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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Another conjugation of the word is pedantry - idiomatically, the "splitting of hairs". Possibly arguing a point that does little to change the subject/object of it! For example. "I have 2000 friends on Facebook". Pedant replies, "I happen to know you have only 1998". ie, the pedant makes a point that is not fully denying it but feels the need to refute on the basis of it being incorrect - but in reality of no significance to the original claim that remains valid and unnecessarily requiring correction! I am now being circumloquacious or a perennial sufferer of logorrhea. ( the spellchecker for this word suggested gonorrhea - Ha! ha).
  2. I am interested in the "stamp" in the OP. It refers to a retirement "visa" Also there is no reference to the Immigration Office it is issued at. It looks a little mickey mouseish to me
  3. Good point. I would also argue why B800,000, when after retirement extension granted, only B400,000 needs to be in the bank!
  4. I should have pre-fixed my story with a disclaimer of it not being an April Fools joke.
  5. A French friend of mine while doing his 90 Day report at Lampang Immigration yesterday, 31 March, was told through his Thai wife, that from 1st of April, upon entering Thailand with a re-entry visa (while on retirement extension), would need to show B800,000 in the bank. This information relayed to me by my wife who's Thai friend was discussing this with an Immigration Officer. As it relates to me, I am returning from Malaysia (after about four days) to Chiang Mai by air in late June and need to be sure this is a fact. I do use an Agent and yesterday they told me they knew nothing of it. In the meantime, I ask on this forum if anyone else knows anything that resembles the opening sentence or if something has been lost in translation. In my written conversation later with the Agent they told me something I am not prepared to publish direct in this forum. Please PM me to find out out what it was - it was very surprising!
  6. Is "suspicion" enough for imprisonment? Another ill-thought headline I think.
  7. Certainly this is true of many: No such thing as a smiling Thai driver or a jealousThai woman
  8. Control yourself - manage others. Some teachers make the students angry.
  9. I am thinking mountains and molehills here. It happens the other way round as well, if my wife is pushing the trolley through the cash desk area, she pays and while the trolley is moved forward to let other customers start their process, they hand the change to me - because I am closer - nothing "cultural" going on! if it happened in ways described by others during my 20 years here, I didn't notice - that shows how important it - isn't!
  10. It matters not to me where they come from or their race - i only go for those with whom I believe there can be compatibility in love and everyday life. I have had a farang wife for 47 years with incredible qualities and I would choose the same woman again. My current wife is Thai and she also has wonderful qualities that suit me just about 100%. Oh, and I know she thinks equally of me! And I have good reason to believe it for ever! But I don't claim to know the future,
  11. As a Brit, or anyone from a western foreign country, it is almost certain he would have worn a helmet by habit, but knew, here in Thailand, can ride around with impunity from the law and if he doesn't have an accident, he will be fine. He has been unlucky and foolish and these factors have seriously affected the consequences. This man didn't deserve his current predicament but it is understandable it has to come to that. It is interesting that even the time putting on a helmet would have placed him in a slightly different location and a different time and that particular accident would not have occurred; So go most accidents - in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  12. When losing all the 12 points, it is clear they are persistent offenders but most of these will never be caught anyway, as there is no enforcement. Everybody is driving around with virtual impunity. In any event, nothing noteworthy will change.
  13. ChrisKC

    Snakes in garden

    On returning from shopping one day, I discovered a snake curled up on top of my fridge; don't know what sort it was, don't know how it got there. I know a few people who would panic and try to find something to smash its face in. What did I do? I closed all the doors of the house except the back door into the garden and ten minutes later it was gone. There really is no need to kill something when at the first of a human it simply runs (slithers) away
  14. Insofar as ceasing his duties is concerned, nothing has changed! Tell me what he has actually been doing for how many years.
  15. Will VAR be invoked to settle on or off, in or out, guilty or not guilty?
  16. Am I right in thinking that it is the Samsung company itself that offers the warranty and that the store selling the product is effectively their agent? A customer is asking the store, to refer the matter to Samsung who honour their warranty in some compensatory way to customer and the store?
  17. Why shouldn't they with thousands upon thousands of them here already?
  18. If anyone still believes in a god(s) or creationism and at the same time you claim to be wise, you will need some evidence that you don't have. This post appears to be very old - no need for another resurrection! I won't be responding to any comments. T
  19. Have you read what I said??? I am not debating anything, neither do I need to. I was responding to a point from someone else, that is nothing to do with you. He mentioned that Facebook - oh sorry I said that dirty word again!! He said that it and Twitter were not sources of reliability and by me stating clearly, I didn't use them for that purpose that should be a bit of a clue that I am very unlikely therefore, to contravene the rules of this forum of which I am aware! If you don't understand ask a Moderator to intervene! Resulting from which this does not require any further comment from you.
  20. I know, about quoting anything, but what has that got do with me just saying the word - or is that not allowed?
  21. Facebook and Twitter are not MY sources of anything requiring truth or scientific significance. Google and YouTube are censored but certainly not everything and not all YouTubers. And I go there often enough to trust a great number of them and I stand by my general comment of fact checking by research as best as can be done to refute obvious "opinions" or to establish a position from which I can form a reasonable judgement. If you need to establish what is correct or not, where do YOU go? Or will you ignore all the sources of what you read and hear and believe what you want to believe? And while I am here; whether matters about most topics are someone's opinion, true, partly true, a lie or anything in between, very little has much impact on my life and I cannot control it, so I take it or leave it and maybe one day some truths may emerge that I and everyone else can agree is the real deal. Not everybody in the world is lying, deliberately misleading or giving misinformation.
  22. Another term for a 'fact checker' is 'censor.' In the context of the OP, it isn't! It isn't about 'how things used to be'. Other correct terms are, homework or research.
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