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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. If you're a weak or stupid man, it'll obviously be easier to find a woman who is an equal. But she probably wouldn't want such a man.
  2. 1. You're supposed to stop when you have a car accident. 2. Why should he? 3. Maybe he has no medical training. And why was the French car driver arrested?
  3. My western plants all burn in the hot sun. If I put them outside, it has to be in the shade or partial shade. My Thai plants seem to have no problems in full sunlight.
  4. Best to keep your gate locked! Stops all sorts of trouble before it starts.
  5. I never understand the open hatred many posters show for other white men. I also never understand why some people say a bad white person ruins it for all of us. I'm not French, I don't much like any French people, what they do is no reflection (good or bad) on me! Maybe if I were a racist, I'd consider all white men my brothers, but I'm not, so I don't.
  6. It's hard to see what happened as the video has been edited to only show the end. I'm guessing the whole video would show the Thai guy starting the fight, else it wouldn't have been missed out.
  7. Not to forget "star six" with the artistic late night shows.
  8. Have you tried turning the lights off before undressing?
  9. I changed at 43.06 on Friday, down to 42.84 now.
  10. I have bacon and egg for breakfast every day. 3 wine coolers in the day. Lots of cups of Typhoo tea. I'm OK doing the same thing every day.
  11. 2 years back I tried a couple of plants outside and they were covered in bugs. This year I've got loads outside, and nothing at all wants to eat them apart from slugs/snails. So I've cut a ring of plastic from a coke bottle to shield the base of the plants, and sprinkled Vermiculite around so they don't like sliding around. Seems to work. No idea if I'll get anything worth smoking, this is my first outdoor grow in soil. My indoors grow tent is just to get seeds/clones ready for planting outside. I get my western seeds from Attitude Seedbank in the UK, 10 pounds delivery to Thailand in a plain Jiffy bag, takes about 10 days to get them. This is a small (2ft) Cheeselicious from them, it's been outside in a pot (out of direct sun) for a week. And this was a 30bht plant from my local market, out in full sun, about 8ft tall and just flowering.
  12. Everything I grow is started in a tent, then planted outside at about 2ft tall. Some of my indoor clones have started flowering at 6 inches tall, some haven't (16hrs light). It's all a bit random IMHO.
  13. My outside plants have just started flowering and they're 8ft tall.
  14. Viscount Stansgate aka Tony Benn didn't count then?
  15. I have A Brit pal in Cambodia. He was in PP until the COVID shut-downs drove him out. He's been living in Kampot since then, seems happy enough. I've spent plenty of time in Siem Reap, Phomn Penh and Barretto (PI). Like them all and would be happy to live in either place.
  16. Yes it does, all the western countries are in the same sinking currency ship. Australia/NZ is even worse than the Uk, the EU about the same. Haven't looked at Canada.
  17. I would disagree, as the bribes are shared at all levels. And the highest level immigration officers paid significant bribes to get their posts.
  18. Only if he didn't share the bribe with them.
  19. When I describe a movie as woke, I mean ........... Anti-white male racism disguised under the euphemism social justice. Rejection of traditional morality, promoting sexually deviant lifestyles.
  20. Everyone is 'alright Jack' If the private pension funds failed, the government would end up paying them (either as welfare or under the guarantee). So they won't fail as there is no benefit to the government in letting them fail.
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