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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. You'd need to be insane to eat anything sold to you by a beggar. Who knows where it's been or how it was packaged/stored. Could be contaminated by disease or chemicals.
  2. Thailand is not Australia (thank God). Different country, different rules, adapt or die (literally). Personally, I prefer Thailand and accept it how it is.
  3. Just watched the first two episodes. Quality series, good acting, classic SF story, no apparent wokeness.
  4. The town in the Uk where I lived until 2009, One Chinese family (ran the take-away) One Nepalese guy (ran the Indian restaurant) Two Turkish guys (ran the Kebab shop) No other non-whites of any kind. No inter-racial relationships at all. Watched the first 3 episodes of Season 3 'The Boys' Episode one had a gay guy that could miniaturise himself, crawling into another guys penis then accidentally reverting to full size, exploding his lover in the process. Was quite amusing .......... weirdest plot lines ever.
  5. Bit too old (and weighty) for me. Same goes for JD.
  6. Best to 'look though' beggars like they don't exist.
  7. The answer is cameras everywhere, including personal body cameras, recording everything people say and do 24/7. So when she (or he) accuses, both peoples cameras recordings are inspected and anyone caught lying gets an automatic 5 years in jail. If anyone's camera failed to record that moment, an automatic judgement of wrong doing. If would also stop almost all crime. Also a compulsory DNA check on all babies before a birth certificate is issued, and any inheritance paid. Should be possible with today's tech.
  8. Nope, if you are abused you should just report it to the police, or leave. Especially in the west where there's a woman's refuge in every town, free everything. Harder if you're a guy as there is no help offered anywhere for abused men. I know, I tried once, the UK police station desk sergeant told me to 'clear off and grow some balls'.
  9. I agree you can trust your parents. But you can certainly never trust any woman you've ever had sex with, nor your children either. I find trust vastly over-rated, it's not something that's necessary in my life. I trusted a woman for 30 years, I would have been better off if I hadn't. If you never trust, you will never be disappointed.
  10. How can they do revolting things? Tip or not comes after you've eaten.
  11. What we can learn as men ....... Never marry, cohabit, or impregnate in the western world. Let the women earn their own money and not live off us.
  12. Seems unlikely. Half the population unemployed, no tourists, and the government still wants to continue the Thai pass and insurance scam.
  13. Nope he got $10 million $350,000 as punitive damages are limited to 350k..
  14. As a prince, I'd be expecting them to force themselves on me.
  15. I'm guessing the talk shows will be wary of defamation actions. What else could she talk about?
  16. If I were a prince, I'd be banging 100s of young women and expecting them all free. The traditional role of a prince was to kill his enemies and impregnate young women.
  17. Add 100,000bht to your install bill for the extra paperwork, approved installer and approved equipment.
  18. More police than customers .................. Is the little one in the middle available to bar fine?
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