to stick with Baht in terms of policy requirements. But what do I know because this is TIT.
  14. X-ray? I've had a Colonoscopy in the US and two in Thailand, never needed an X-ray before the procedure. In 2021 a hospital administered ATK test was the only thing required a day before the procedure at Ram.
  15. Just got back from the CM Ram Health Check Up Center and there was a sign posted that stated: 1. Gastroscopy(AKA-Endoscopy) 17,000 Baht 2. Colonoscopy 26,000 Baht 3. Combo (1 and 2) for 36,000 Baht *This is what paid in 2021. This includes the doctors fee, center fee and pathology.
  16. What is the logic(I know TIT) of only two F-35's? Demonstration flights or Air Shows?
  17. Did a combo (Endoscopy and Colonoscopy) last year at Ram. Total cost was 39,000 Baht. Might be worth it to go the Gastroenterology Department at Ram and inquire.
  18. 100% confirmation is only possible when you check-in at VIE and look at your checked bag tags? If the letters CNX are on the tag then yes. If the tag only says BKK then probably not. I had a rude awakening once many years ago when I took a Kuwait Airways from KWI to CNX. Upon arrival at BKK I got off and had to clear immigration get my bag and then check-in again at Thai Smile. Have you contacted Austrian to get it confirmed?
  19. I don’t know about this. I am in CNX and I have noticed some service disruptions. My gym at a hotel seems to have fewer cleaners and the bathrooms have not been cleaned for a week. One of the hotel employees said :Covid” several times. Some of the places I usually go seem to have fewer workers? My usual coffee place only had two workers and a line of customers. Normally they would have 4 workers. I really doubt Thailand has an average of 2,000 case per day. Yesterday Japan reported over 180,000 cases and Tokyo reported over 31,000.
  20. What next? Monkey pox exams at BKK airport for all arrivals?
  21. I do not believe in the numbers. Japan yesterday posted over 180,000 cases and 31,000 in Tokyo alone. I am in Chiang Mai and I work out at a hotel gym and lately the bathroom and showers have not been cleaned. It has been over a week since the showers and bathroom have been cleaned. I told the Gym Manager and the hotel manager about this and I got the usual we will clean it. As I was leaving the lobby of the hotel I overheard two employees talking and one mentioned “covid” several times. It could be a case where the hotel is short of workers due to Covid? Doubt Thailand only has 2000 case per day?
  22. As long it is not a Saudi based airline then the Beer and Wine can flow and I mean flow. I was on flights where as soon as the plane is in international airspace the men change into t-shirts, jeans and start drinking. On a five hour flight to BKK at best I would have two beers for some of my fellow Arab Passengers two beers was just a warm up. Before the pandemic some Middle East carriers had 3 flight a day to BKK. The ‘good old days” of flights from the Middle East might be back?
  23. The state of California has a population of 45 Million and the state Supreme Court has 7 justices. So your argument pegging the size of a Supreme Court based upon population does not seem logical. Just my opinion. Heck India has over 1 billion people. So their Supreme Court should have how many? 33, 45 or 99 justices? A US Supreme Court with 17 justices would “slow the process down to a crawl”. I can just imagine the process where each of the 17 justices question the lawyers during oral argument phase and subsequently 17 justices then have to discuss the merits or lack of merits of a case in order to reach a decision. I can see a scenario where it could take a long time to even achieve even a 9-8 majority decision. Hence mission accomplished: Judicial Gridlock.
  24. Doubling is not stacking? What kind of country has 18 Supreme Court Justices? Also, it cannot be an even number due to the fact this would cause Judicial Gridlock? Even with 17 Supreme Court Justices(they would need a much larger chamber, more chairs and mare clerks) Judicial Gridlock is probable. Maybe that is what some really want. With Gridlock not much is done. This sounds the like the proverbial “endgame”.
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