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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'm betting they would like to chase females, but just lack the opportunity. So they take up gardening, or build little projects in the garden shed to help ease their pain. Hell, when I discovered Thailand at age 52, I was banging twice a night.
  2. You forgot Clinton, Obama, Biden ................ Clinton sexually abused his staff, Obama murdered Arab foreigners, Biden forgot his first name and where he is.
  3. Agree, I would have had a much happier life if I were stupid. The village idiot was always happy.
  4. I suspect my grid consumption will be down to 40-70 units by next month. It's only the air-con, water heater and the oven left on the grid now. Probably not a good idea to try and go any lower.
  5. Not much point as I am now generating more power than I can store. By 1:30-2pm the battery is full and the inverter is stepping down the power to just what I am using. Then at 3pm the solar panels are in shadow and just produce 300-500w until 5pm when the light has gone. Before the heavy smog hit I was peaking at 2.25kW. But again, by 12:30pm I had nowhere to store the extra power.
  6. I assumed, The 'nail salon' is offering services that Thai ladies are uniquely qualified to perform.
  7. 100kbht in suitcases? All they'd get from me is a couple of T-shirts and some used undies. Paveena is hot! So much for merit making, they won't be doing that again.
  8. Not true, I could never find anyone prepared to cheat with me in the west (OK, maybe 2 in 30 years). Here, I can walk down almost any road any day and meet a female prepared to give me a go.
  9. My 'not trying much' is usually way above most other people's 'best'. Surely being better than everyone else counts for something?
  10. Usually they espouse the same morals as their local religion, often in a slightly harsher form so as to appear as more moral than the religious people.
  11. Morals are merely reflections of your religion ........ there are very few absolutes. Mohammed was a very moral person, but had no problems marrying a 10 year old. Joseph age 70, had no problems marrying a 14 year old. Trustworthy ...... another difficult one. I have no problems lying to my government and cheating on my taxes, if I think I can get away with it. But I wouldn't walk out of a bar without paying my bill, and I wouldn't steal from another person. Cheating on my gf ....... At almost every opportunity, but then we never required fidelity of each other, so is it really cheating? Had plenty of sex with other men's women, but I didn't usually know about the other man, until he called her and she answered during sex (Asian women seem to like doing that, answering phone calls from their husband while having sex with another guy). I've pretty much given up on Abrahamic derived morals/rules. Why shouldn't I eat pork, shellfish, or wear mixed fibre clothing?
  12. More like institutionalised InCel/Indentured servitude. Maybe your marriage was different to my marriage.
  13. I'd suggest she marries a Thai guy. Easy VISA extension, and after 2 years she can apply for citizenship.
  14. I always pointed my switched off phone at the QR, paused, then walked in. Security always seemed happy with that.
  15. I'm withholding my trust until cannabis is 100% legal in all circumstances before I believe. One promise at a time dude, that ain't much to ask, and I'm still waiting on your first promise from 5 years back!
  16. But most of the posters on this forum are IMHO 'bottom rung'. So why do we expect more from a woman?
  17. So you get loads of guys looking for 'high quality' women posting in threads. Are you a 'High quality' man, how do you define your high qualities, and why do you think you deserve a 'high quality' woman. Is it a university education, wealth, dressing nicely that makes you 'high quality'. Can I be 'high quality' if I dress nicely wear polished black shoes, shirt and tie, jacket and long trousers ..... and work as a unqualified schoolteacher in the 3rd world. Am I 'high quality' if I've had less than 3 female sexual partners in my life? And what is a 'high quality' woman? University educated, half Chinese virgin from a rich family? I define myself as 'low quality', Sure I got the degrees, earned loads of money, live comfortably, but I'm a beer swilling, fat, bald old guy that never wears anything but a knock off Football shirt (Liverpool), shorts and flip flops. Don't care about museums, poetry, art, theatre and can't endure jazz.
  18. My only requirements for a woman, under 35 years old, weighing less than 50Kg, and will have sex with me when I feel like it. Which gives me an idea for a 'Pub' thread ............
  19. What an odd post! I'm not a 'high quality man', so why would I expect a to live with a 'high quality woman'. Most of the expats I meet were painters/plumbers/postmen/etc. in the west, a poor (but much younger) uneducated farm girl seems a lot more than most of us deserve! Back in the west I dreamed of being promiscuous, but none of the women there wanted me. They seemed to prefer a council flat, a welfare check and half a dozen cats to me. Can't say I blame them, I wouldn't have minded free housing and some free money either.
  20. I wasn't talking to you. You aren't dating a western woman 20 years your junior. Although to be fair the guy I did quote only specified 'European' so she might be from one of the odd countries with no welfare, where the single moms are as desperate as the Thai single moms. Why Thai ladies marry white guys 20+ years older is easy to explain. I know I've got one, her choices were limited to either a life of ease in my nice modern home, or scrabbling around trying to sell somtam on a market stall every day and living in a single room. Most women choose welfare over a man (assuming welfare is an available option).
  21. I have a similar rule ............ If a girl woman did not offer to have sex with me during the 1st date, there would be no more dates.
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