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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've been doing that for 22 years and it's all a bit dull now!
  2. My former Brit wife had these. She had them removed as she wanted more children. Apart from infertility, I don't think they have any other effect.
  3. Nearly all my pals died between age 45 and age 70, most before age 60. At 67 I'm last man standing. I have no wish to live any longer, I've done more than most, been to more places, banged more women, there's just nothing left I want to do.
  4. Most people's health issues are completely outside their control. HLE (healthy life expectancy), and DFLE (disability free life expectancy) are not something you can change. I know, I know, that some people think they can stop becoming ill through drinking their own urine, not drinking or smoking, exercising every day, no sex, avoiding all the foods they enjoy, but in reality it's completely delusional thinking and merely makes their life not worth living.
  5. Not true .......... It's the cure/treatment/medication that causes erectile dysfunction.
  6. A Thai doctor misdiagnosed my uti as bph. Antibiotics fixed me after supposedly having bph and treatment for over 2 years.
  7. CC says All mammals can catch rabies. No human has been reported as catching rabies from rats/rabbits. Do you obsess about being hit by lightning? No, well you should as it's more common than catching rabies from rats.
  8. Centre for Disease control and prevention.
  9. CDC says different. Please find one case of a human catching rabies from a rat bite. If it happens, it should be easy to find.
  10. Read the report, human bitten by rabid rat, which isn't the same as human infected by rabid rat. It's absolutely clear humans can be attacked by small mammals infected by rabies. Which isn't the same as humans can catch rabies from small mammals. As I've previously stated, if rats can infect humans with rabies, it should be a fairly common problem. But so far ZERO cases. From your Petchabun link .......... "No documented case of human rabies secondary to a rat bite has ever been reported" Guess you didn't read that far?
  11. But not transmitted to humans by rat bites. I'd be happy to read any medical link stating a human caught rabies from a rat bite anywhere in the world. There are lots of rats in the world (more rats than dogs) if it were possible to catch rabies from rat bites there should be many published cases.
  12. Rat bites are not known to transmit rabies to humans ......... https://www.orkin.com/pests/rodents/rats/rat-bites Would be happy to read any link saying different, but I can't find any.
  13. Get to know the side effects of the treatment! Incontinence an impotence being the 2 usual side effects of all the treatments. The only real cure for BPH is death.
  14. It drops every Friday at close of trading. Then rises every Monday at start of trading. Normally by 0.5bht
  15. That's because you don't really understand graphs, the scales in your example aren't representative of the level of change. Your steep drop is only 0.2bht (or 0.5%). Start your graph vertical axis at 0 and the apparent change becomes insignificant. (A little trick taught me from a book, "How to Lie with Statistics" Darrell Huff 1954)
  16. Kipling "the Ladies" definitely needs a rewrite. Dirty old misogynist/racist/colonial .......... "Now I aren't no 'and with the ladies, For, takin' 'em all along, You never can say till you've tried 'em, An' then you are like to be wrong. There's times when you'll think that you mightn't, There's times when you'll know that you might; But the things you will learn from the Yellow an' Brown, They'll 'elp you a lot with the White!"
  17. Drops every Friday, and rises every Monday. Completely normal usually by 0.5bht/gbp.
  18. I'm to mean to buy 'special' drinking water. The tapwater is good enough!
  19. Once you understand the average age of healthy life expectancy is 62, and the disability free age of life expectancy is 63, then you can make plans for the reality of old age. (Stats found by Chomper https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthandlifeexpectancies/bulletins/healthstatelifeexpectanciesuk/2018to2020) Living to 100 would mean 37 years of sickness!
  20. Work pensions all gone now .......... Let's face it, we lived in a western golden age of pensions and savings that never happened before, and will probably never happen again. How the Thais elderly live will be the future, at least they don't have heating bills to pay!
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