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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I didn't expect my Brit wife of 30 years to start banging other guys and chuck me out.
  2. Looks like it's a scam ......... https://www.emiratesgroupcareers.com/ "What is recruitment fraud? It has come to our attention that various people and organisations unrelated to the Emirates Group are sending emails or otherwise contacting individuals offering fraudulent employment opportunities in the Emirates Group. These people and organisations may request personal information or money from you in order to progress the application. We would therefore advise that you never provide your bank account or credit card details as part of a job application."
  3. Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
  4. Would point out under Buddhist teachings, the general population are only required to choose 3 precepts to follow.
  5. I would hardly consider a glorified telephone exchange operator as a 'figure of authority'.
  6. Why not, there's no downside to marriage in Thailand. You can still bang other women, and you get a VISA extension with 400k in the bank.
  7. Never marry, cohabit or impregnate in the west. Save that money to use on Temple and beach holidays in Thailand.
  8. Best to leave your woman at home, plenty of other Thai ladies available to share your room when you get there.
  9. Not relevant what you think. In the USA men earn 75% of all earnings, and women spend 75% of it. Men save, women spend, it's the why things work.
  10. I've been discussing big manly horse faced women. Fat is an eating disorder, big tall women is a hormone disorder.
  11. Considering most women contribute nothing to a married couples house purchase, are you claiming a 50% chance of losing half your money (best case) is a good investment?
  12. It's an interesting topic, Do something legal in one country, then get arrested when you enter a country where it's not allowed. Presumably Malaysians with more than one wife will be arrested and detained for bigamy the moment they enter Thailand. Not to mention the guys that married 12 year old women.
  13. Only if you're too stupid to see the name of the receiving account holder isn't as expected. When it's a delivery driver, I always hold my phone up to them and ask 'is this you?'
  14. Now tell us a story about all the married guys who paid for a house and lost it to their wife in a divorce! 50% of marriages end in divorce, mostly the women keep the house. Any investment with a 50% chance of a total loss ain't that great IMHO. Obviously not a consideration if you're 'true forced lonely' or a homosexual.
  15. I get 2.50 a week less than the max UK state pension. Had to pay 3kGBP to take it to the top. Surprised as I only really worked full-time for 20 years.
  16. Contraceptive pill. Noticed how ladyboys in Thailand are bigger than normal Thais, it's because they take female contraceptive pills.
  17. Yes, I agree, today's western women are unnaturally large and manly. When I look back at all those movies made in the 40s/50s/60s, I see the white women were all as small as today's Asian women, all my girlfriends back in the 60s UK were also small size, generally 40-50Kg. Not from any selection bias on my part, that was the size of most women in their 20s. Something has gone seriously wrong with the west in the past 50 years. I can pick up a woman that weighs 50Kg, just about, 45Kg is easier. If I can't pick a woman up, I don't want her.
  18. 60% of Americans couldn't pay a $500 bill ...... https://www.cbs19news.com/story/34248451/6-in-10-americans-dont-have-500-in-savings So assuming America is the richest country in the world, that means all other nationalities are worse off. So many AN posters are completely out of touch with the financial reality of the average western citizen.
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