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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Leaves are a bit droopy, I'd say over watered.
  2. UK incest law, it's OK to bang your indirect relatives Auntie/Uncle, Nephew/niece. The prohibitions are against direct relatives, parents, children, siblings. As for Ricky, who would care if he were banging his legal age nephew? Certainly not me. "Vente pa ca" was a great song.
  3. Can't as you have your PM function switched off. "Pumpuynarak cannot receive messages."
  4. I buy from a guy on LINE. 400bht for 100gm of brick. Free delivery in BK. No good for you though as you want to buy in person.
  5. Took me about 30 minutes when I moved from the UK to Thailand. What I could carry in a carry-on wheely case.
  6. Critical Orange Punch was the best I've smoked. Very vivid dreams on the border between wake and sleep. Lemon Kush was about the least effective. Didn't do anything for my arthritis. Brick 69 or (R9) is as good as anything, at 3kbht/Kg (I paid 450bht for 100gm). A little harsh on the throat, but does the full job.
  7. I'm 140+ which puts me in the top 0.01% of the world population. I'm looking for under 35 years old, weighing less than 50Kg, female from birth and hopefully small round headlights. Ability to speak any language I understand not required.
  8. It's unlikely anything will change IMHO. Too many expensive business are opening to cater to the recreational smoker. Thai people/authorities are very good at talking, without ever actually doing.
  9. I check the price of everything before I buy. It'd be stupid not to. But on the other hand, I never feel the need to watch other elderly white guys when I'm out and about, unless they appear to be a direct physical threat to me.
  10. Australian.......... Worst education system in the western world!
  11. My first one (Thai bar girl) insisted on doing it 5x a day ......... almost killed me. I lasted 9 months then ran away, no forwarding address. Lucky escape as a few years later she's piled on the pounds. Can you imagine living with a fat chick that wanted to do it all the time?
  12. Don't care, as long as she bangs me when I feel like it.
  13. Brushes are cheaper than brush cleaner. So I just chuck mine and buy new brushes every time.
  14. I waited until last week and bought 100gm for 450bht. Enough to last me 200 days. Strong stuff too!
  15. Doubt I have more than 5 years left, so who cares? Old folk worrying about the future makes me laugh........ Newsflash, you have no future!
  16. Traditionally you would want a woman who could work your farm and produce many babies, and maybe bring some extra land with the marriage. The woke last 50 years you consider as 'reality ' has no connection with tradition, and will be gone once the religion of peace has it's way.
  17. Assuming your alarmist climate change nonsense is real.
  18. I do all the time. Your bank account to their bank account. If nothing arrives a police report with their bank account listed is easy to do.
  19. Wet or dry dirt? And do you water the cuttings at all? I've only ever ended up with dead cuttings this way.
  20. Pump/pipes/stones 150bht delivered. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sonic-ap600-ap1000-ap1200-ap1600-ap2500-water-pump-i2026520161-s6543832332.html?
  21. Knocked me out after smoking 0.5gm. A slightly harsher smoke than the 700bht/gm weed, but same effect. Recovered and just eaten 2/5 a happy pizza with 2gm as topping.
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