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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Thank you, Richard, I will refer that point to them when I visit!
  2. In the next few days, I will be going to SCB branch with my Thai wife to ensure that after 14 July when the current system stops, I will be able to make transfers from my two accounts with them to wherever I choose from my PC and my phone, using the Internet!
  3. And probably no Surveyor to observe such failings, prior to purchase - a prerequisite to obtain any kind of official loan - at least in UK
  4. I have lived in Chiang Mai "Province" off and on for ten years; Doi Saket, Mae Rim, Sarapee and Sanpatong. In the countryside; the City within easy reach with plenty of transport, except after dark it seems! Never have I been remotely affected by the smog, that I acknowledge is there. Chiang Mai, is not like many countries second cities and certainly has a character that I know and like. Yes, the traffic has got worse but that is the case everywhere I can think of! Businesses come and go, restaurants change hands often that allows for the variation in experiences. Things hardly ever remain the same - some good, some not so good. I first lived in Chiang Mai area 20 years ago and when had been there for about three weeks I was asking those who had been there for a few years and I recall them saying, yes, it is nice here but not as good as the past! In some ways, now, I would say something similar. Some people wouldn't like Chiang Mai and many choose Pattaya for example, but certainly not me! If I became single again, Chiang Mai would be one of my first places to move to.
  5. Such a profound topic! Sometimes I don't wear underwear or socks during the day at home! Have I no shame?
  6. I am not sure what the "the best haircut" for a man, even means. I have been here 20 years and never had anything I would call a "bad" haircut, ranging from B20 to B200 and most of those by women! For the last three years. my wife, who is not a hairdresser has been cutting my hair for free! Absolutely fine!! If you want Styling, that may be different!
  7. This is easy! NOW! start by putting a little aside per month and gradually increase as you age a bit. Saving for any emergency is a wise move! 61 is NOT too old to have Health Insurance and for you to decide if affordable. Start something now. Bangkok Bank, and others I assume, you can get Accident Insurance for less than B5,000 per year and covers you Worldwide.
  8. If you are American you will know that the words "help" and *work" can mean exactly the same thing. As an Englishman, I don't especially agree they are exactly the same but I DO think that when it comes to "helping" within the context of a business, then helping IS working. This is the problem that others are commenting on as it relates to how this matter is interpreted by Thai Officialdom.
  9. As recently as last week, I visited my branch of Kasikorn Bank and I also spoke to an English-speaking person in Bangkok I told them I was visiting Malaysia and was told that once my card activated could use anywhere. I think activation endures for as long as you hold the card. My purpose was simply to ensure that if I was relying on it working in Malaysia, then I need to be confident. Another reason is to inform them that a sudden use of my card in another country, that it is me! As it happens, I was only in Malaysia for two days, arriving back only yesterday, and actually used a little Thai Baht in cash to exchange for ringgits, so I cannot confirm the ATM or anything else about my card working or not. I had already paid for my hotel with Thai Baht before leaving here. If you have a credit card that might be another issue. My debit card accepts any purchase both here in Thailand and now, Internationally up to a limit of my balance at the time! Whether you NEED to let them know, I am not sure about but it does no harm to inform them then at least they don't question every movement of the card or keep you waiting for approvals.
  10. You will also need to have the card "activated" for any purchases/subscriptions outside Thailand
  11. No real resolution. I am sceptical of its legitimacy, so I have stopped completely. They haven't contacted me about this so I am happy with my decision. Sorry to keep you waiting for a reply
  12. I tried my Super Rich in Lampang - don't have any MYR currency (Ringgits) I expect to arrive in Chiang Mai on Friday 23rd at about 2.30pm for a flight out to Kuala Lumpur departing 5pm (I am already checked in for that) and would prefer to take some Ringgits as I am arriving late in KL. There are a couple of Super Rich Bureaux in Chiang Mai and the one most convenient to the Arcade bus station seems to be in Loi Kroh but when the visiting the Google street map I cannot find it as supposed to be there. Does it still exist and if not, any recommendations? Alternatively, is there a reasonable exchange counter at the airport? I am away for only three days so my need for Ringgits is not substantial, probably less than MYR 500, so even if commission and bad exchange rate high not much impact on the transaction. Thank you for help.
  13. For those who wish to deny a witness stamp is required for Life Certificate from UK Pensions Office, the attached shows clearly I needed one!
  14. As mentioned by others, it is distinctly possible we are talking Life certificate. if you have moved address in recent years, then likely it was never forwarded. It is worth mentioning from a general point of interest the post from the UK to Thailand can take six weeks if not sent registered or any other method that might indicate importance of its contents. The due date of 8th and still not received by 16th, does seem not to be a delay. I have been receiving my UK pension for 13 years and the greatest delay has been three days, apart from Saturdays and Sundays, when there is either or both days in Thailand and UK having public holidays, sometimes at the same time. One more point: For the first few years my pension was always paid on a Monday. and for the last four years or so, now on a Tuesday. arriving variously between 08.50 and 11.30
  15. Go to Immigration - you can now get a retirement extension!
  16. In fact, for a few years, My English wife was the "money in the bank" person with a retirement extension showing the word "retirement" in her passport and in my passport "dependent". Don't know if that still applies.
  17. There are REAL (of the sort you mean) people - and I am one of them! I have lived alone but, though I prefer being with someone, I am happy with myself and my philosophy of life and never feel loneliness! There are very few people in over twenty years (none that I encountered by just going outside) that engaged with me for money.
  18. One might argue that on the previous two occasions you overstayed there were "reasons" but part of your question seems to be asking if you PLAN to overstay for two days is that OK? Not a good plan! - for the reasons given by others!
  19. If you write some of these things as above, in your profile for a prospective mate of the sort you say ou are looking for, then you won't attract them. There doesn't seem to be much you say about your personality. Being good looking for example, maybe a first attraction but rarely is it a lasting one. And don't be surprised that stating that being financially well off, doesn't demonstrate that you are kind and thoughtful and considerate, caring, and honest and reliable. Thailand is not much different from anywhere else as it relates to finding your ideal partner. And one might even have to accept that even finding your perceived ideal, that there is no guarantee of a lasting rewarding and loving relationship.
  20. My comment shows clearly I am against animal cruelty in all its forms but it seems to me you are Ok that cruelty to "vicious" dogs is justified. Well, it isn't! And certainly not to me. The topic is NOT about vicious dogs per se. It is about cruelty to dogs, that happen to be pit bulls! No more comments needed about Pit Bulls. Stay on the OP topic please!
  21. This comment is irrelevant to the nature of the OP. This is about unnecessary cruelty of animals of whatever breed. I don't like pitbulls in the slightest but they have my sympathy as it relates to the context of the topic.
  22. Thank you. I am already with AIS so shouldn't be a problem
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