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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I was originally avoiding the police. My government and their jackbooted goons don't need to know where I am or what I'm doing.
  2. Never use your real name online ....... for anything. I rarely use my real name, even with my friends, they don't need to know. Never interact with the police unless arrested, and then only with a lawyer present. No chat, no friendly questions and answers, don't let them enter your home without a search warrant, force them to either arrest you or walk away. When arrested and questioned under caution, with your lawyer, be vague, be evasive, I don't remember that, I'm not sure I was there. If you admit to being there, they are half way to proving you guilty.
  3. Get rid of ALL the military, money problem solved.
  4. I don't transfer money from my UK bank, and never have, if I did they would probably close my account. Best to use money moving companies that don't operate under nosey UK government rules.
  5. UK state pension payments are funded by current NI payments (which Labour just raised), they don't invest. And allegedly UK state pension recipients only claim for an average of 8 years, so it's not that big a deal.
  6. She chucked away the Mexican/Catholic vote by 1. promoting abortion https://time.com/7096543/kamala-harris-abortion-plan-2024/ 2. not turning up to their Catholic charity election dinner. https://zenit.org/2024/10/18/kamala-harris-does-not-attend-the-most-important-catholic-charity-dinner-trump-takes-advantage-of-absence/ 3. dissing Christians (you're at the wrong rally)
  7. Sex when I feel like it, as much British, Indian and Mexican food as I want, a nice house to live in with a big TV and fast internet, unlimited free books, music, TV shows and movies, sunny days I can cycle, and my rabbits. I'm living the dream!
  8. Not me, I'm already old and probably don't have another four years.
  9. As long as they can use what's down below, I'm good!
  10. A dead forum member I knew quite well (Dave2) had many minor strokes, starting in his early 60s, none of which appeared to have any serious effect on him (until the final one in his sleep killed him age 71). He always told me the doctors opinion was, once you've had one, you'll keep having them and eventually it'll kill you. Medication will reduce the frequency and severity, but it won't cure it. 45% chance of death within 5 years. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6891883/
  11. Not Trump! But Kamala, "Harris then attended the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, where she served as president of its chapter of the Black Law Students Association. She graduated with a Juris Doctor in 1989." And Biden, "In 1968, Biden earned a Juris Doctor degree from the university's College of Law, ranked 76th in his class of 85 students. He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969 and practiced as a lawyer before running for political office." And Obama, "Obama graduated from Harvard Law in 1991 with a Juris Doctor magna cum laude. In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book."
  12. Nobody wants you when you're old, not even your children. I had this idea, if I pay for my kids the first 18 years, they will look after me for my last 18 years. But nope, only my Thai stepdaughter offers that service, not my 4 biological kids.
  13. More to do with government policy, 1. saving on welfare (cheaper to use your money than welfare money) 2. encouraging consumer spending (men earn 80%, women spend 80%) In countries with no welfare, women don't get given men's money.
  14. I prefer, "If I'm paying, I'm saying" But misogyny is a hatred of women, but all the men I've encountered (two or three) that actually hate (or dislike women) just avoid them and relationships with them.
  15. The security services have the final say on all broadcasts from western media. They also have a say on staff recruitment for 'sensitive' jobs in the media.
  16. There's a difference between being interested, and being obsessed by one man that's probably just a puppet for the same people as the last 50 years of presidents and candidates.
  17. I don't think there is any credible media left (if it ever existed). On any subject!
  18. Short version, Him: I can still have sex when I'm over 40 years old. Her: I don't need to contribute my wage to his mortgage.
  19. Thought Australia was owned by China.
  20. Did my 60 day extension without my wife in Chiang mai. Did my 1 year extension, wife and 100 photocopies required.
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