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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Nobody is forcing you to take out loans, buy insurance or buy prescription drugs. Always amazed at the restrictive thinking that makes Americans buy insurance. American posters must have insurance, must have local medical facilities. No other people in the world think like that, I'm OK with death. I only buy insurance mandated by law, and sometimes not even that.
  2. Yep, next thing you know guys with auto guns will be shooting schoolkids.
  3. Everything after Gran Torino was a B movie, that one with the chicken was garbage. Quite frankly, I don't want to see movies with people older than me playing lead roles.
  4. Depp is too old to be an A-lister. Have you seen a recent Bruce Willis movie?
  5. Do dictators who seize a country by force of arms count as democratically elected politicians? Do you see how ridiculous your post was? As for Boris, he was elected because he wasn't Teresa. Which was the only choice offered to the Conservative party at the time. And I think they made the right decision. USA was the same, Trump or Hillary ........ obviously Trump was the right choice. Western democracy is hopelessly broken, where the electorate in every country is always given the choice of two hopelessly unsuitable candidates.
  6. Supermodels come with problems, some guys settle for an old boot in the hopes it will be problem free. You enjoy your choice, and I will enjoy my choice.
  7. All great, a little arthritis in my knuckles, but I've had that since my mid-40s. Walked 8Km yesterday, and painted the 2nd story exterior of the back of my house. Maybe too tired today for the second coat.
  8. Because he always seemed to be a nice guy. And she always seemed to be a psycho bitch. And many of us had similar relationships and experiences in our home countries.
  9. A deeper question would be, why on earth would any man marry any woman? There's nothing in marriage, at this point in time, that benefits a man.
  10. It was 5 quid a pint in 2009 when I left. We all used to load up at home with a few shorts then buy a pint and sit in the smoking hut with a joint.
  11. I'm living the dream, and have never had any problems. House on a 90% mortgage, m/c 50kbht in her name, women always 20 years younger. Living in Asia has been great for me. As a man cohabiting, never pay cash up front for major purchases (true for anywhere in the world). Women will nearly always snatch and run if given the opportunity.
  12. Johnny Depp + Amber Heard Paul McCartney + Heather Mills Donald Trump + Melania Knauss Kevin Costner + Chris Baumgartner Warren Beatty + Annette Bening And that's just five I can think of .........
  13. Nah, I went through this same poop (and worse) from my Brit wife and I'm nowhere near rich. Divorcing white women are toxic, but I have no idea why. In this case they were both rich and famous, no need for all this nonsense apart from her wanting to harm him, no matter what the cost to herself.
  14. Off topic, I'm OK with may state pension of 730 quid/4 weeks. Never tell your government where you are or what you are doing. On topic, Obviously I won't be buying a penthouse in Bangkok on that. Bangkok property shills won't be seeing a housing recovery from my income.
  15. Most people in the world do little more than exist. Why do you think white guys should be different. At 66 years old, I'm happy to still exist. back to the OP ......... Housing market recovering ...... Only in the minds of the property shills. I actually think the housing market (everywhere) will be taking a leap off a cliff all over the world. Inflation 10%-20% worldwide, wages and employment down, nobody will be moving home in the next 5-10 years.
  16. I'm 66, tried 3 different Quinolones in the recent past, so far no negative effects. (barring slightly achy Achilles tendons, fixed by not exercising while taking the drugs)
  17. Putin is an excuse, pointless COVID measures have destroyed the world economy. Musk is right TEOTWAWKI is coming.
  18. I suspect the boats move a bit faster than Russian ladies in the water.
  19. Why would it matter? ........... As long as the sex is good, and frequent, her feelings for us don't really matter that much.
  20. Why, you'll be dead soon and you can't take it with you. I'm 66 and fairly surprised I'm not dead, everyone else I know or was related was dead before that.
  21. Not one problem ever, the Thai, Viet, Philippine and Cambodian girls were all great. Back in the UK, white women caused me many problems.
  22. Wouldn't think that was possible. Healthy people do not break bones from swimming into a log.
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