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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Been to China, liked it, China government nicer to me than Brit government. They (China/Russia/Religion of Peace) are certainly welcome to kill my former wife and all my former family.
  2. I doubt it, the one I purchased is very popular in China and available under about 10 different labels. EASun, PowMr, Y&H to name just a few.
  3. I enjoyed marriage first time......... apart from the lack of sex, and the asset stripping & pointless viciousness at the end. All I've ever wanted from life is a wife, sex 3x a week and to be surrounded by my children. In the UK, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. In Thailand that was fully achieved at a bargain price. But mainly with other people's unwanted children.
  4. If Russia were to open a crowdfunding page for the London missile, I'd contribute.
  5. Mine was 13k5bht from China. Worth the risk at that price, and sold under many different brand names. Works very well but still relatively new. Be aware the WiFi of most of these inverters communicate via servers in China. Mine doesn't do real time data over WiFi, you want now, you have to look at the inverter screen. But WiFi is just a gimmick after you've set the parameters.
  6. Very brave to buy from China, no brand, no warrenty, no previous customers according to the blurb.
  7. Waste of money IMHO for the ability to illegally export.
  8. I only smoke pot to remove the pain from arthritis in my knuckles the past 2 years. Before age 63 didn't use it at all.
  9. If you've got batteries, why the on grid inverter? 5k5w Off grid inverter 15kbht (I have this) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/powmr-hybrid-offgrid-off-grid-inverter-35-55kw-24v-48v-solar-system-1-i2226480952-s7453256026.html 10x 345w panels 37kbht (I have this) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bluetech-solar-poly-340w-345w-dsm72-345-345-polycrystalline-solar-panel-345w-5bb-30-i1904718525-s5997080624.html 12kwhr battery 55kbht (I should have bought this) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2937766522-s10775080147.html Total 110kbht
  10. I know a lot of divorce Brit guys (including myself IQ140+), I only know of one that was ever violent towards his wife. So I'd say your entire post is ridiculous.
  11. In the 70s I didn't know anyone that was divorced, or anyone that had divorced parents. In 2010 half the schoolkids had divorced parents, and almost every guy I knew had been divorced at least once. The major change (UK) seemed to happen in the 1990s when divorce laws changed to give her the kids, house and half the guys pension (along with needing consent to have sex with your wife). Suddenly wives stopped having sex with their husbands, and started asset stripping them.
  12. Would point out most divorce is driven by the old women. Most guys just endure what they have as they get older ...... given the chance. I would never have contemplated divorcing my Brit wife, it was 100% her choice to dump me.
  13. Same for me, the sex I had with women I paid by the night was far better than any sex I had with my Brit wife of 30 years.
  14. Just wait until they start the internal exams ...... "I think I can see the remains of a burger up here, pass me the forceps"
  15. Seems to me Australia is ruled by tyranny, the fine seems out of all proportion to the offense.
  16. Do the anti-weed folks enter the I drink too much sections and complain about alcohol, or the gay section and boast about not being gay? I'd ban the bigots for a couple of weeks, if I were in charge.
  17. I get inundated from sponsored ads on FB for weed ......... here's one from yesterday. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Kepq8rwxVbMQ7AAA6aT47HxKna3hrVBwfd5jyn5VyPpwAuYumgP2u24rK9YVX62Tl&id=108316065309377
  18. It's a great place to visit, hour or two train ride from Hanoi. I hired a bicycle from a restaurant opposite the train station and cycled all around.
  19. Irrelevant to today, different rules, different laws. Before 1997 most women got nothing in divorce, so they didn't. If the rules were changed so the women again got nothing on divorce, they wouldn't divorce.
  20. My woman gets the benefits of a 7-11 wage, transport and accommodation without having to work for it, and no beatings. Free High school and university education as well. Which is a lot better than she got before me. If she wants more she could always get a job like I had to do.
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