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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Thai government. Jail 5-10 years.
  2. Until they actually start punishing Thai drivers running through lights And crossings, nothing will ever change.
  3. I've had many really beautiful women in Thailand/PI/Cambodia/Vietnam, all 7s and up. Back in the UK it was hard to get a 5. OK, so they've all been a bit used by their 30s, but I'm also a bit used in my 60s.
  4. I am not, nor have I ever been a participant in AN/TV.
  5. It might happen, but I'd just leave and buy a DTV. Or failing that, abandon my house, mortgage and family for Cambodia or PI.
  6. I thought Hoi An was the worst example of a tourist trap I've ever seen, all coffee shops and souvenir shops, with shoulder to shoulder Chinese tourists. I only managed 90 minutes before I caught the bus out.
  7. I don't watch TV I don't know any foreigners I don't participate on social media I don't read, write or speak Thai Even if they do want me to pay income tax (which I doubt), how would I know about it?
  8. Presumably they'll be teaching that blaming the far right for everything is a government conspiracy.
  9. Airbnb gives you twice the bang for your buck in Vietnam. Don't know why!
  10. Can't remember, I just choose from Airbnb, by area (close to beach) that I like. Here's one I'd be happy with..... https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/733893444591231016?adults=2&location=Da Nang%2C Vietnam&search_mode=regular_search&check_in=2024-08-28&check_out=2024-08-31&source_impression_id=p3_1723425871_P3SwIEOMSbIy75RP&previous_page_section_name=1001
  11. Disagree, STDs are more prevalent in countries where you are required to pay a doctor to get antibiotics. In Thailand you can buy Moxy for 40bht from any pharmacy.
  12. Tarts and Vicars ..... was a yearly 'freshers' event at my UK university. For some reason the guys always used to go dressed as tarts, and the girls always used to go dressed as vicars. I went twice but never bothered to dress up.
  13. I always get somewhere near the beach (under 200m). The beach at Da Nang is amazing, sand is clean, sea is clear. Worth a walk or two along and at least one swim every day.
  14. I've always found frequency more important than quality!
  15. Thais aren't best at anything, but they are cheap and easy to find, which is good enough for me!
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 28 seconds  
  17. If you never encounter any Thai officials (except at borders), how would they know, or enforce?
  18. Same for me, no TM30 for 10 years, then immigration asked for one. Went to the office, they said "why is there no record of you in our system". I said, it beats me, how could that happen? Then they decided it was a glitch in their system, made out my TM30, no fine.
  19. Rather than running scared on rumours. Why not just wait. Pages of nonsense posted by fools IMHO. Unless they refuse me an extension, I'm paying nothing. If they do refuse me an extension, it's 5 year DTV time, and still no money from me.
  20. 2,000bht fine for those that should but don't file.
  21. I don't think any Thai government official ever expected foreign pensioners living in Thailand to ever file tax returns. This agenda is being pushed by the usual bunch who Iive in fear of everything.
  22. Koreans say exactly the same. Imagine how bad their schools must be!
  23. Yeah, but none of them wanted to come here (can't say I blame them) so they're stuck with 3rd world tourists.
  24. Foreign wives get easy citizenship in Thailand. Only takes being married a year.

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