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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Yes, but you didn't have to do the Natural Approach. They had structured as well. The Natural Approach takes years. I did the same when Dr Brown was still there. Must be 30 years ago.
  2. AUA Bangkok for 6 months straight. Reading, writing, speaking, listening. Hard to say when you are conversational as there are always new words and where I live now they speak Isaan Thai or Lao and Phu Tai. You never stop learning. Good idea reading so you can practice with street signs etc. Some places have full on Structured Approach learning which gives you a boost start.
  3. 'CX4 to control ...CX4 to control ... this is Hop Harrigan coming in'. Remember that on the old air waves before television.
  4. Where's a phone or letter box when you need one?
  5. My pictures also disappeared until I uninstalled then reinstalled Brave browser.
  6. I'd say more expensive. My son and family of 7 are in Italy for a few months holiday then come here to see us. He was talking about Euro 200 for massages and Euro 100 for deck chairs on the pebbly sand. He said they are doing a lot of cooking in the B&B as everything too expensive. I just had a massage at our house by our local village massager boy/girl. B200 for 2 hours.:)
  7. Sheryl said: 'Dehydration and low electrolytes will certainly do that.' Yes, my stupid, bullet proof, fault. My back was sore, so had a Tramodol before the walk. Usually eat a couple of eggs also and drink a litre of water and take water, but this time I didn't drink water, take water or wear a hat. Usually if I feel sore I just push through and after a couple of km feel OK. Have to wake up, not a super fit, 20 year old Surf Lifesaver that I used to be. :)
  8. Thank you very much Sheryl. We love that hospital. I did lots of neurology checks in Australia after my last lumbar fusion, then they were going to put rods in my back, then got caught up with Covid and hospitals only accepting Covid patients, then my second TKR revision, so gave up. It's been 5 months since my last knee revision, but my legs are getting slowly worse and I'm getting worried about riding my bike because of loss of sensory feelings in my legs. Last Saturday I went for our 6km walk but only made it 4km before I sat down and went unconscious. When my wife got me to Emergency both arms and hands were shaking badly. Only found low electrolytes. Thanks. Don't get old. :)
  9. Have been feeling unwell on and off for a while now and my right hand shaking has progressed to left hand as well. As well as my hands I seem to have the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. I saw a post from Sheryl recommending Professor Dr Rongroj Bhidayasrai. I am in the Kalasin region. Would Professor Rongroj be the person to book an appointment with?
  10. Swim Ear drops are from Aus, someone could send them over. I use swimming ear plugs and after the swim pour an earful of hydrogen peroxide or similar. Mostly now I try to keep to breaststroke to stop the ear problem. I you swam in cold water (winter in Sydney) and all year round, you may have the bones growing over the ear canal, so when water gets in, it can't get out, therefore infection. I've had these bones cut out twice. The latest operations just go thru the ear canal where as the ones before made a big cut behind the ear. If you ever have to have bones removed, and you get sea sick, the doctor can give anti seasick injection. I was sooooo sick (seasick) after the operations.
  11. Anyone living in Thailand with this disease? What medicine do you take for increasing dopamine? Where do you purchase the medicine and what cost? Thanks
  12. Had a COD delivery from an on-line chemist shop in Pattaya. Recommended in this forum, I think. Can't find the Web address. Anyone got www address please?
  13. Sometimes the air is so still and hot. There may not be good air flow on some days. Also, sometimes even with lots of overhead fans you are just moving hot air. Sometimewoodworker is right. Why not go for something like that colorbond extension?
  14. What ever you put up there is going to be hot underneath. Just clear will be hotter. You can get clear in a double wafer configuration with colour pigments. I have a skylight like that, but going to be hot.
  15. If you are talking about nasal Polyps causing sinus, don't mess with these as they can turn cancerous as they did with me.
  16. A good plasterer (Thai farmer) will fix that...for a while.
  17. Just too big for me. Carrying a back injury and got 2 other bikes. Twas a good idea at the time, about 4 months when I ordered them to be built.
  18. Yes, PM me as I don't know if I can advertise here. Anyway will try:Think the price is about B60000 each. They are fold up to put in the car. Huge 4" snow tires, 500 W rear motor, aluminum. They were a specific special order so no brand. We live in Isaan but will be in Bangkok on the 12th October.
  19. 'Here in Thailand I don't think any such thing exists, I don't think there is any certification or regulation covering trades skills. Colleges and universities are everywhere here, but none for trades it seems.' There are training phacilities. In a previous life I was the Engineering Manager at a school of engineering. The courses were the Australian diplomas in electronics and computers. Lots of hands on practice. Also German Institute ran tradespeople like courses.
  20. Just arrived 2 new Ebikes, but a bit too big for us older people. PM me if you are interested.
  21. Came to my place and a friends. Said they have to check yearly that you are still where you say you are and get any new photos.
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