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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Yep, I would have. But on the other hand I've had way more fun in my 50s and 60s than I ever expected.
  2. If you think Thailand is bad, you've never been to Hanoi or Saigon! It's an order of magnitude worse.
  3. Up in sunny Chiang Mai the smog has reduced my midday solar generation from 2.4kW to 1kW. Even last week I was making 1.5kW. Anyone else finding the smog reducing their solar power as much?
  4. 3 years isn't that long, come back after 20 years an tell us how good it was. I stood loyally beside my Brit wife for 30 years before she decided to dump me for someone new, been with my Thai lady for 6 years already. The problem with you youngsters is you don't know how much you don't know. But in the end your woman will probably teach you a lesson or two.
  5. Chiang Mai, My solar panels normally produce 2.4kW at midday on a clear sunny day. Now down to 1kW with all the pollution.
  6. The TR is for TRollops. Or possibly TRansvestites ...........
  7. I've always found they pick and choose their customers. My policy was always to sit at a table and see which girls approached me. Happy, smiling and confident and drinking a beer seemed to work. Soft drinks would put them off for some reason.
  8. Some bars girls do tattoos and bar talk, some are indistiushable from bank staff. Mine finished high school, did 2 years of university, now runs the PTA and the housing association. Just because you only associate with the rough ones, doesn't mean they're all rough.
  9. Life is really easy for my rabbits, free food, water, shelter and medical care. They just eat, run and sleep.
  10. The usual penalty is marriage ........ and that may be a life sentence!
  11. I think Thai taxi/tuttuk drivers and bar bouncers waving machetes/iron bars are far more frightening than someone chucking packets of breath mints. And nobody pays much attention to that, but maybe that's just me.
  12. I think it shows solar is 10% more expensive than Nuclear and 40% more expensive than coal.
  13. I think there's a fair few guys posting on this forum that don't have interest in women of any kind.
  14. or the Dutch ........... or the French .......... not to forget the naked German .......... And the Chinese are always killing, kidnapping and running gangs. The big crimes are always Chinese.
  15. Picking up 2 trays of sweets and putting them back on the counter doesn't cost anything. (did you watch the video of what he did?)
  16. Nobody and nothing was harmed. Less than 5 mins to pick up the 2 trays of sweets he threw on the ground. It's a trivial offense, in the west the police wouldn't even come. Can't understand all the hate towards white men shown on this forum. Nobody cared about the naked Thai guy running around the 7-11 last week.
  17. I look much the same shape and size as I was 40 years back (183cm, 76Kg, 32" waist, full hair). Letting yourself go is just a sign of disrespect for your partner. Still cycle 25Km 2x a week.
  18. Time takes it's toll, James Bond is the perfect example, from hot to not in 5 years ......... Women in LTRs just let themselves go. Best to rent!
  19. I would say the exact opposite, The weaker and more accommodating you are, the less they like you. Selfish and thuggish is the way to attract women. I see you're still a mug, just do what's right for you is the lesson you need to learn.
  20. Happens whenever a guy buys a house, anywhere in the world with any type of woman ......... better to rent! Happened to me and all my pals in the UK. Briffault's Law, keep a tight hold on your assets and income. The great thing about Thailand, they can't take it, you have to be stupid enough to give it to them.
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