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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. My last months bill was huge due to constant rain/clouds/storms. Up from my normal 66 units to a massive 114 units, costing me 439bht. Full batteries now after a mostly sunny day. Can't tell you how much I produce as my cheap hybrid inverter doesn't tell me that information (and I don't really care), before solar I was using 300-400 units/month.
  2. My first 2 GTIs (Suoer DB600 and DB1000) were the cheapest available Chinese products. Completely safe, if there was no grid supply they didn't work. I've never found any GTI that would work without a working grid supply. As for needing a professional electrician, they came with a 3 pin plug to put in any nearby socket, same as every other available electrical device. Do you really believe all electrical equipment needs a professional electrician to put the plug in the socket? Please link to one that is dangerous for sale on Lazada or admit you're posting misinformation.
  3. That would be the prices for an installation with an approved installer and approved equipment. Which is why hardly any Thais bother as the 'kickbacks' increase the install price by x5. Prawitt says he wants to make it cheaper and easier. I'd say removing the corporate greed and corruption would be the way to do that.
  4. Your calculations are wrong, 340w panels are 3,500bht (Bluetech), a 1kW grid tie inverter is 3,000bht (can take 3 panels). So for a cost of 13,000bht you can generate 3-4 units a day using the grid as your storage. At 5bht a unit payback is (13000/17.5= 750 days) 2.5 years. Obviously the MEA/PEA don't want you to do this so throw all sorts of pointless blockades in your way. The PEA/MEA up your costs by requiring an approved installer (add 50-100kbht), approved equipment (add 30kbht), and a ton of paperwork (add 2+ years to your installation time) If Prawitt is serious all he needs to do is allow homeowners to install their own equipment and feedback to the grid without any approval or control from the existing power companies. It'll never happen!
  5. Post a photo of your 7?
  6. Hmong village (2nd one) at the top of Doi Suthep are always selling green beans. The Chiang Mai university coffee plantation and shop (just before the village) also sell them.
  7. Surprised, I was earning a lot of money in a 'high profile' job and got nothing I wanted. I attended llots of film premieres, media parties, famous people around me. Sure there were always plenty of 4/5/6s available but it still wasn't cheap. If you wanted the lookers, then you'd better be a movie star/rock star/billionaire to score one. Came to Thailand age 50+ and suddenly I was banging 8/9/10s, and it was costing far less than back in the UK. Always followed the activities of the 'pick up artists' like Roosh Valdez who was supposed to be the expert in banging women for free, and he wasn't getting anything but 4/5/6s (club sluts) either and after age 40 he couldn't even get them. All I can wonder is whether you're in the top 10% of attractive Alpha males (Brad Pitt/Johnny Depp), or your standards are as low as Roosh!
  8. Most of the blocks are caused by the MEA/PEA. Force them to allow home Owners to produce their own electricity without the excessive paperwork and 2 year (or longer) delays in granting permission.
  9. I don't care about the bible, but abortion is the suicide of our current civilisation. Women in the modern technological world refuse to reproduce, while the more primitive countries breed like crazy. White folk were 60% of the world population before the WWs, now we're down to 15% (and that 15% now includes Hispanics). At this rate in another 50 years our civilisation will be completely gone. And the entire world will be left in the hands of the Religion of Peace, which in some ways I approve.
  10. Don't understand all the posting angst on this thread. It's not as if this lady has invited you to stay the night. Why do you care so much what she does in the privacy of her own home?
  11. They should choose to wait and not to break the law!
  12. Actually, I get a far larger Brit state pension than I ever expected (180 pounds/week). I also can't think of another western country that I'd want to trade my Brit citizenship. Glad I'm not from Oz or NZ where I'd not be allowed to claim the pension I worked all my life to earn.
  13. I can't help thinking abortion and murder are the same thing.
  14. The UK doesn't grow all it's own food due to the greed of the corporations. Everything could be home grown, but you can make bigger profits from importing from cheaper countries. Same as corporate outsourcing to 3rd world call centres. If the service is provided in the UK, it should be provided by UK citizens. Same as industry, Why manufacture in the UK, when it's cheaper to manufacture in the 3rd world. The answer is always corporate greed. And allowing corporate greed will destroy the world.
  15. Answer, Stop all imports and outsourcing workers. Grow all food eaten in the UK be produced/grown in the UK. Make everything used in the UK to be made in the UK. Make all services used in the UK, be provided by UK citizens. Don't give away money, make welfare recipients work for their food and housing. Stop all foreign aid, spend UK money on projects in the UK. Make all companies operating in the UK pay tax in the UK.
  16. That's all changing now, Australia and the USA want total control of home solar installations. In many states they want to tax use of solar cells. In the UK you would need planning permission.
  17. Photo taken from inside the nice warm capsule. I can't find any photos obviously taken outside on the Gemini 4 mission. They all seem to have been taken from inside the capsule.
  18. I'm suggesting this unprotected and uninsulated Hasselblad camera (pictured as used on the moon landing) wouldn't work on the dusty and cold moon surface.
  19. How do you explain the multiple shadows on photos from cameras and film that wouldn't have worked at the low temperatures on the moon?
  20. 1. I'm not sure about the moon landings, some of the photos are decidedly iffy! 2. I definitely don't think the world is flat. But do think that climate change and COVID are mainly political manipulation constructs. Not that 1. or 2. make any difference to my life.
  21. If you're in love, you're probably more foolish than she is.
  22. But none of them are living in Thailand! All my woman's and daughters friends are educated, at least a degree, and they're all incredibly shallow, ignorant and foolish. Come to think of it, none of the foreigners in Thailand seem all that intelligent either, but none of them have degrees, all plumbers, house painters, postmen, etc. One of the wealthier Thai guys was a bit short of money one day (gambling) and robbed a gold shop on Lampun. Used his nephews pickup as the getaway vehicle, arrested that same afternoon.
  23. Most Thais are too busy trying to keep their home and food on the table to worry about much else. It's only those of us from the nanny states that have the money and time to ponder the irrelevant! I prefer it here with women that only want to eat and f%$#, rather than back in the UK where the women only want to talk.
  24. Banana trees fruit and then die. New trees grow from the old trees roots.
  25. Every pair of glasses I've ever had in Asia. Your sweat + UV light degrades the 'scratch proof' layer on the plastic lens. The more you sweat and more time you spend outdoors, the quicker it happens. Normally 12-18 months for me. Buy your glasses from ZenniOptical.com ($50 a pair) then you can afford to chuck them every year or so. PS. Your 1979 glasses are made from glass so no scratch proof coating.
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