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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Money only makes you happy about money. Nothing else!
  2. Owl obviously can't see ALL. Missing Covid seems more like sees very little
  3. So you know all about it then. Covidiots, conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers are still that. Utterly stupid!
  4. I think if you found a genius girl, you two would be incompatible. Are you looking for a genius girl to help you write interesting posts on here?
  5. I am 78 years old. I am in perfect health, physically and mentally. The last time I was in a hospital bed was 14th February, 1945. Never broken a bone or had any kind of serious medical condition - the worst I have suffered is flu! I have never taken supplements of any kind in my life - what's more, I have never had a dedicated electrolyte or energy drink. Had plenty of daily exercise that included more than 20 years as a runner in England and more than 70,000 kms on Thai roads as a cyclist, continuing currently. No running but two sessions a day of walking about 30 minutes each. I have a balanced diet that allows for the odd indulgence that means I am not stuck with a title of "vegan" or "Keto" or any other absolutist regime! Things can change in a moment, I know! I don't consider myself to be lucky, rather, that I haven't been unlucky! I value my situation and sympathise with those that cannot enjoy the same - I wish you all well!
  6. Jesus saves, but Messi scores on the rebound! Some religious music like requiems where I don't understand the words is good with me! - Gospel music - can't stand it!
  7. You have an answer, you are already incompatible.
  8. I wouldn't now nor did I ever, wherever I was, go around shirtless in public. It gives reason for many to notice and consider it disrespectful and not caring about one's appearance. If you don't have a good body, then it doesn't look very nice and if you have a great body, then you are being ostentatious and obviously out to impress. Bit like tattoos; what's the point of them if you can't display them to everybody? About the reason; too hot! Ever thought, in a tropical country at least, the heat is accompanied by direct sun to the skin and that surely will be hot, apart from the possible burning. And will you only be walking in the street but not entering any premises? Maybe carry some kind of top around your waist - that will look not so good either. So, NO! I DO go topless when on the beach, and shoeless and sockless - and no underwear - who would see, anyway?
  9. Well, I have been here more than twenty years and I still haven't seen much of the old uniforms - or their contents!
  10. My local Doctor did it for free and he was able to stamp it officially as required by the covering letter I received. I am talking UK Government, February, 2023 For those who wish to state that an Official stamp of Witness is not required, I can supply Documentary proof!!
  11. Do as Sheryl suggests and go to an Ortho, get a proper diagnosis that takes account of all the the patients circumstances. I think it is not good practice to take action from speculation and guesswork here. In fact with anything that I might think of as not obvious, I will visit my local Doctor, at little expense, and he will refer me to a specialist if necessary!
  12. Something has been lost in translation The words "expected to" should read, "hoped for"
  13. I agree! These are "one-off" events. It is the general demeanour (image, presentation, law enforcement etc, etc,) of the City that needs lifting
  14. Let us base our assessment on the contributions we observe from both interesting topics submitted for discussion, together with those with equally interesting comments, from the numerous foreigners on this forum. If our considered percentage is of a similar quality of that expressed so far then it seems there is only about 5% of us, at the most, with merit enough to be thought of as being "worth talking to" Who wants to demonstrate they are in the minority?? Or will admit being in the 95% bracket?
  15. It's easy to avoid trouble in Thailand. Don't go to Pattaya!
  16. The OP doesn't say he is quitting - only that without alcohol for three weeks. I have withdrawn from alcohol (very small amount - less than equal to small beer or a glass of wine per day) on several occasions for the purpose of for example, contributing to lowering cholesterol or just for a rest! I am not sure there were differences in my level of clear thinking but within about seven weeks my goal was reached. In any event, if the OP IS trying to quit and is three weeks in, then he gets my vote for success so far!
  17. She is moody because of you. it is only my opinion, but she doesn't get your respect and in a moment of honesty she would say the same of you. "A sack of potatoes" as a description of one's partner (in public) is something to be ashamed of! This post should be private.
  18. Nuclear Bouncers should only be a deterrent! Unfortunately, their war heads are in the wrong hands! If customers are being offensive or aggressive, they only need to be restrained and then call the police. If the evidence points to drunkards delivering the first blow, the establishment can sue them for assaulting its employees! Looks like there were witnesses.
  19. Men looking for women have been coming to Thailand for many years. Some of them do no research and are happy to trust mates down the pub in their own country that the girls here are easy, beautiful and often charming - most of the "easy" ones to be found in bars. In fact these women represent less than 4% of Thai women. though for sure, there is no guarantee that many of the 96% remaining might just be lying about one being handsome! Arriving here for the first time, they are amazed that their mates were (partly) right! These men are of different age groups but they often have in common a few background characteristics that tend to make them easy prey for those women. In the beginning, the men are overwhelmed with the feeling they are wanted and cannot resist the temptations of "falling" into relationships that were impossible in their own country. It is easy to see why! Men who are not familiar with the major potential problems of a serious relationship with a bar girl, especially marrying one, will be naive at the time and later realise they were stupid. To the OP: Is Mrs. Smith aware of your deep knowledge of the bar girl scene?
  20. Not sure why Prague, my favourite City, or Lisbon, or San Francisco not on that list
  21. For me, it isn't the delivery boy that is the problem, it is the food! Just poor value. i don't bother anymore!
  22. That depends as much on you as it does about the women and another culture. If you transfer your philosophy of life that you have demonstrated on this forum, it is likely you are in for disappointment - wherever you go!
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