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Everything posted by jimn

  1. Lol another person who does not have a clue. I am enjoying my retirements years living in Thailand on a Retitement extension. It only takes a few minutes to do a Google search and become acquainted with Thai visa options. Its much quicker than writing and asking a silly question on ASEAN NOW.
  2. I gave up reading after you quoted "triple entry tourist visa". These ended years ago. Get your terminolgy correct and state what visa you actually have and I am sure people will help you. The ignorance of some people who pretend to be grown ups astounds me.
  3. What? Stupid answer. He said least humid not most humid.
  4. Passport validity and expiry date is very important to be aware of, especially with an extension of stay. For example. My passport expires April 24 2025. My extension is renewed every May 24, currently valid until 2024. I realised the other day that I although my passport is valid until May 24 2025, that I will need a new passport before I apply for my next extension, otherwise I will only get an extension until the passport expiry date. This is no good for me as I always stay in Thailand until end of May for my yearly trip home. I therefore will be getting a new passport on my return to the Uk in 2 weeks even though I will still have roughly 22 months remaining on it. I do not want to renew it via VFS whilst in Thailand.
  5. It depends on the area. In Pattaya the service really has gone down the drain. We only now use Flash, they have small offices and the service is really helpful. For a passport as recommended Thai Post Office EMS is the best option.
  6. I dont know where you live but I live in a secure gated village community with full time security and cctv all over the place. People do it all the the time. Sometimes parcels left for a couple of days. Never an issue. The drivers only take a photo of the package on delivery never of the receiver. What works for one doesnt work for others.
  7. This is such sad news, Joe was such a valuable asset to this forum. Thanks for posting details of his life.
  8. You talk a great deal of sense. I hate COD, simply because I carry little cash. I am so used to paying by card and contactless when back in the UK, cash is so ancient. I use Lazada only and pay with my UK no fee credit card, it works very well. No worrying about being home to pay for the delivery, they can leave it with security or on top of the gate. Never ever had an issue.
  9. I had 800k in my bank for about 5 minutes in April, until the agent asked me to transfer it back to him.
  10. I already have a Bangkok Bank account. My agent provided the finance I had to visit the bank with them but not immigration. Extension based on Retirement back in 2 days 12,500. Based on a Non O.
  11. You are being pedantic. Normally I would agree that anyone quoting visa on arrival you should correct them and tell them a visa on arrival is 15 days. In this case the OP clearly stated he was from the UK and alhough technically incorrect in saying visa on arrival, we know what he means. This however does yet again raise the importance of getting the terminology correct. Visa exempt entry 30 days, visa on arrival from about 19 countries 15 days.
  12. I only use Lazada because it accepts foreign credit cards, I never use cash on delivery. Never had a problem if returning things Lazada always refunds me before the seller approves as apparantely I am an approved customer or words to that effect.
  13. 5 baht in the market lol. Overall the new layout is a disaster. My wife and I used to spend quite a lot in there. Now things are so hard to find, we spend half of what we did before and overall the shopping experience is negative. A poor move by the management, everyone in there was complaining last week.
  14. If using the income method for an extension based on retirement you have to show 12 monthly income payments of 65k or over, into a Thai bank account as a foreign transfer. It doesnt matter if its a pension or not. For married its 40k.
  15. What on earth has happened to the large Lotus's in South Pattaya. Over the last few months they have condensed the size of the store into 70% of the floor area it occupied before. Now there is no structure to the layout, everything is crammed into small isles which are barely enough to wheel a shopping trolly. The beer and spirit section is a small area and is now a joke. The tills are in the middle of the floor with no room to pack your goods properly. All this to rent floor space to small outlet shops who no one buys from. In fact the floor area that they are trying to rent too is mainly empty. Dont they know that online shopping is now so popular that there is no need for these small shops. Whoever made the decision to carry out these changes needs his/her head examined. Its an absolute disgrace.
  16. Out of interest what forms are required. I know you have to get a form from the embassy, is there a Thai TM? form as well?
  17. All that is required is to upload a copy of your passport ID page, nothing else.
  18. Are you in Thailand now? If so please confirm that you entered on a Tourist visa and what is the date on the stamp when you entered. Are you aware that you can get a single re entry permit to save the date of your entry stamp into Thailand whatever date that is. It may then be possible to enter visa exempt again and if necessary extend by 30 days to give you what you need.
  19. Dec and Jan are the busiest months, go away then
  20. In this case I disagree with you. A questionable arrest and overstaying the visa in Malaysia with result in her being denied a UK visit visa. The UK will have no way of checking any Malaysian database even if it is kept up to date. She has nothing to lose by getting a new passport and not declaring the convictions, no one will know. By the way I am not naive about UK visa applications. I have successfully carried out 3 x 1 year applications, a 5 year and a 10 year visa for my Thai wife.
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