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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't think that matters, at the moment anyone seen as in charge will be blamed. They were just the latest two silly enough to stick their heads on the chopping block. There will be plenty more to follow.
  2. If I deny being a alien lizard person, does that make me one?
  3. You don't think non-white foreigners in Thailand have/need VISAs?
  4. COVID is a mess in which all world governments (left or right, military or democratic) participated. Close your economy for 2 years and now reap the rewards.
  5. I don't believe there is any real risk to pensions. The government guarantees almost all private UK pensions (mine is guaranteed 80%). And the private pensions are taxed at 20%, so I don't see that I have much to lose. My private pension failing would make almost no difference to my income (after tax). Most people with only state pensions get benefits to top their income up. As for the mortgage rate, Anyone who purchases a home without considering historical interest rates is a fool.
  6. Pound was at it's highest for 3 months on Friday. So if what you said were true, Liz has been an amazing success. But I do agree, Liz and the Conservatives should just walk away and let Labour have a go. See if they can do any better. But I disagree on the cause ......... the cause was COVID shutting the country for 2 years. And it's a cause that will sweep through all the western countries, as they all had the same problem. Australia is also facing a collapsing AUD. Not much being said about Europe, but the Euro is sinking fast as well.
  7. I think Liz should come out and say at the moment the UK is a complete mess and she can think of nothing to save it, then follow up by resigning the entire Conservative government and letting Labour have a go. It would be fun to see Labour also fail in such an epic way! (now back to "Australia dollar is collapsing")
  8. I once lived in a dead Moobaan, 100 plots, 3 houses. The roads would flood as there was no maintenance. The water would go off, once for more than a week as there was no money to repair the village tank pump. Does this condo have lifts? Buyer beware!
  9. It's foreign invaders backed by France and the EU I'm talking about.
  10. I could live in my house near CM for 25k/month (without the women and children). Beyond 9kbht for the mortgage there's not much to spend money on.
  11. Living in a Moobaan which has just introduced smart gate cards (way more expensive than hotel key cards), I can honestly say they cost 300bht each, therefor the much cheaper door cards should not cost more than 150bht to replace.
  12. Who would care if they died? In the case of the boat people entering the UK, the French and the EU don't appear to care, if they did they would have stopped them entering the boats at the French end. So why does the UK have to care?
  13. That's true of most MPs. Tory MPs are especially greedy and unpleasant.
  14. Does the Indian man have a work permit to run his hotel? Just a thought.
  15. Me Too! It was woke garbage (for all mankind) of the highest level. I didn't get past the first few episodes either.
  16. Easier to walk away & pay nothing, if that's the way she wants it. With no parental rights, goes no parental responsibility. Don't look back. I've always found when the Thai lady understands there's no money to be made, she usually doesn't want the kid.
  17. If you're so poor you can claim benefits, you probably shouldn't be wasting that money in a pub.
  18. I found the COVID era boring rather than interesting.
  19. 86% of the UK population is white, 50% of the population are female. If there were no racism in the UK, 4 of the last 5 chancellors should have been white. If there was no sexism at least 2 should have been female.
  20. If you select 'pay bill' in your phone banking app, then search for PEA, you can enter your PEA account number and view your outstanding PEA balance and pay it in the app. Works for my TMB/TTB bank account app anyway.
  21. My only remaining living friend is black, my woman is Asian, my son is mixed race. (and my last white friend died of AIDs) I'm living the woke multicultural rainbow dream! But you can keep suggesting I'm a racist if you want to appear foolish.
  22. If racism is so bad in the UK, how come 4 of the last 5 chancellors were non-white? It seems to me if there is any racism in the UK it's racism against white men.
  23. Nothing worse than a loose seat!
  24. The only people being offered for election are those not competent to do the job. This appears to be a worldwide phenomena an not just a UK problem. All Liz had to do was nothing much for 6 months, repeat after me, "I'm new to this job and need to ease my way in before making any changes". But despite all the panic the pound is up t 43+ for the first time in months. If I were PM, I would have sake the BOE boss as he appeared to be deliberately acting against the UK government. But what do I know! 5 Chancellors in 3 years has to be a new record.
  25. Pound was at a 3 month high yesterday, I changed at 43, but it made 43.3 during the day.
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