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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I lie to the UK government all the time ....... it's no big deal IMHO. I'd be happy lying to the Queen as well, if I knew her. Tony Blair lied to parliament and the country about weapons of mass destruction, then invaded a foreign country killing thousands of innocent women and children. Nobody seems bothered about his lies!
  2. I've always felt it was foolish to import cheap foreign labour to run a countries services or export manufacturing to foreign countries. A country should be able to stand alone in all ways.
  3. Almost every vaccinated person I know has caught COVID after vaccination. How could many more become infected? Feel free to state they just need a few more boosters, or their infections would have been much worse without vaccination.
  4. So your gf took all the precautions and caught COVID anyway? Or your gf is irresponsible and broke the rules? It's gotta be one or the other! When something doesn't work (lockdowns/vaccinations/masks) I tend to not believe in them any more.
  5. Can't say I've had much in the way of problems here. Everything was way harder back in the UK.
  6. Don't tell them you live outside the UK and you won't get 'life certificate' problems.
  7. American Beauty was a great movie. I don't really care about any crimes the actors/directors/producers did in their private lives.
  8. 1. You didn't have to race with her! 2. Amphetamine users (YaBaa or YaIce).
  9. It's hard to find someone with an ounce of integrity in any party in any western country now. I agree it's depressing, but no need for any anger, I just down another 2-3 beers every day.
  10. So when I dis Tony Blair, I'm an anti-Catholic. When I dis Obama, I'm an anti-Baptist. When I dis Bill Gates, I'm anti-science. When I dis Angela Merkel, I'm anti-communist. Etc. Pro Globalist power hungry cnuts come from many religions ............ Not liking them doesn't mean I hate their religion.
  11. If the child was brought from Laos/Cambodia/Nigeria et al, I'd agree with you. If the child was brought from the 7-11 round the corner, I'd have to disagree. Now we'd need to agree on what is a child. A 16 year old is not considered a child under British or EU law. A 20 year old is a child under American law. Oddly enough, One of my pals in the UK was jailed for beating up the 27 year old lover of his 15 year old daughter. The 15 year old daughter was subsequently allowed to move in with her 27 year old lover under the supervision of social services. So much for the law.
  12. I think it's more to do with the skill of the installer rather than the choice of materials. In the UK, PVC was all that was ever used (since about 1980). Apart from having to climb a ladder to poke the leaves out now and again, all my UK homes had perfectly functional PVC gutters and down-pipes.
  13. Seems that every bust is now 'human trafficking'. No matter how heinous you consider under age sex, it really isn't 'human trafficking'. Those laws were designed for buying and selling people from country to county, and are being misused by the Thai police.
  14. As long as there's somewhere to hang my hat and coat, I'm not bothered about the rest.
  15. I would suggest that every country tries to be entirely self-sufficient. No immigration at all especially not refugees, limited foreign spouse only (and them required to leave on divorce/separation) Then there is no need for custom unions or single markets, where essentially everything is made in the 3rd world, imported and rebadged as local.
  16. I always 'dated' for the sex. My rabbits provide any companionship I feel the need for.
  17. Same .... Then I purchased a Suoer 1kW inverter and a 100AH 12v battery (10kbht) which worked perfectly and provided backup for 1-2 hours. Now I've moved on to a 5k5 whole house inverter and a 300AH 48v battery which provides backup for 20hrs to the whole house (cost 65kbht) and enough solar panels to completely recharge the batteries nearly every day (30kbht). The UPS problems are due to the low power batteries inside them. When they operate for more than a few minutes they kill the battery.
  18. As Jonathan Pie explained ........ Most of the British poor were tired of the way things were and wanted change. A vote to stay was a vote for everything to remain as it was. A vote to leave was a vote for something to change. Britain always opted out of any EU laws designed to help the poor. I would have liked to see Blair and Thatcher tried in an EU court for their war crimes. I would have liked to have bought a retirement home in France. Not to mention an EU state pension. So for me I would have voted to remain ...... if I had a vote which I didn't. I don't feel the current problems are due to Brexit, but due to COVID restrictions. And wonder what would have happened if the Brit government had just treated COVID as Flu .................. Let's face it we all caught COVID no matter how many vaccinations we had or what restrictions they imposed.
  19. All Brit politicians were remainers, the EU gravy train is too big to resist.
  20. I didn't vote to leave the EU! I didn't vote for Boris or Queen Liz either, both alien lizard people IMHO. But do believe the EU is effectively under German rule.
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