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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Was he breathing heavy after 30 years? Did he ignore the canaries? Tis a long time that! Should have read the book, "Coming Up For Air", George Orwell!
  2. This item is in the Health Forum because it is hoped to encourage others towards good health and fitness On 1st January I received an invitation from my Health App to complete, either 100,000 – 200,000 or 300,000 steps for the entire month. They were graded as “Beginner”, “Intermediate” or “Professional” I chose Professional because that required me to walk on average 10,000 steps every day to reach my goal. For me it was easy, as I had already done 150 consecutive days average of around 15,000. Sara, my wife, was persuaded to join me at the Beginner challenge (100,000 steps) that required only 3,300 steps per day – her average was about 3,000 already. Both of us would be awarded a “medal” if we succeeded. By coincidence, our separate Apps showed we would reach our goal on 17 January, a full 14 days before the deadline. Sara had “workouts” that amounted to about 15 kms walking, while the remainder was in ordinary daily activities. I walked 129 kms (workouts) in that time as well as my own moving about all day, inning and outing, upping and downing. And for good measure, I will go through 1,000 kms by month end in walking workouts over the last 5 months.
  3. The rampant corruption, caused in part, by a totally inadequate wage structure that needs supplementation by donations from motorists. It's mainly greedy people who are corrupt, not the poor!
  4. That doesn't mean it is or not required. I have my passport with me on domestic flights but my driving license offered has always been accepted. If the driving license IS accepted that won't tell Immigration about overstay!
  5. I am just as unaffected personally with this article as I was when it was announced 18 months ago as legal. I don't wish business failure on anybody arising from what appears to be a Government UTurn. These Investors were entitled to start a legitimate business based on earlier solid indications of new markets and new level of acceptance. Irrespective of the whys and wherefore of cannabis use, this situation now unfolding doesn't show the Government in a very favourable light, either here or abroad, and I would understand if many people and Business Owners protest angrily!
  6. Question is easy! Only in the minds of the gullible! Non-existent!
  7. I had a g/f who called an ice cream sandwich a "snake" .
  8. The Abbot speculated... What nonsense - so much for the "wisdom" of Buddhism!!
  9. This is what I call a songthaew! My Thai wife calls it a tuk tuk The photo in the Article is also called a songthaew - Seems to depend on where you live. Might just as well call a spade a spade - or a shovel! And the nerve to call them any of them "taxis" is laughable!
  10. An irony here is that all Drivers on the road are pedestrians when they NOT driving!
  11. Bar girls don't need energy - they just lie down, close their eyes and think of their King and Thailand!
  12. Interesting story that after only 6 months he has made that much and saved it, as well as buying new stock and normal daily living expenses. About a year ago, I decided I would keep all new Rubber B20's I received in change and put them away, Last week (I don't go looking for them), I counted them and had B4,300. I didn't miss the money; that now gives me a feeling of having about B4,300 more than I thought.
  13. I will make a general comment about refunds from anywhere on the Internet. You may have noticed that when you press confirm to pay for something, the money has immediately left your account, been received and confirmation of the order is acknowledged in just over a nanosecond. However justified a refund is, the reverse is a procedure that for reasons due mainly due to a lack of motivation or interest by the Supplier, is hardly process-free and often time-consuming to the point of distraction and frustration.
  14. There is no such thing as a bad or a good place to find a long term relationship.
  15. Most Atheists "do" Christmas but without the religious nonsense!
  16. If someone else spotted it, it would be a leopard
  17. Only at Christmas and only for children before they reach the age of reason And never for that god thing!
  18. And what if a good neighbour leaves and a new (noisy) one arrives?
  19. We here on the forum do not have all the facts over that time period at hand. If you have concerns or suspicions, then some tactful investigation would be in order to satisfy yourself that you are not "thinking too much" Don't try to fix something that isn't broken! Someone who has carried out their part of the contract for three years, paying good rent on time and not smashing the place up; on the face of it seems a good tenant! You DO need to be confident one way or the other that your decision is the best outcome for both Tenant and Landlord! But, as you know, nothing is guaranteed.
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