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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Only the pompous elderly wear sandals ........ I have flip-flops and trainers.
  2. Try Decathlon, they sell really big shoe sizes.
  3. I have solar panels and batteries powering my home. Fridge and freezer work no matter what (unless the sun goes out).
  4. When rent goes up the obvious answer is to move the bars to a cheaper rent area. LK Metro being a prime example of this happening.
  5. Smaller pieces are easier to handle.
  6. I'm retired, a 'neighbour war' gives me something to do. What do you do? Turn the other cheek?
  7. Erect corrugated sheet walls higher than either of their extensions, it'll block their windows and throw the rain back onto their walls and flood them out. No limits on the height of your walls in Thailand, and you're entitled to build them right against the boundary. My neighbour just did the same thing, built right up to the boundary, then hung his gutter on my side. I told him to move the gutter or else I would ....... he moved it.
  8. Many western men are completely subservient to women. In the USA you have to pay a woman you previously had sex with, after you've stopped having sex with her (alimony). This concept of owing money to women you previously had sex with is ingrained into their very being. Anything you say to oppose their view will be met with aggression and bile.
  9. Your VISA is still valid after divorce. It's only extensions that are questionable.
  10. Not a bargain, but not excessively priced IMHO. Tell your gf to offer 1.5M.
  11. I always have a medium size chest freezer for convenience. Costs about 2bht/day, enables me to buy boxes of frozen chips, frozen Cumberland sausages and bacon from Makro ...... electricity costs (2bht/day x 30) is compensated by driving to Makro in the pickup costs (10Km each way = 60bht)
  12. Me neither but a nice little old Thai lady kept one of my 6kbht deposits. Then the Thai landlady from hell handed back my deposit no problem. So far 3x returned, 1 time not returned (2x guest house, 2x house). You can never tell what the owner will do, so best only to pay 1 month. Sure, I can see you're trying to dis me because that's the sort of poster you are. But in reality I'm the perfect tenant, no parties, noise, hookers or accidents in my homes, I fix all those little problems myself (tap washers, door hinges, faulty locks, electrical faults), I just sit and watch TV ...... anything even slightly naughty happens out of sight of the gossipy Thai neighbours.
  13. Best not to pay more than 1 month security, you probably won't get it back. I always pass, on rentals that ask for 2 months security.
  14. I'm not sure how 'curtesy' definition: holding a wife's inherited property after her death, came into this thread? But I did like your suggestion that another poster needs better reading comprehension skills.
  15. Always impressed with the weakness of many western men. You owe a girlfriend nothing, that's why they're gfs and not a wife. No need to give her any explanations, or pay her any money (unless she's a prostitute, then you should pay her for the night). Many women are very unpleasant, if not dangerous on your exit. Best not to give them any chance to cause a scene, make false accusations, or even commit acts of violence upon you. Moving without prior informing or a forwarding address is always the best way to go IMHO.
  16. That's not a legal requirement. All that is needed is her Thai ID card and the owner of the new property with their book..
  17. Best to mind your own business. You aren't the police, you have no authority here.
  18. My Auntie was put in a care home age 80, she didn't even remember her children. But managed to escape a few times. My Uncle and his wife were also put in a care home together. Neither of them remembered the other or their marriage of 40 years. It's a very sad way to end your life.
  19. Alzheimer's victims are often good at escaping. Even from locked UK care homes.
  20. I wouldn't have risked bringing my young UK children to Thailand. Spain and France are much safer.
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