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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I despise the Tories, but I can't really blame them for problems all the western countries have.
  2. Simple answer for the woke people, but doesn't explain why all the other western countries (including the EU) are doing just as badly. And Labour have announced they have no intention of rejoining the EU. Whenever the woke get it horribly wrong, they always double down. Green energy destabilised the grid, we just need more of it. Illegal immigration causing problems, just allow all their relatives in. Etc. And it's always the poor that end up paying and suffering for the woke ideology!
  3. I have the same problem with the Brit PMs ....... they change so often!
  4. All the western countries appear to be having the same problems as far as I can see. Go woke, go broke! Shut your countries for 2 years because of COVID ....... check. Force your country to use 'green' energy ........ check. Allow unrestricted illegal immigration ......... check. Move all manufacturing to the 3rd world ......... check. Have interest rates lower than inflation ......... check. Only offer unsuitable candidates for election ....... check.
  5. Why would anyone want to talk with fat people?
  6. Goto your local government hospital with her, her Thai ID and her house registration book to sign up.
  7. They want 1kbht in Chiang Mai as well these days.
  8. The poorest have always had the most babies throughout history. Disease, famine and war always took care of the excess.
  9. Would you feel the same without your 'Thai take-out'? Lots of older white guys don't like living without a woman. I prefer living in Asia where my pension means I never need be in bed alone. (Title should really be 'Is living in Asia better than living in the West')
  10. I think it's a pension scam, not weak but opportunistic. If there was no payout there would be little in the way of PTSD claims.
  11. My guess, only people living in the property would be allowed to take it over. And if nobody living there, it will be reassigned by the head man to local people.
  12. "And behind it all, sea level in this part of Florida has risen more than a foot in the past 100 years, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and most of that rise has occurred in the past three decades." But none of those properties look 100 years old .....probably 10-15 years tops. The conclusion being, nothing to do with sea level rise, and all to do with building on unsuitable land. But interesting to see a government agency publishing trivial sea level rises despite all the alarmists. 1ft change in 100 years = not worth mentioning IMHO.
  13. You only see what those who run the world want you to see. You only feel what those who run the world want you to feel. The globalists want rid of Putin, and what you are shown will be to that end..
  14. Would point out Britain started the war with Hitler, wasn't really our business. Now NATO are looking to start a war with Putin, which isn't NATO's business either. NATO's business is to defend it's signatory countries, neither Ukraine or Russia are members. The world is full of thug/fascist leaders, Asia, Middle East, Africa and S. America are full of them.
  15. If you're a foreign woman, yes. If you're a foreign man, no.
  16. Why would any of us criticise Putin? I don't care what happens in Russia or any of the thuggish countries surrounding it. Part of wokism is an intense interest in things that don't really matter to us.
  17. This is the definition I found .............. Like every other totalitarian movement, what some call liberalism and others more recently often describe as Cultural Marxism has developed an ideology which its adherents use to justify the imposition of tyranny on the society they seek to overtake. The ideology of America’s contemporary totalitarian left can be called wokeism. The four intellectual pillars of wokeism are: 1. Anti-white racism disguised under the euphemism social justice. 2. Rejection of traditional morality, which is primarily carried out by the promotion of sexually deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality and transgender. In a truly surreal inversion of reality, they paint traditional morality as immoral by charging it with being homophobic, transphobic, and similar terms. 3. Environmentalism based on the notion that it is desirable and possible to arrest climate change. 4. Intense hostility toward Christian religion, which they negatively paint as patriarchal, intolerant, and oppressive. Would also point out 'Cultural Marxism' has almost no connection with 'Marxism' The wokes would have hated the great man Karl Marx who was a heterosexual middle aged white male who considered women to be the property of men.
  18. Why should I care if someone I don't know gets killed?
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