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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'm totally OK in Chiang Mai. I decide where I live, plenty of women everywhere, no need to go and live in her village.
  2. Keep taking the antibiotics. While it's true some people react badly to them, for most people they do no harm at all. Having larger and larger chunks carved off you because of an infection is much more of a risk to your well being. Bacterial skin infections can quickly lead to amputation out here in the tropics. Would also point out 1. penicillin is usually given first, not second (unless you can't take penicillin). 2. You should notice an improvement in the first 1-2 days, or return to the doctor.
  3. In Vietnam I always use the bus. Very cheap, covers lots of places.
  4. Probably more comfortable than his home in Thailand. All expenses paid and good health care.
  5. All white guys look the same to him.
  6. And I expect you will claim your wife loves you for yourself!
  7. Wish I'd trusted my Brit wife a bit less ........ that trust cost me 660,000GBP.
  8. I don't see why I should doubt anyone's claims to multiple sexual partners in Asia. It's available everywhere you go, except China, I couldn't find anything there, not even the bus or train station without asking a policeman.
  9. Two nights is more than enough. Nowhere to go and nothing to see and the beaches have bitey sand flies. The water was nice though, if a bit shallow.
  10. My one lived in a village 15Km from the nearest 7-11/ATM (Lomsak) along unmade roads. The corrugated iron hut on stilts was open to the jungle, no closing windows or doors, just open spaces. All they had inside was a mattress on the floor, an old electric fan and small tube TV. No running water on the property, a shared village toilet block with bucket, hole in the ground, and a hose from another house. All the other villagers lived the same way from what I could see. The local school had no electricity. Same today, apart from water, the house now has it's own pump and hose that I provided.
  11. Sex drive varies a lot between different guys. I knew a young guy from Oz that was more than happy with once a month. When I arrived in 2009 it was so cheap you might as well take a different one home every night.
  12. Too many silly entry rules and expenses.
  13. I remember asking mine to go and look for a new bed and mattress. She said, "I can't help, my family have never had furniture before"
  14. My analogue meters in my car (Nissan) and m/cs (Honda) don't change with the ignition off.
  15. Mine said she moved in with me because she thought I had big money and she could get some of it. After a few years I asked why she didn't leave when she never got any ...... her reply, "life is easier with you than it was before"
  16. You have to get out of your car and watch the pump gauge at the start and finish of the transaction. This is normal for all fills in Asia, else they will rob you. Same in bars when you pay for anything with a 1k note, you have to wave it in the air and ask in a loud voice, "can you change a 1,000?"
  17. Yes I did, but didn't consider a broken jaw as 'cosmetic', which is the reason they refused to pay.
  18. No roller coasters, but plenty of other great rides in Pattaya to try.
  19. I prefer my coffee served in a ceramic cup/mug ....... as long as it's washed between customers, I'm happy with that.
  20. When you buy a coffee in Starbucks (et al), do you feel unhappy that there are other people being sold coffee?
  21. After having accident insurance that refused to pay, I no longer buy insurance.
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