"Why so many Asian Click-Bait Bikini Girls on my YT Feed?'
It's because you keep clicking on them!
My feed is full of Capybara, Marmot and rabbit videos for the same reason.
At age 68 I've decided death isn't far away ........
So I'm drinking more, smoking more and eating a lot more fried food so I don't waste any more of my remaining time.
It's also got schools with metal detectors, teachers that have sex with pupils, doctors that only treat you if you can pay, Nazi scientists, nuclear weapons, and a military that invades other countries to steal their oil.
If the car is 10ft from you and moving at 2 miles an hour ............ IMHO, not that dangerous.
But armed white US police are well known for shooting unarmed motorists, especially if they're black.
Used to have pizza there with pals every week (ish).
Then one day, hardly any toppings on the 4 topping pizza, and we never went there again.
Now stuck in a rut with Rajdarbar Indian restaurant, and Au der Auf German buffet breakfast.
I'd liked to have known that back in the UK, age 20, before I married a Brit woman.
Already knowing that, Thailand's been great.
PS. I also already knew ...... there are no good ones!
Things I can't live without (in no particular order).
Fast internet, BIG TV, English muffins, crumpets, bacon, ham, British sausages, Crunchie bars .........
You gotta use the vouchers from a smart phone (Shopee app) for the discounts.
Today's voucher only discounts 300bht (+ 200 shipping)
Like I said ......... tomorrow ........
Shopee has some amazing deals in the sales using vouchers.
I bought a Redmi Pad SE (11") normal price 6kbht for 4kbht in the 8.8 sale.
1,800 on Shopee from the Xiaomi official store (using voucher)
On sale 15th for 1400bht.