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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. The Lalisa care home is very nice and not that expensive. Prices starting at 17kbht/month for a shared room. https://www.facebook.com/baannlalisa
  2. There were never any allegations of UK crimes so there wouldn't be any charges. Back to the topic, we've had MPs shooting their wife dead at the dinner table, MPs convicted of smuggling drugs, and MPs that overthrew the elected government by force. Charges of feeling up a few hi-so women seem trivial in comparison.
  3. 138bht a month, no choice, don't know what it covers, never asked.
  4. Don't tell her anything, don't read her messages, block her phone number. When it's over best to end all communications.
  5. I don't insure anything unless required by law.
  6. I've just purchased 6 packets of flavoured rolling papers from China. Under 20bht each instead of the normal 60bht .......... god knows what will arrive.
  7. You read but you don't understand. Those properties are already owned/leveraged. Without the ability to insure them they become worthless. The current owners won't continue to repay any loans, the financial institutions will suffer a 100% loss. A 4% default (1 in 25) will be a massive blow to the finances of the country and it's institutions.
  8. Of course you can, I'm a white Anglo Saxon protestant (I can stretch that to include Catholics) with WASP/Thai mix children.
  9. No if it's only 'your' population dropping.
  10. I would sell it, I'm not big on owning land, Too hard to dispose of quickly, to easy for the woman you're living with to take it off you. If I had excess money, I'd buy a bunker in the woods and fill it with shelf stable food and ammo. If I were really really wealthy, I'd buy a sailing yacht and fill that with shelf stable foods and ammo.
  11. Presumably Oz banks won't be offering 30 year loans on any of them. If you can't get insurance, you can't get a mortgage. 1 in 25 householders losing their money would topple most governments/banks/financial institutions. Only 8 years left before Oz life becomes interesting and the Oz dollar worthless.
  12. I've always found most of the people using this investment policy crash and burn. Borrowing to invest is an idea many people try, and most fail. I'd prefer to buy lottery tickets ....... if I were desperate for money.
  13. I'll give Broadchurch a look ........ I used to holiday near there.
  14. You can't open the package, but you can at least check it's the right size before paying. I ordered a kitchen cabinet (approx weight 10-15Kg), when a small jiffy bag arrived I refused delivery.
  15. if crypto is making you so much money, why are you always asking advice on how to get a loan? That's what I find comical!
  16. Don't agree with the population scares. Most western countries have reducing populations, if you remove the non-white immigrants. Do agree with the sex. For most of my pals back in the UK sex stopped for them at age 40.
  17. I assumed it was 'easy walk to beach road'.
  18. It needed me to work and save for 20 years ............. Which many of my Brit pals never managed to do.
  19. This looks good at 9kbht/month https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/39150977?adults=1&check_in=2022-05-31&check_out=2023-06-01&display_extensions[]=MONTHLY_STAYS&federated_search_id=3c8459d9-d1e1-4e1d-b421-30374fc37ea1&source_impression_id=p3_1652616216_6tpphqNDbdecv6L1
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