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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I cook liver and onions myself. But I'm a bit put off by liver being the same price as pork. I'm used to liver being much cheaper.
  2. Doesn't matter what I want, immigration recycle the backs of our completed forms and hand them out randomly. As for identity theft, you wouldn't want to be using mine for anything.
  3. One day my girlfriend was having a complete meltdown while driving the scooter, me on the back. Crazy shouting and swerving, as I didn't feel like falling off, I turned the key off and took it out. Still crazy shouting and jumping, so I restrain her by pinning her arms to her side. As she's wiggling and screaming, two Thai guys come up and ask if she needs some help with the foreigner. I let go, and she promptly jumps off the scooter, runs to the side of the road and picks up a rock. The Thai guys run off, with her chasing them and waving the rock in the air. Completely forgot about being angry with me, funniest thing I ever saw!
  4. Do I care if a 'hacker' steals my 90 day report information? Or submits a 'fake' 90 day report on my behalf? Always wonder at the paranoia of people demanding security on things that don't matter. Anyway, Nobody has explained why my online application was rejected, but that same application printed out and submitted in person was perfectly acceptable?
  5. Mine too ........ so I printed it out and took it to immigration where it was accepted. Madness!
  6. The leak is nearly always where the pipe from the mains enters the house. The ground shrinks away from the house and pulls the fitting apart. A chap came around and hammered into the back door slab and found it first go. He wanted 500bht, I handed him 1,000bht.
  7. There's a 7-11, BigC and a Lotus fresh just up the road to me. Got to 7-11 and Big C all the time, never been in Fresh, the locals say 'too expensive' avoid. Empty car park, no customers.
  8. Being a rice farmer ain't all that great either, and sometimes they step on a snake. Come to think of it, My job back in the UK, 12hr shifts, at least an hour commute each way ........
  9. I'm using the Gigabyte Aorus Elite B450M @ 2,700bht (now 2,200bht). Good solid performance ...... is the 550 worth paying more than double the price?
  10. Not that great ......... out of the 16, one is high, 3 are low. I've ordered another 4 so I can try to match the 16 cells. I've also bought a 4 cell 5A capacitor balance (500bht), no need to balance 16 cells, I think I can just put the best and worst next to each other in the pack and just put a balance across them. But the good news, I now have enough storage to last 2 nights and a day in-between with no sun (lots of rain and cloud here). Today, my batteries were full by mid-day and I still had enough spare to cook lunch and run 2 computers and TVs most of the day.
  11. I think you will find they are all scammers with no feedback. Never buy from Lazada sellers with no feedback. I built a system with a Ryzen 5 3400g last year and am very happy with it.
  12. Most old people have no choices due to lack of money. Moving home costs a lot of money, especially if you've already paid for your existing home.
  13. I want to marry a woman and live off her the rest of my life, and have a free house.
  14. I've had some dates with 'trailer trash' in the west. Thailand ain't that far behind with their lazy women. They just miss out on the option to pop out a couple of kids and live free the rest of their life. (No welfare/alimony/child support)
  15. I thought Ploy translated as 'release me'. Anyway typical 'tall' ladyboy. All those guys in pubs claiming to be former SAS .... I never thought flight attendants!
  16. But who's to say the first world countries are right, and the 3rd world countries are wrong? Back in the UK I didn't see many happy women who'd passed beyond their 'club slut' days. IMHO most of them seemed depressed and mentally ill.
  17. 1. An easy life, no need to earn money. 2. Nice home and decent treatment, no beatings. 3. Personal freedom, she can more or less do what she likes. 4. Education, I sent her to high school and then University.
  18. I assumed they would choose accept any man, of any nationality, that would take them out of their life of poverty and hard work. Will B. Good's story seems to confirm this theory. Many Thai women don't appear to have many choices, so they take what they can get and make the best of it. My current woman seems in no hurry to move on, life is easy, and she gets a pension if she sticks it out to the end. Even now I find it hard to believe that attractive Thai women have so few choices compared to attractive women in the west. Welfare has a lot to answer for!
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