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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Would also point out it's illegal in the UK to let a minor have sex with someone in your house. It would have put her on the sex offenders list if it had been reported. My 15yo son wanted to have sex with his 16yo girlfriend in my house back in the UK. I made him wait until he was 16 as I didn't want to go to jail. It was still a complete poopstorm when her dad found out, after they were both 16, but at least they couldn't call the police and have me arrested and charged as a sex offender.
  2. There's a million empty rooms in Thailand at the moment, with no sign of any upturn in the market. I'd suggest a rent reduction from 18k to 12k to at least keep some income going. No need to wait until the end of his lease, tell him it's a special COVID discount. 3 bed houses in my nice quiet moobaan rent for 10k/month in a good year, right now they're mostly empty at any price.
  3. That would make her a paedophile and you a trafficked child prostitute she had groomed. Was her name Maxwell by any chance?
  4. Tourists don't pay import duties on items they carry with them.
  5. Send her a copy of your passport photo page. That's it.
  6. The only thing I ever check is the fibre internet connection. If there's none, I won't be living there.
  7. My Brit wife got my Brit house when she divorced me in the UK, the laws aren't any different back home in the west (just the wording). At least here we know the house will be theirs (if we buy one), and they don't get alimony, child maintenance and your pension.
  8. My daughter bought a 64k Honda Click 150i, total cost over 5 years 120kbht.
  9. I don't need to know what they want or what they think. They can take the 10k/month and serve me, or not, up to them.
  10. That's because the judges running the shows choose all the songs. All the shows are totally fake and 100% managed. Old judges choose old songs.
  11. Thinking you know the mind of a woman is the ultimate male hubris.
  12. All my relationships with women started with alcoholic drinks. Same for all my friendships with men. Nobody sober would have anything to do with me!
  13. Women only care about their bloodline. I thought you were a man? Men and women don't have the same biological programming. I love my Thai step-daughter much more than my four Brit kids, but I'm not a woman.
  14. It's not the music that's dead, just you. Plenty of good stuff around now.
  15. Horrible thing to happen, but killing someone is much harder than you imagine. A few whacks with a lump of wood wouldn't usually do it.
  16. 30 years living with someone is hard to forget or put behind you, the only woman I ever loved. I still think of my parents and I only lived with them for 18 years.
  17. I was once at Ruam Chok market with a couple of old, tall, skinny but muscled cycling pals (late 50s). Two of the market stall ladies (late 30s) were eyeing us, and one said in Thai, 'why can't our husbands look like that' (husbands were short pot bellied 40 somethings snoozing in camp chairs beside them)
  18. Married her mom, mom asked for money to send to village for her. I said no, but I'd be OK with her living with us. Mom moved on, left her (and our son) with me. New gf moves in. Normal life in Thailand as far as I can see. Locals and schoolteachers thought I was nice (or possibly gay) to look after without expecting 'favours' in return.
  19. It does a better job than the 4-8 paracetamol a day I was previously taking. And with far less risk as far as I can see.
  20. I always browse using 'view new content'. Generally I have no idea in which particular section a thread was created. Double pricing isn't a problem specific to Phuket, so I answered.
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