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Everything posted by starky

  1. I wouldnt say superficial. I would say like most people if you <deleted> them over or push the wrong butrons they have a propensity for violence. So if you consider that superficial then everyone is superficial. Unlike fights or violence ive been in other places there is generally an escalation and its clear <deleted> is about to happen. Here that os not necessarily true. The contrast is more stark here as they seem for the most part so much happier. Some of the violence i have witnessed here is full on. Its my expeerience that if you push a Thai to breaking point there is no off switch. Others experience may vary.
  2. I find the people of Isaan overwhelmingly friendly particularly to falang in places where ther normally isnt a lot. As long as your not a dick make them lose face or poke the bear would be my only caveat. Those same friendly faces can be pretty nasty if they turn.
  3. Drumroll please whilst i roll out the tired cliche...anywhere but thailand boom boom.
  4. Na not picky just a lover of accuracy and verifiable facts. Your the one backpedalling. When i questioned it you even had the gall to post some bodgy imbd link that clearly shows he wasnt in the 100 plus films you claimed. 73 is quite a number but it aint 100. Many people would love to claim they have a 100k in the bank but if they only got 73k most would agree they are a quite a way short. Not nit picky in that stat mate.
  5. Dont know if prolific makes you "great" . I will not deny he was in some massive films but if i was being a cxxnt not sure if they were great cos he was in them. Like Jason Statham i love the bloke and i cant be bothered doing the homework but he has some serious runs on the board. History will decide whether he was "great" or not but he is certainly prolific. And again not having the blue with you sir but for some to say he was in over 100 films is just not true.
  6. Which clearly aint by any definition 100 plus. Correct? That imbd link also credits his performance as a voice actor for a playstation game is that a "film"?
  7. Not sure of your definition but i dont consider tv shows "films" lol. In fact by your definition Pamela Anderson qpperaed in more "films" than the great william hurt. She was in 76 Baywatch films and let us not forget her stellar acting performamce as the "tool girl" in those 48 Home Improvement films.
  8. I woukd argue that in many rural parts of Thailand outside of the major cities there arent "plenty" of jobs at all. Its why many need to leave children with grandparents and move to more population dense areas to find work. I did a decent stint in rural Thailand and there werent many jobs at all. Your experience may differ.
  9. My lord. Nobody likes me ? Boo hoo you really got me there. Couldnt make it in Thailand? Hmmmm Wonder how i have lived here for 22 years have a couple houses a condo i rent out and a wife and 2 beuatiful daughters? Yeah sucks to be me... Make your mind up first you say i sound like a dealer then say i wouldnt have a clue. Lived in Isaan more than 12 years mate fully aware of the effectz of yaba and ice on communities up North.
  10. And? Well if there is no jobs its hardly the yaba making them jobless is it lol
  11. Many people in the North East dont have jobs they are subsistence farmers at best.
  12. Ya mah was only given to racehorses? Yeah sure. I clearly remember pharmacies selling pure ephedrine by the scoop back in the day.
  13. Potheads always want to justify their drug us3 because it fits their narrative.
  14. So showing your zero knowledge about any drugs in the kingdom. Ice is cheaper than yaba yeah? Yaba about 30 baht a pill ice 1000 baht a tik (gram) if ya lucky. All the armchair expertz out today
  15. Bwahahahaha is that your retort? No im not. Now tell me again how speed only 2 generations ago. Peanut.
  16. Well i consider myself blessed dont know if its what i wanted or not but its been a fxxn wild ride. When i return this car to the shop i dont want it in concourse condition. I want the bitch flogged banged up and like she been somewhere. But more importantly in a real sense my favourite group The Streets couldnt have put it any better than in these lyrics from "On the edge of a cliff" For billions of years since the outset of timeEvery single one of your ancestors survivedEvery single person on your mum and dad's sideSuccessfully looked after and passed onto you lifeWhat are the chances of that, like?It comes to me once in a whileAnd everywhere I tell folk, it gets the best smile
  17. Maybe 2 generations ya reckon ???????????????? https://www.history.com/topics/crime/history-of-meth Ephedra been around just as long as ganga mate. Pot heads always want to argue the toss.
  18. As ricky gervais says you dont remember the millions of eons before you were born so those after you leave are hardly relevant.
  19. 100 films ? Your off your head mate. Lol.
  20. Yes. We are in agreement . Sarcasm hard to convey in text. We all know who profits most from war and war mongering. Cheers.
  21. So war profiteering is a cause for celebration in Thailand?
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