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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Most hate and disinformation is spread by governments and their security forces.
  2. Bought a Kindle from Hong Kong via Lazada, arrived at my home by DHL 4 days later. Problem is the Thai government hates the USA but bows to China.
  3. I have solar and batteries, the grid can go off as often as it likes.
  4. The Spanish explorers called California the "Bay of Smoke" in 1542, so I hardly think the burning is anything new, and certainly not Trump's fault. https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/lost-la/why-did-a-1542-spanish-voyage-refer-to-san-pedro-bay-as-the-bay-of-the-smoke
  5. People who read are never bored!
  6. Probably best not to build in earthquake or volcanic areas of the world.
  7. When you build your houses and roofs of wood, fire is a problem.
  8. I have found no benefits in supplements, but they may be of some use to those with unusual/extreme eating habits, vegans, vegetarians, etc. There is no replacement for regular exercise and a comprehensive menu.
  9. There is no neutral in light switches!
  10. I see no benefit in civilised people's attempting to integrate with more primitive and uneducated people's. As a Scot this maybe less of a problem for you.
  11. Looks nice! I would definitely like to cycle along there.
  12. After a massive aphid attack, I found it easier to buy from someone else for 5-10bht a gram. (Fis High on LINE)
  13. Don't think I complain much about Thais, I don't really interact with them beyond simple commerce. Never been that interested in foreigners, I probably wouldn't interact socially with you either. My pals are all British! When I first arrived here I did live with a Thai lady that was a little violent, after she had hit me a few times, I just moved when she was out with no forwarding address ......... easy. I don't hit anyone, and don't allow them the opportunity to hit me.
  14. I considered moving there in the 1980s, even went so far as to write to the Canadian Embassy in the UK, the reply I received, "we are only accepting Sikhs at this time" ........ amazing Canada!
  15. If she allowed it to happen for 10 months, then there's something wrong with her. Employment and housing is easily available all over Thailand, so why endure it? No need to fight back, just move!
  16. There are always the same number of trolls, they just post under new names as their old names get banned. But at least now, forum policy has changed (for the better IMHO) to let everyone have a say as long as they are polite and civil about it.
  17. I'm not really sure what people expect for elderly men or women, at some time your partner will either leave or die, so one of you at least will end up alone. At that stage you either end up living alone or in a retirement/nursing home back in the west, here you can choose a new (younger) woman and family or continue alone. I've gone the new (younger) woman and family, but would be equally happy alone with my rabbits. My policy is to make the most of life while you still have it! At nearly 70, I can't really believe what a great time I'm still having.
  18. I also so eat regularly at La Casita Mexican, Rajdarbar Indian, and KhuaLek Cafe Thai. No fish and chips at any of them, but I don't go out enough to visit more than four different restaurants.
  19. I regularly eat at Au Der Auf German buffet, 240bht for all you can eat. The fried fish in batter if perfectly acceptable, but no chips, it's sliced roast potatoes or mashed potatoes which go quite well with gravy from the meatballs section. Add some thick sliced ham, a selection of odd German rolls and bread, coffee, tea and puddings and you're full to bursting.
  20. Or just make up a fake email, they don't check it's valid.
  21. I've got one of those too and it's rubbish compared to the Redmi pad, battery doesn't last long enough on the Alldocube.
  22. Yeah, you gotta wait for sale days when there's often a 2kbht discount. Next one should be on 02.02.25.
  23. Best to only buy from the official store. I've got a great 12" Redmi pad from the Xiaomi official Lazada store on a sale day for 4,500bht.
  24. The easy answer is not to tell your UK bank you have moved. They don't check, even if the new house owner returns letters. Been using my old UK address for the past 15 years, nobody seems to care. Best not to use a UK debit/credit card from your UK bank in Thailand as they will notice that. UK bank to WISE to Thai bank and nobody will ever know where you are really living.
  25. Yeah, I've done it twice, lump sum taxed (withheld) before payment, then just fill in an online claim form to get it back. Took me under 2 weeks each time between filling in the form and being deposited in my UK bank account. But you'll need a UK address to claim your private pension as they do a UK credit check to confirm your identity. I initially tried claiming mine using a Thai address, and they said impossible without a UK address, so I told them to use my original UK address which worked.
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