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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Why doesn't he just move elsewhere, no forwarding address. That way it costs him nothing.
  2. A 240w Quantum board can manage 6 in veg or 2 in flower (it lights a 2ft x 4ft footprint). But the flowering plants you can grow outside (in good weather) but not in direct sunlight. Thai sunlight will burn western hybrids. I've got 2 lamps, and they're still good after 3 years.
  3. Nothing stops them from flowering, and any clones will flower and finish at the same time as the original seed. Pay for a feminised seed, and take as many cuttings as you like. My 1 feminised tropical Punch seed (5GBP) is almost finished and ready to harvest. 3 more now in veg from cuttings (just put the biggest out to flower). 4 more cuttings now growing roots. And I can carry on from that original plant as long as I like.
  4. 1. Don't buy seeds from Thai vendors, almost nothing is legit. Use Attitude seedbank or Discreet seeds, they are the real deal. 2. Female seeds are created by forced seeding, one way is to spray colloidal silver on a female plant. I prefer to use clones of female plants. 3. Quantum boars are the only lights worth buying IMHO, about 5kbht for a 240W LED lamp. 4. Soil I use is a Peat moss/bag soil/perlite mix. Can't help you with AUTOs, I don't use them 'cos I can't clone them. Seeds don't keep well in the Thai climate, buy only what you nee to plant immediately, 3 months later they're dead. "Any comments on: GSC, Bruce Banner, Gorilla cookies, Durban Poison, Pineapple Express, GG4, Pink Runtz, Blue Dream, Super Lemon Haze." Bought a load of these from Thai vendors on Facebook/Shoppee, NONE of them were the real deal. Luckily I also grew from the UK seebanks but it wasted a lot of my time and effort.
  5. I've settled down my grow now to a constant cycle .......... Cuttings and veg tent (the veg plants are carried outside for the day and put in shade) 8 cuttings taken last week, 5 plants in veg. The cuttings stay inside with just light from the window, the tent light is only used at night to stop everything flowering (total 16hrs) Flower plants, outside all the time but carried from shade to shelter at night or in bad weather. These two just put out today Nearly at harvest plants, on my windowsill for night/morning, outside in shade for the afternoons. This Tropical Punch is nearly ready to harvest. If it looks like wind/rain, they just stay inside for the day and night. These are all grown in a Peat moss/bag soil/perlite mix and watered with WESCO 30-20-10+TE at 6.0ph every day.
  6. 2 slipped and died in the shower 1 m/c accident 2 liver failure 2 cancer 1 aids 1 stroke The oldest was 70.
  7. I can only tell from the growing flowers. If it looks like this..... All glittery in the sunlight 15+%, which I class as strong.
  8. I hang them in the dark under the stair cupboard for a week or two. Then the flowers are cut off the stem and put in jam jars, lid opened every day until 63-57% is reached. So far 1 jar done, and one still a bit high.
  9. Most of the guesthouses charge 5k-6kbht/month + utils. Emporium Residence in Santitham is where I always liked to stay (near Huay Keow Road) NuanPranee Guesthouse in Mitrpranee Road is another good one (near the Walking street and Night Market). All monthly rental prices, x2 for daily rates. All have fridge/TV/Air-con.
  10. And yet I can remember when all our UK beef came from Argentina, all our lamb came form New Zealand, bananas were from the West Indies and oranges from South Africa. So I'm calling BS on this 'gravity'.
  11. I have solar power, so no extra cost in using my grow tent, and a shade cloth outside. All my western hybrids grow perfectly in Thailand, once out of the sudden storms and strong direct sunlight. Trying some new seeds from Attitude, 28 pounds inc delivery. KC Brains Bahia Blackhead Regular - 05 seeds £5.99 KC Brains Brains Escape Regular - 05 seeds £5.99 KC Brains Brains Choice Regular - 05 seeds £5.99 Garden of Green Seeds Blue Dream 1 FEMINIZED FREE
  12. As I said in my previous post, there is no world shortage of food. But food isn't grown free, you need to earn the money to pay the farmers who grow it. Yes, I agree, some people in the world are incapable of earning the money to buy their food. Producing more food or wasting less food won't enable them to buy enough.
  13. Food production worldwide is at an all time high. And a warmer climate with raised levels of CO2 will allow even more to be produced. There is no food shortage, but of course farmers don't grow food free of charge. Like always, if you have the money to pay for it, you can buy as much food as you want. To eat or to waste!
  14. My plants have always flowered despite street lights, the moon, the woman turning on the outside lights, etc. I always think the 'streetlighting' tale is from those who have never grown. This is currently flowering by my living room window ........
  15. To be fair the 'horrific pictures' would be after 10 years of not treating the disease. I doubt that would happen in any country outside of Africa. Generally it's propaganda from the anti-sex brigade.
  16. 120 quid a year for a UK street address. That includes 25 scanned pages a month, but if you want the mail collected and sent on it's extra. UKpostbox.com (street address) Good for banks, DWP, HMRC, etc.
  17. 1. It isn't her family. 2. She isn't rich.
  18. Not sure why you would say that. The kid had a small graze on his arm, which he could have got even if the car was parked when he ran into it.
  19. All self inflicted, nobody forced the government to close the country for 2 years.
  20. But those people were mainly useless to their countries economy. COVID must have saved the UK millions on pension payments. Back on topic, Currency manipulation is the answer IMHO.
  21. I cut back on my housing bill by moving to Thailand. Food is a relatively small part of most people's household budget.
  22. They didn't get paid for the 'years ago' publicity. Now they're making millions from it. Easy to understand!
  23. Maybe the sex is so good, he doesn't care.
  24. Best option is cash on delivery, then if they don't deliver you don't pay.
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