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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. A more green solution would be to prohibit people living/developing/building homes in arid/desert areas. Nothing green about irrigation.
  2. I've always preferred to live in the modern world with the latest tech. So no, I don't wish I had. When I moved to CM in 2009 it was still a bit too backward for me. Dial up internet, True was the only TV option, only books on paper, just not satisfactory.
  3. But it's a question that everyone will view in a different way.
  4. You'd need to define 'better' before I could answer that question. My 'better' may not be your 'better'. Was my Brit wife better than my Thai wife ....... no way! Were my Brit children better than my Thai children .... not in any way! Were my friends better in the 80s ........ I don't think so. Was any part of my life better in the 80s, I don't think so. People were more honest and outspoken in the 80s, now we're all too scared to air our own views, and if we dared the mods would probably have a busy time removing our posts and banning us.
  5. We would need to compare them with forum posts in the 80s before we could accept your statement ............ wait ...... they didn't exist before the year 2000.
  6. My opinion ........... Every person present in the meeting room when they discussed that secret and disgraceful personal file on Farage should be dismissed along with everyone that participated in compiling that file.
  7. All due to improved communications. Wind the tech back to the 80s, and the changes would all go away. I prefer now, free books, movies, tv shows, social media, comms, maps all give me a much more comfortable life.
  8. I don't know anything about my parents politics, I never asked when they were alive, and they didn't offer to tell me. Were they racists? impossible to say as there were no non-whites where we lived (south of England).
  9. i had the same problem in France, spent years looking for 'Toutes Directions'.
  10. Screen snapshot, then zoom into the snapshot. Alternative, buy a magnifying glass (took shops) or get some reading glasses.
  11. At university I did better than most (who got none at all), a few guys got a bit more, but not much more. Don't know what it was like in the 90s as I was married from 79-09. I wanted sex every night, and only got it once a week (once a month when married). I think INCELs don't get it at all, but I may be wrong. But my theory is you're just a boaster, and probably got less than I did.
  12. Yep, directly I took a payment it was always taxed at 20%, but no need to wait if you aren't expecting more that year.
  13. There is no purpose to life, accept that and move on.
  14. No, income sourced in the UK is taxed in the UK. Although not knowing what tax you owed and what tax you paid seems somewhat foolish. I always checked my tax as it was paid (UK government gateway account) and applied online for refunds the moment they overcharged me. Normally refunds were paid into my UK bank account withing 14 days of my claim.
  15. My sex life didn't start until I was 52 and in Thailand. Then it really kicked off, I also moved in with a nympho but only lasted 9 months as 5x a day was killing me.
  16. If they doubled the financial requirements or insisted on health insurance .......... I'd just walk away from my woman and children and mortgage, and move to the Philippines or Cambodia. Can't see how that would help Thailand.
  17. I'd say good people don't have tattoos. Easy way to keep foreign scumbags out of the country, no tattoos. Easy to check and enforce as well.
  18. Slightly different as the Filipino family can also speak English and will actually call you by your name instead of you always being 'the farang'.
  19. It's essentially the same game in a different country. For me it's not more fun, but it is as much fun, same as Cambodia and Vietnam. BUT, if you're one of those guys that wants to talk with his bed partners the Filipino ladies are well ahead in the game. They talk our language, watch our movies, listen to our music and understand our humour and culture.The people are generally more friendly than Thais, and it's easy to make pals with guys or girls (something impossible in Thailand), and they do actually appear to like foreigners. Not to mention it's really easy for a foreigner to live in the Philippines compared to Thailand. No income or savings required.
  20. This post applies to over 50s white guys with under 40s Thai women. Probably because we think they're either 1) lying or 2) delusional or 3) dating really ugly women.
  21. Meanwhile, back in the UK, 8th wettest July ever, and cooler than usual. https://www.nationalworld.com/news/weather/uk-weather-met-offie-july-2023-one-of-wettest-on-record-britain-summer-rain-4240052
  22. Me too and me neither. Sex was very hard to get in the UK. Normal rule was pay for 3 dates gets you sex once. Get married and get sex once a month, with her getting your house and pension at the end.
  23. I suspect PT agreed not to limit cannabis for Anutin (and the people of Thailand) And Anutin agreed to let Thaksin return (for the Laos speaking Thai majority) Which seems a pretty good deal for everyone IMHO. MF could have made the same deal, but refused and so lost out.
  24. Mf only got a small part of the people's vote.
  25. Don't see it as a problem. MF didn't get that many extra votes. Lots of other democratic Euro governments have been formed without the biggest vote winning party as boss.

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