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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. I make 2 liters/time. Heat the milk on the stove, wait for it to cool enough so I can hold a finger in it for about 10 seconds, add 2 spoons of yogurt - just normal simple from 7-11, cover the pot with a towel and leave it on a shelf overnight. At the moment as it is a bit cooler at night I usually let is sit until the next afternoon/evening (so about 20-24 hours)
  2. True. But do you really see the Muslims in France demanding ALL girls\women cover their heads\bodies? Freedom of religion means anyone can worship and believe who or whoever they want as long as they don't force anyone else to go their way or stop anyone going another way. Now, if they start demanding special prayer time during school schedule - that would be wrong.
  3. I think they've stopped it. Since January this year till the last bill I used between 9 and 12 units per month. Up until 3 months ago books always came with total cost 0. The last 3 months I already had to pay (10, 12, 10 units).
  4. Ha? Oh, thank you for the club's details. I won't be able to attend the show, would you be so kind and have it on zoom as well?
  5. You should read the post I replied to before you reply to me. Otherwise you just take my reply out of contest
  6. It's not a win\lose situation. You simply don't understand how the banking system works in Thailand. Simply said, the registered address has nothing to do with inter provincial banking. The location of your branch is what counts. A person might have multiple bank accounts in different provinces while a person can only have 1 registered residential address. When I moved from 1 province to another, at first I paid a fee for ATM withdrawals and also bank deposits while I was at the new province. I later opened another account in the new province and used the bank's online system or app to transfer money between my accounts for free.
  7. ummm, the reason Thailand's median age is 10 years older than the rest of the world might be all the old retirees coming here at a late age...
  8. So simple. When I walk into the condo building I'm looking at my phone's screen. Same in the elevator. Never seen any no weed signs. I smoke on the balcony.
  9. I have 2 passports in which my family name is spelt differently (only 1 letter). All my documents\bank accounts are spelt using passport no.1. I use the other passport for traveling to some destinations where it has advantages using that other nationality. My frequent traveler accounts using passport no.1 as well. Once I booked a flight ticket using passport no.2 and couldn't get the miles for that flight. Ever since then I always use the spelling of no.1 and never had any problem boarding.
  10. If course he is sick. He's sick and tired of being in prison. 5 hours is more than enough!!
  11. 1. Do you speak Thai at all? Not just "how much", "where's the toilet" etc. Can you actually make a conversation in Thai? 2. What's the age gap between the two of you? 3. Where did you meet her? What work was she doing before you met? I don't know if this is a troll thread like many like to start here, but the point is that if you cannot make a conversation in Thai that means you don't understand even the basics of Thai culture and it doesn't matter how well your wife speaks English or whatever your mother's tongue is. The other 2 questions are also important. Would you have married a woman of that age in your home country (I mean would a woman that age will even consider having a relationship with a man your age?)? And of course the 3rd question - would you have married a woman of the same past in your home country?
  12. According to your logic you should also add the toilets to your list of attractions
  13. I think you're confusing laws from different countries... AFAIK in most Western countries the longest lease possibly is 99 years. In Thailand it is only 30 years. If you want to re-lease there property once the 30 years are up, you can, as you said, if both parties agree. And you can keep re-leasing the property as many times as you and the owner agree on it, no limit to 3 times. As for removing the house at the end of the lease - that will be according to your agreement with the owner. Actually, according to the law whatever is on the land at the end of the lease (fixed things, not movable and personal belongings of course) now belongs to the owner of the property.
  14. Chanot, or NS4 is the only real fully freehold title deed, with the most accurate measurements, no limits on selling/buying (after the limited period of 5-10 years of "red chanot" has passed) and a possibility to divide the land to separate plots and issue a chanot for each of the parts. NR3 is a limited title deed whereas NS3r is a bit better. Both are with less accurate measurements and no possibility to divide the land. The "titles" you refer to as for farming or hill land are no deeds at all - those are limited permits to "make food" from the land and those are not even registered at the land department. Those permits are issued by different government agencies. All of the above is not related to my original reply which was a question about a title deed for the house separate from the land which the one I replied to claims he has
  15. Chanot is the ONLY type of title deed in Thailand. There's no other document to show ownership. The blue book is a house registration document, only lists THAI citizens (and PR holders) that are registered to that particular address. A Thai person can own many properties, but can only be listed as a resident in 1 of them. The building permit is just that - a permit to build on a plot of land. Nothing to do with ownership. And besides - even of it does - can you sell the house without the land it stands on? Can the landlord of the plot sell the land with the house on it?
  16. Did you have a separate chanot for the house?
  17. Wow. That was quick. Less than 24 hours on prison... I though he'll stay there at least until the new government is on place.
  18. I'm pretty sure that's why they use it. After all, they'll have to sell the car in order to recover the money and who'd want a car with marks?
  19. A possible explanation: Every class (first\business\economy) is divided to subclasses. Each subclass has a different price and different conditions for the ticket. So in your case the offer on the website might use a lower subclass (and probably the difference between the 1st and the 2nd time you checked were based on different subclass due to availability), and the promotion offer is based on a higher booking subclass.
  20. 2 options: 1. Wait for the documents from the insurer to arrive. 2. Buy new p.r.b (compulsory insurance) at the DLT usually when buying 1st class insurance it comes with the compulsory insurance. I know mine does You need the original document, so email doesn't help
  21. This story was published here about 1 or 2 weeks ago, so what's new? There are so many massage places in Thailand, I doubt many of them are licenced. Most probably most are not. In Thailand a minor is someone under 20 years of age. Just saying that they employed minors doesn't mean much. How many minors? How old?
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