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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Firstly, Members of this forum can only attest to the wives they have or have had and in no position to make generalisations about any country's women that includes Thailand The qualities I look for in a prospective wife (Thai or otherwise), would include the following: there are others! Honest Sincere, Self-belief Self respect Self confidence Kind and thoughtful Unselfish, Having a cheerful demeanour affectionate and loving Faithful Good attitude None of these qualities require much education, so is not on my list Doesn't exclude any of the conditions listed by Bob I am more interested in personality and strength of character Do I have such a thing (Thai wife)? Yes, with imperfections that I acknowledge, not as failings but of being human! Like me!!
  2. Type "Thailand's Architecture" into google and apart from a few pockets in some towns and cities, only temples will emerge from your search! Mind you, there are about 30,000 of them. I wonder how high on the world list would Thai architecture be considered "beautiful".
  3. "Sin" in the way I understand it in Pattaya seems to be what most people (the majority men) are looking for! It's the crime I read about almost every day that should be the focus of attention.
  4. You mean you have an idea - not a plan, as you don't even know yet whether you want to go or not!
  5. A post with unnecessary derogatory remarks about Thais. Nothing to do with HATE, nothing to do with STINK in sports and nothing to do with TRANNIES. And not a smidgen of research that would have saved you the trouble of even writing this post.
  6. Do I detect some Premature Congratulation?
  7. I admit that any kind of incessant noise "next door" is awful to bear. For once, we hear two sides to a story. But who is exaggerating; who is lying - probably both Who is whinging and who is justifiably complaining - probably both It isn't only about decibels - in England if it is considered a "disturbing of the peace", then the police will be round to sort things out but sorry to say, not here
  8. Your list contains all I have to deal with for more than 20 years and not a lot has changed to any detriment for me. I am free to do whatever I please that of course might be different from what pleases you! Not a prisoner in the slightest! In any case, "prisoner" is not the right word to describe a few things one is expected to abide by - basically being accountable. I suggest you apply for parole, which will only be successful if you have been a good boy!
  9. Why the vitriol? My comments are not aimed at you personally - my general comment should not have been under a quote - that is my error You are right, I don't know what you own or wear - not sure why you think I gave that impression. For all I know, you might wear a Rolex or wear women's clothes, but given you have only 2Baht to your name, it is doubtful you could afford either. I am sorry I can't oblige your demand to "Get Lost". You are out of date as I use GPS.
  10. Rolex watches are for show - loud, ostentatious - look what I've got! I am rich - you are jealous aren't you? Patek Philippe: silent, stylish - elegant, classy!
  11. If I could afford a Rolex, I wouldn't buy one.
  12. Some general observations: There are professionals who have used "ghost writers" for much of their work. Those "ghost writers" are not so much in demand as it has been taken over by AI. Most people are not creative writers including non-proficient native English speakers are experimenting with AI to improve their grammar and to help make their content more aesthetically pleasing for the reader. In education, Examiners are being "tested" by their students with AI to see what thy can get away with. Passing off one's work as their own when AI is the writer is being addressed vigorouly by the establishment. I have no problem with it as a means of effective communication as it relates to the level of content - more important on this forum.
  13. I prefer to controlling myself when matter as these, while disrespectful, I do not consider as a "problem" I need to address or solve; there is no need for me to "call them out" and chance a confrontation, with whoever they are! I do not disrespect others so I am never a problem to them! Some things taught to us as kids do not belong in the realms of mature adults - no need for revenge to accommodate our principles that could easily lead to something more difficult to deal with.
  14. Do you mean 'Chat-up Lines? I hope your Australian ones weren't examples of what you used even in Australia! Some examples of mine you could try: "If you will be my 6, I will be your 9" She says: "Hello handsome" You: "You are only saying that because it is true" or... "Thank you, I appreciate your honesty" She: "Do you come here often?" You: "Only in the mating season" You, "I had a dream last night about somebody just like you" She: "Did you?" You: "No, you wouldn't let me!"
  15. Yes, he is - sounds positively cheesy!
  16. This is called "whinging" no need whatsoever to be angry. A little irritated yes, but keep it to yourself and forget all about it!
  17. If you are a Trump fan, then there would be no point in any discussion, anyway. You cited only one book - stop being over-defensive! There is no call for being offensive - keep it to yourself!
  18. You have "used" that book as an example in context of current affairs and your associated comment of "could it happen to me"? But I am not about to argue more on this point!
  19. And Me too? Some Forum Members, doesn't include me, that wish in a general sense to send "them" back just because - that is prejudicial and not my style! As it relates to you, personally, I have responded to comments of yours but never to suggest you go back to where you come from - out of casual interest, is that England or USA? I do think that the book you highlight above suggests an exaggeration of what personal (mis)apprehensions you may have especially as that relates to internal politics in a country and not the opinions of a few bigoted people on social platforms.
  20. I have not actually engaged with or even met any Russians but meeting a stranger of any kind depends on the circumstances of the meeting and that in turn determines how either of us will start and continue some kind of dialogue. Some Forum Members are keen to send "them" back and equally so, the Chinese and the Indians for different reasons. Personally, I am friendly to all those I meet and all are happy to return the same level to me! Where people (strangers) are from is only of casual interest to me!
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